J. Kb

Tell me that COVID theater is a morality play and only those filthy deplorables catch it without telling me COVID theater has become a morality play

Actual science: “COVID is a highly communicable, airborne virus, like the flu or common cold, you can do your best to avoid it but eventually you’re gonna catch it.  That’s the nature of highly communicable airborne viruses.”

COVID theater sciencism: “COVID is a disease that only bad people get if they don’t socially distance, mask, vaccinate and booster, and otherwise comply with every government bureacracy mandate.  If you catch it you should feel ashamed because it means you are not as good of a person as you think you are.”

It would be a real shame…

Now that Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty, it would be a real shame if some people leaked all of the Epstein/Maxwell evidence – including Epstein’s infamous little black book, videos, pictures, etc. – online.

All of it.


It would be a huge shame if the pedophile politicians, billionaires, and other elites were all named and their dirty laundry was aired all over the internet.

It was a shame when some IRS source leaked Trump’s tax returns to much fanfare.

It would be an absolute shame if everything that happened on Epstein’s Island became public knowledge.

I’m not endorsing a crime, I’m saying it would be a real shame if that happened.

Time to reset the CNN counter

Second CNN producer under ‘criminal investigation’ involving ‘potential juvenile victims’

A second ex-CNN producer is under criminal investigation over allegations involving “potential juvenile victims.”

Fairfax County (Va.) Police Department confirmed to Fox News Digital a criminal investigation has been launched “into serious allegations involving potential juvenile victims” and that “detectives assigned to the Child Exploitation Squad of the Major Crimes Bureau are leading this investigation” into Rick Saleeby, a former senior producer for Jake Tapper’s “The Lead.”

Back to zero days…

I’m working on a new design: Chipper de Torquemada

All I’m saying is that it might be time for another inquisition…

A Tweet of absolute wisdom

“Los americanos no tienen problemas entonces se los inventan.” (Americans don’t have problems so they invent them.)

That is unequivocally true.

Every problem facing America today is either directly caused or exacerbated by bored, neurotic, privileged people, who have never had any serious challenges in their life, and have a deep and compelling need to fill their vacuous existence by meddling in the lives of others.

Everyday I think Robert A. Heinlein was right in Starship Troopers, that the franchise should be restricted to those people who are civic-minded.  Not necessarily or exclusively through military service, but some method of separating those who understand the gravity and responsibility of participating in the civic process and those bored neurotics who should probably have no more authority than being allowed to take care of stray cats.