J. Kb

The most heartwarming Christmas video I’ve seen this year

This is beautiful and uniquely American.

You have an Orthodox Jewish Santa teaching other guys how to be Santa, with the inspiration of bringing joy to Children and everyone is on board with it.

That sort of coming together across religions, cultures, races, to create something wonderful is something you’d really only find in America.

Please enjoy this video, I did.

Pit bull attacking a 4-year-old caught on video


A 4-year-old girl was seriously injured when she was attacked by two pitbull dogs in the garden of a site in Gaziantep Beştepe Mahallesi.

A statement came from Küçük Asiye’s doctor!

There were tissue bruises due to the attack on her skull and face. There was a serious defect in the nape, bone and neck tissue. There were bites that penetrated the brain tissue. She has had a series of surgeries since yesterday. There were serious bites in the right ear area.

Yes, other dogs bite.  I’ve been bitten by other dogs.

There are two difference between other dogs and pit bulls:

Pit bulls do not growl, bare their teeth, or give other signs or signals that they are annoyed and to back off, they just snap.

Pit bulls latch on, thrash about, and continue to attack.  This is why they cause so many amputations, they more than bite, they shred soft tissue.

Do not bring a pit bull around my kids.

Never forget what they took from you

Before McKinsey consultants, the Security State, COVID Bureaucracy, and DE&I administrators took over our airlines this was your flight crew…

This was your seat…

And this was your in-flight snack…


Cocktails and horderves served by an attractive woman in a miniskirt while sitting in a lounge chair in the sky.

Now some bitchy Karen in poorly fitting pants, on a power trip from the authority granted to her by the FAA and DHS, yells at you about how you can only take your mask off to sip your urine sample cup size allotment of soft drink, then you have to put you mask back up or she will have you banned from the airline for life.

I was born in the wrong era.


Okay pit bull lovers, defend this

8-day-old boy killed by pit bull in North Carolina home

An 8-day-old baby boy has died after being attacked by a pit bull inside a North Carolina home.

Police said they found the newborn after being called to the home in Kenly, southeast of Raleigh, on Wednesday at 5 a.m.

Tell me what an 8-day-old child did to provoke an attack like that?

“But mine would never hurt anyone, he’s/she’s a sweetie.”

Yup, right until it flips like a light switch and rips a newborn to shreds.

No other breed does this.

Bring a pit bull around my kids and I’m gonna shoot it.


The gender transition reckoning must include social media

This is a story of social media addiction, performative wokeness, and child abuse.

Why my child wanted me to share their nonbinary identity in our holiday card

It was a November morning, and as I was about to share on social media, I paused and re-read my words for the 10th time: “I’d like you all to meet Clark (formerly known as Claire). Clark prefers they/them/he pronouns and would like to be known as my kid/my son who is nonbinary. Clark asked us to tell our friends and family who they are now.”

My heart beat like a drum and my palms were pure sweat. Before this moment, I had only told a few trusted mom friends. My in-laws knew. But by sharing our new family holiday photo — my twins at a public garden in Pasadena — it would be clear that Claire was now Clark.

I took a deep breath and clicked, making my post live. I was scared of what conservative family members on Facebook would think. I feared people would judge my parenting choices on Instagram. The online world is far more terrifying than my liberal Los Angeles neighborhood where Clark is one of several nonbinary children.

Our family’s transition started with the most mundane dilemma — a pile of dirty laundry. It was a summer morning. We forgot to wash the kids’ clothes and it was time to go to preschool. Clark threw a fit that there were only skirts in their dresser while their twin, Chloe, was fully dressed. My husband and I cajoled Clark (then Claire) to “just get dressed.” After crying, Clark finally said, “I don’t feel like me in skirts.” It was the moment I realized that how we reacted would forever be cemented in my child’s mind. I dug a pair of shorts out of the laundry hamper, did a sniff test, and handed them over. Clark’s tears dried. Their smile appeared. I knelt down to my sweet child. “Do you want me to get rid of your skirts and dresses?” They nodded.

At bedtime, I introduced a children’s book I bought. When we read “It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity” by Theresa Thorn, Clark pointed to the page with the nonbinary description and said, “That’s how I feel. I don’t feel like a boy or a girl.” I borrowed “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope” by Jodie Patterson from our local library. As I read it, Clark inched closer to the pictures of short-haired, tie-wearing Penelope. A bright smile took over their face. “I feel the same way too!” Clark exclaimed.

My brave kid stood up in front of their kindergarten classroom and told their friends that they were now Clark. They asked to use the gender-neutral bathroom at school. When we arrived at their after school program to tell the staff, one teacher said, “Clark already told us.” I was amazed to see that my kid’s name tags on the table and cubbies were already changed.

After I posted our holiday photo, I obsessively checked Facebook and Instagram, fearing the worst. Surprisingly, I saw the best. Comments rolled in, like “Hi Clark! We love you.” Or, “Welp, here I am crying happy tears. This is wonderful. You are all wonderful.” Hearts, likes, and hugs came through. In my DMs, friends reached out to connect me to other families with transgender or nonbinary kids. Other parents sent me emails applauding our support of Clark and how their authenticity inspired them.

I showed Chloe and Clark all the supportive comments. I read each one aloud. They were amazed that so many people said such nice things. Before they went to bed that night, I sat with them on our living room couch — a place where I used to tandem nurse them —and told Chloe and Clark I was very proud. Proud of Chloe for loving and supporting her twin, and of Clark for sharing their identity with people. My twins were mystified. “Mommy, why would anyone not love someone for who they are?” I struggled to answer this question. I came up with: “Sometimes, people are scared of what they don’t know and they let their fear get in the way.” Chloe and Clark were still baffled, but accepted my answer.

That night, I told Brendan I was amazed by how people responded. I felt so much lighter now that I had shared what I had feared. In my post, I had written: “I ask that if you disagree with our family’s choice — that you tell me privately in a message — rather than put it in a public comment.” I received zero negative messages.

Note the boldest text.

This little girl didn’t want to wear a skirt one summer day.  That very night, mom read her books about gender non-conforming/transgender children

By the beginning of the school year the little girl had changed her name and appearance.

This is a kindergarten aged child.

Mom put all of this on social media with alacrity and checked it “obsessively” for positive feedback about how good and affirming a mom she is.

There are several other gender non-conforming children in her neighborhood.

For decades the rate of transgenderism was understood to be roughly 0.04%.  That is 4 in 10,000 people.

There are several in her liberal neighborhood.

Having a gender non-conforming child in Progressives LA is practically keeping up with the Joneses.

Conspicuous consumerism is passe, conspicuous Wokeness is the new trend.  For a suburban mom, nothing is more conspicuously Woke than supporting their gender non-conforming or transgender child.

This is child abuse.

This is how medical mutilations like my previous post, teenagers having double mastectomies by Mengele-esque criminals against humanity, happen.

This is a societal sickness, exacerbated by social media.  It must be stopped.