J. Kb

Me too, also the practicality of feet and inches


I second this opinion.

Also the practicality feet and inches is superior to metric.

You can take your “but metric is divisible by ten” and cram it up your ass.

I’m. 6 foot 3 inches, that’s 1.90 meters. My buddy is 6 foot 4 inches, he’s 1.93 meters.

For everyday measurements (a person’s height, the width of a couch, the size of a TV) you either have to be accurate to the second or third decimal place for meters or work in hundreds for centimeters.

Meters are fine for the same scale you might use yards for, like a football field.

But it’s much more convenient to think about a 2x4x8 than a 40x90x2440.


The Waffen NYPD are out checking papers

You better be sure you’ve has both shots and your booster and you have your proof of vaccination and booster on you at all times for everyone in your family over the age of five or masked men with guns will throw you out of a business open to the public.

“The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” – Leon Trotsky Bill de Blasio

Everything the government has done about COVID has been a manipulation

This story from last year:

One doctor’s campaign to stop a covid-19 vaccine being rushed through before Election Day
How heart doctor Eric Topol used his social-media account to kill off Trump’s October surprise.

After being released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on October 5, US President Donald Trump praised the doctors who treated him for covid-19 and promised that the public would soon have a vaccine against the deadly coronavirus. “We have the best medicines in the world, and very shortly they are all getting approved, and the vaccines are coming momentarily,” he said in a video statement shared with millions of Twitter followers.

Across the country, in California, a doctor named Eric Topol was responding in real time on social media. He questioned the president’s health, his doctors’ actions, and even his mental status.

By that point Topol, a heart expert and researcher with a huge Twitter following of his own, was already weeks into a personal campaign to make sure the administration could not rush a covid-19 vaccine through regulatory authorization before Election Day on November 3.

An editorial in the New York Times had raised the possibility of an “October surprise” vaccine back in June, and warned that a vaccine approval could turn into a “campaign stunt.” Topol, who works at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla and is one of the country’s most prominent doctors, aimed to prevent Trump from greenlighting a vaccine before scientists could prove it to be safe and effective. To Topol, developing an effective vaccine against covid-19 is “the biggest event in our generation” and one that should be evaluated on the basis of scientific data, not political implications.

In a nutshell, an anti-Trump doctor abused his position to keep Trump from having a big victory before the election that could play in his favor.  A delay meant Trump was more likely to lose.

So our bureaucratic system did everything possible to manipulate the vaccine release after the outcome of the election.

Fast forward a year:

The Biden Administration Rejected an October Proposal for “Free Rapid Tests for the Holidays”
With omicron cases spreading like wildfire, the White House is finally taking steps to make free antigen tests available to all. But this fall, Vanity Fair has learned, it dismissed a bold plan to ramp up rapid testing ahead of the holidays. Frustrated experts explain how confusion, distrust, and a single-minded fixation on vaccinating Americans left testing on the back burner for so long.

October 22, a group of COVID-19 testing experts joined a Zoom call with officials from the Biden administration and presented a strategy for overhauling America’s approach to testing.

The 10-page plan, which Vanity Fair has obtained, would enable the U.S. to finally do what many other countries had already done: Put rapid at-home COVID-19 testing into the hands of average citizens, allowing them to screen themselves in real time and thereby help reduce transmission. The plan called for an estimated 732 million tests per month, a number that would require a major ramp-up of manufacturing capacity. It also recommended, right on the first page, a nationwide “Testing Surge to Prevent Holiday COVID Surge.”

The antigen tests at the center of the plan can detect the virus when patients are at their most contagious. Though less sensitive than polymerase chain reaction (PCR) laboratory tests, which can detect the virus’s genetic material at any stage of infection, antigen tests provide a quick snapshot in time for those seeking assurance that they are safe to travel or won’t accidentally infect vulnerable relatives.

The fury with which public-health experts greeted Psaki’s comments reflected their longstanding frustration with an administration that, in their view, has put almost all its focus on vaccinating the American public, at the expense of other critical aspects of the response, from getting shots into arms overseas to making high-quality masks widely available. The rapid-test push, in particular, seems to have bumped up against the peculiar challenges of fighting COVID-19 in the 21st-century United States. Difficulties include a regulatory gauntlet intent on vetting devices for exquisite sensitivity, rather than public-health utility; a medical fiefdom in which doctors tend to view patient test results as theirs alone to convey; and a policy suspicion, however inchoate, that too many rapid tests might somehow signal to wary Americans that they could test their way through the pandemic and skip vaccinations altogether. “It’s undeniable that [the administration] took a vaccine-only approach,” said Dr. Michael Mina, a vocal advocate for rapid testing who attended the October White House meeting. The U.S. government “didn’t support the notion of testing as a proper mitigation tool.”

Again, in a nutshell, the government was considered mass at home testing that would have made it possible for people who wanted to travel or visit family for the holidays to determine of they had COVID.  But they decided that people choosing to test themselves would get in the way of the “get vaccinated or you can’t travel” policy of the Administration, so the testing was scuttled on favor of vaccination.

In both cases the motivation wasn’t the health or well-being of the American people but the political outcome.

Sine the end of the first 15 days to slow the spread, everything done has been done based upon the political calculus.  How to use COVID to achieve partisan goals.

Our system is utterly broken and it is critical that the normies wake up to the fact that our government did nothing motivated by saving lives and everything motivated by winning elections and accumulating power.

A PSA about laundry that reminds you that the decision makers don’t think about working people at all

The fuck sort of bullshit is that?

That is laundry advice that only applies to the whitest of white-collar workers.  People who only wear designer jeans in climate controlled offices or work from home and sit behind a laptop.

Anyone who works in jeans that are made to work it would tell you just how bullshit that is.

I worked in a sheet metal mill.  Everything is covered in rolling oil.  It’s sprayed on the metal and gets aerosolized and coats every square inch of everything. It soaks into your clothes.  Your jeans feel like they’ve been dipped in butter.

I’ve worker in a restaurant kitchen, I’ve worked in a weld shop, I’ve worked in a refinery.

I’ve had jobs where I came home and showed with Lava soap.

I’ve had to take my work clothes to a laundromat because they were coated in so much gunk that I didn’t want to wash them at home.  I’d wash them twice, first time with Zep industrial degreaser then in laundry detergent.

There are millions of working men and women to do dirtier jobs than that.

But this sort of advice gets put out there like it’s the norm.

It’s not.

It’s that the people who come up with this shit and publish it are so cloistered inside their bubble that they don’t even consider that working people who do dirty jobs even exist when coming up with policy.

This COVID injustice had made me angry

I mean very, very angry.

Unvaccinated cancer patient fired from job at ULA

A cancer patient lost his job at United Launch Alliance in Decatur, after refusing to get the COVID vaccine.

Last year Nickie Greer was diagnosed with cancer and is still taking medicine to battle leukemia.

Greer showed WAFF the doctor’s notes, where he was warned about possible side effects of the COVID vaccine impacting his compromised and weak immune system.

“The doctor who truly handles my treatment, when she found out that ULA was mandating the vaccine, she told me that I may want to give that a second thought. That it would not be good with my treatment and it would interfere with my treatment,” said Greer.

He says for several months, he was granted exemptions, until this week when the last exemption expired on Tuesday.

Greer says he doesn’t want to sue, he just wants businesses including ULA to listen to doctors.

“I don’t have any problem with the vaccine. It’s not that I have any issues, political issues, or otherwise, but I have to choose between my health and a job,” said Greer.

He may not want to sue but I hope he does and I hope his layer burns ULA to the ground and bends Tory Bruno over and assfucks him.

When a doctor says that a person who is immunocompromised due to chemotherapy shouldn’t get a COVID shot because of the risk of side effects, that should trump everything else.

I’ll be honest, I take this personally.  I was both a cancer patient and laid off a couple of days before Christmas (albeit not at the same time) so I have nothing but sympathy for this guy and a intense burning hatred for the people that did this to him.

I hope every single one of them gets a helicopter ride for Christmas, those motherfuckers.

I do and it’s wonderful

The best pizza I have ever eaten had, hands down and without question is at The Big Cheese in Miami.

Every pizza I’ve ever had in New York City, times I’ve been taken by New Yorkers to their local favorites, hasn’t been great.

Like everything else in that city, their pizza is overrated by New Yorkers who probably have never left the city and thinks that outside of NYC all there is are Dominos and Sabarros.

But you know what the best part of pizza outside of NYC is?  Not worrying about getting shoved in front of a subway while going to get your pizza.


CNN priest is a Leftist masquerading as a Catholic Priest


A priest telling the unvaccinated to stay home and not attend Church, using the Holy Communinion as a reward for compliance with vaccine mandates.  This mandates isn’t a Catholic, he’s a Leftist is a Clerical Collar.

You can be absolutely sure of that because he is CNN’s resident religion commentator.

For someone who is claims to be a Passionist, his Twitter profile image is of CNN talking heads, not anything ecumenical.

Today is Christmas Eve.  Go to mass if that is your tradition, and ignore this blaspheming charlatan using the words of Christ to preach tyrannical Leftist vaccination talking points.