J. Kb

If I had a time machine…

The wife is watching this show about an American girl working in Paris.

After 10 minutes I realize that if I had a time machine I’d give a copy of The Guns of August to the German high command in 1913.

Just to make sure that they destroy the French Army and capture Paris and win the war by 1915.  Also to avoid getting into a war with the Russians.

For that matter I’d give the Prime Minister, Czar and Sultan a copy of the book too.

Without the Russians getting into the war there would be no Soviet Revolution, the Ottoman Empire wouldn’t have collapsed leading to a rise in Middle Eastern Islamism.

WWII and the Holocaust would have been averted.

And the snooty French would be crushed under the boot heel of the industrious Germans.

The British wouldn’t have gotten involved and neither would the Americans, meaning no long drawn out WWI, no Roaring 20, no Great Depression, and no FDR.

But mostly no insufferable French.

Now all I need is my time machine.


I’m starting to hate Gun Culture 3.0

We’ve discussed gun culture in the past.

Gun Culture 1.0: hunting, plinking, with 22s, blue steel and wood, rural, Fudds.

Gun Culture 2.0: personal defense, AR-15, high capacity magazines, concealed carry, more urban/suburban.

I’ve seen more and more discussion of Gun Culture 3.0.

It’s seems to be an advanced form of Gun Culture 2.0: suppressors, SBRs, nigh vision, hard armor, tactical training, 80% builds/3D printing, etc.

All thing I support, except Gun Culture 3.0 seems to be mutating into “Gun Culture Fuck You Poors.”

I had an issue with the CG2.0 guys who would say shit like: “You’re only carrying a J-frame?  You’re gonna die in a gunfight.  You need a Glock 19 with three reloads at least.”

GC3.0 on social media ups that ante to ridiculous levels: “What do you mean you have a Bushmaster/M&P15/Delton/etc?  You’re just a liability.  You need a LWRC or Noveske with an Elcan or Nighforce, NODs, a can, IR laser, LCD weapon light, a SAPI chest rig, etc., have to shoot 1,000 round a month, and go to this shooting school run by an retired SEAL.”

The pictures they post look like they are fully decked out operators with the best DOD funding possible.

GC3.0 seems to have replaced a personality with expensive gear.

The number one rule of gun culture should be “don’t be a prick” and LARPing as SOCOM and shitting on people who buy their guns and gear off the rack at a big box sporting goods retailer is definitely in violation of that rule.


David Hogg is my justification for seizing Harvard’s endowment

Harvard has an endowment of over $53 Billion.

I’ve heard Harvard described as “a hedge fund with a University attached for tax purposes.”

I think David Hogg proves that to be true.

He’s consistently wrong about everything he says on social media.

He was invited to attend Harvard based entirely on his politics and Harvard has done nothing to correct his ignorance.

A university worthy of being ranked the number one school in the nation should probably endeavor to educate its students better.

But Harvard clearly doesn’t care.

Its students are merely a shield to protect its endowment from the IRS.

In return, the students get a piece of paper they they can wave around and say “this means I’m better than you.”

As such, if I ever got elected, I will take great pleasure is seizing Harvard’s endowment and use it to pay for vocational training for every kid who attends a vocational community college.

When Harvard complains, I will hold up David Hogg’s tweets and say “if you really were a college, you’d at least do the minimum to educate one of your most high profile students in basic civics, since you didn’t, you clearly are not a school.”



Dear China and Russia,

If you decide to nuke the United States to stem the spread of American Wokeism, I honestly wouldn’t blame you.

All that I ask is that whrn you aim your missiles, you use a 2020 electon results map by county and target only the Blue ones.

If you really want to stop the spread of Wokeness you that is the source.

Soon to be the most hated man in Florida

This fucking guy and this fucking thread:

So the Progressive Utopia of San Francisco, where Leftists have total monopolistic control, is a violent, decaying, shithole of neurotic Leftists attacking each other.

So he is moving to Miami, but he already hates Miami because Florida is an icky Red state and is somehow worse than the shithole he was forced to flee.

But that is not where this story ends, oh no.

Half the internet called him out for this glaring hypocrisy.

Rather than have a moment of introspection, he kept digging.


I’ll be happy to tell him.

He sees all the symptoms of the Progressive disease but absolutely, steadfastly refuses to admit that the core ideals of Progressivism is wrong.

This is the Progressive version of “that wasn’t real Socialism” every time nation fails.

Instead, he’s going to relocate to a place he is already complaining about, run by a leader he hates, and will work diligently to ruin it by trying to create another Progressive Utopia.

Red States need to impose a 100% (or more) sales tax on homes purchased by people from Blue States.

And honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised is this guy’s house caught fire shortly after moving in.

The anti-LGBT backlash is going to have me buying stock in Morbark and Vermeer

I’m old enough to remember when the gay community – before it became the LGBTIAQ+ alphabet soup – was adamant that they were not pedophiles and groomers out to convert your children into being gay.

It was that argument that helped normal middle Americans accept gay rights.

It’s amazing what two decades of victories has done to embolden the LGBTAIQ+ activists.




Now they are bragging online how they have infiltrated the schools and are grooming little kids to be trans/queer/etc.  That all little kids will either be non-conforming or allies.

Make no mistake about this, this is psychological child sex abuse.

The backlash is coming.  It’s inescapable.

When happy boys and girls go off to a school at the beginning of the year and by midterms are demanding puberty blockers and double mastectomies while threatening suicide, not every parent is going to be proud to show off their allyship on Facebook.  Some will want answers why Johnny is below proficiency on math but knows all about his preferred pronouns.

And I am excited to sell those parents the drum chippers they will want to get those answers.


It’s time we bring back asylums


Anyone who needs their gender validated by a baby and criticizes that baby for being transphobic when the validation does not happen is mentally ill and needs to be locked away.

Instead, these are the people who work in schools and daycare facilities with children.

We need to bring back asylums and use them.