J. Kb

Decriminalizing theft will lead to murder


The radical Left has decriminalized theft.

In California it has been legalized up to $950 per incident.

In New York, prosecutors have simply refused to enforce the law rendering it void.

As one can expect, because of this theft has skyrocketed.

There are people in this country who are desperately trying to hang onto civilization by their fingertips.  People who want to live in a civilization governed by laws and rules and order, and refus to let the criminals have free rein.

It was these two store employees (dressed in all black) who resisted the theft, and they received violence as a reward.

Note the security guard which just watches this with one hand on his hip as though his natural inclination is to have his thumb up his ass.

The thieves, emboldened by their previous soft treatment did not turn and run at the first sign of resistance to their criminality but fought to steal the items they believed they were entitled to take.

This will escalate.

Thieves will eventually kill anyone who resists their decriminalized theft.

The bureaucrats and elected officials will not accept blame for this or try to fix it.  They will use the violence to further justify gun control or some other social justice policy that subsidizes crime.

Can someone explain this to me

There are people in this country who performed a double mastectomy on a physically healthy 15 year old girl, do to a mental illness that was so poorly diagnosed that she immediately regretted the procedure and wants to have reconstructive surgery.

Why in a supposedly enlightened and civil society that is reminded daily to “trust the science” could this have been done to an emotionally vulnerable girl?

And how is it that everyone who did this to her has not been put in prison or sent feet first and screaming through a woodchipper?


Speaking of police recruiting, I can’t see this going wrong at all

A buddy sent me this:


It’s real.  It’s on the MPD Facebook page.


Readers know of my contempt for influencers.

I can’t imagine how badly this will go.

Some slice of cheesecake in uniform, patrolling while on TikTok or Instagram trying to get those influencer dollars while on duty.

That won’t be a conflict of interest at all.

And what will the blowback be when Officer McSugartits gets shot while livestreaming to her two million followers.

The people running our civilization are coming up with such bad ideas they are dumping black pills into the drinking water like fluoride.


The state of modern parenting


When you have all the comorbidites so you make your toddler wear a mask around the house and post it on TikTok for likes instead of losing weight and getting in shape.

When this poor child grows up with a speech impediment and a reading deficiency, it will be blamed on systemic racism, I guarantee it.