J. Kb

I can already hear the screeching when this flops

From Inside the Magic:

But in the production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast currently running at the Olney Theatre Center in Maryland, Belle is played by Jade Jones, a self-described queer, plus-sized Black woman.” MSNBC recently posted a story having picked up on the viral sensation in Olney, Maryland, and it’s been making humongous waves.

The Wokies may squee over this but the normies have no interest in a fat lesbian Belle.

But when it flops we’ll be called racist, homophobic, and fatphobic.

Go woke go broke but Disney doesn’t seem to care.



They are getting danger close to violence

The vaccine neither prevents transmission or infection.  What it seems to do is minimize the symptoms and reduce lethality.

Making it tantamount to a flu shot.  You still get the flu with a flu shot but it’s not as severe.

But thats not the point.

The point is a “malignant minority” who refuses to obey the elites’ demand for compliance are the problem and the final solution to that is to deny them medical care and let them die.

I got vaccinated early on before it really turned into the shit show it is now.  I had a bad reaction, I got laid out for two days.  It hurt as much as when I got COVID the first time.  I’m not getting the booster and I’m not vaccinating my 8-year-old because of the reaction I had.

I’m fine with personal choice on this.

The dehumanizing of those who don’t want it and the advocacy for their death is crossing a Rubicon.

These people are getting danger close to violent pushback.

First they came for the unvaccinated and I slotted them all because when they decided the unvaccinated includes those who refuse boosters they will come for me.

The consistent message of this Administration is “fuck you poors.”

Desperate victims of Mayfield tornado burn the wreckage of their own home to stay warm as temperatures drop below freezing ahead of Biden’s visit: 12 children are among the 74 confirmed dead from storms

The victims of last week’s Mayfield tornadoes, which killed at least 74 across Kentucky, have been left without heat, water or electricity as they burn what’s left of their homes to stay warm in frigid temperatures.

State authorities said the level of destruction was hindering their ability to tally the total damage of Friday’s storms that raged across five states and worried about people’s ability to fend off the freezing cold as President Joe Biden heads to Mayfield on Wednesday to survey the ruin.

Our infrastructure is so damaged. We have no running water,’ Mayfield Mayor Kathy Stewart O’Nan told CBS Mornings.

‘Our wastewater management was lost, and there’s no natural gas to the city. So we have nothing to rely on there. So that is purely survival at this point for so many of our people.’

People are freezing, starving, and burning the wreckage of their homes for heat.

What does Biden care about?



He’s pushing the BBB as a bill that could prevent tornadoes and force COVID boosters on freezing people who had everything they own blown away.

This is malicious.

The “grief whisperer” and “most empathetic” President ever is a scumbag who has no interest in helping people, just taking advantage of them and using them as props for his BBB.

Maybe the town could collect enough cash to buy a Hunter Biden painting for the town hall then Pedo Joe might actually muster up a shit to give about poor people in rural Kentucky.

Every single one member of this Administration can go fuck themselves with a tornado downed power line.


We’re going to split into two countries soon enough

Half in new poll say it should be illegal to deny service, employment to unvaccinated

Half of Americans believe it should be illegal for companies to deny service or employment to those who are unvaccinated, according to a new Axios-Ipsos poll.

Overall, the poll shows that 51 percent of those surveyed believe it should be illegal to deny service or employment, a view held by 55 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of Democrats.

I’m surprised that the number is that low for Republicans.

Honestly, the number should be 100% of Americans think it should be illegal to deny services or employment to the unvaccinated.

There is no way to have a unified country anymore.   Not with half the population believing that people who don’t want a vaccination against a virus that for most people has a very low mortality rate, and the vaccination doesn’t prevent transmission of the virus, should have fewer civil rights than convicted felons.

Civil rights are not dependent on getting a shot.  I’ve read the Constitution, I’m absolutely sure it says that.


What did I just say about DEI antisemitism?

Sometimes the universe just rains evidence on me.

Earlier today I published the post Leftist Diversity and Inclusion Officers on college campuses are raging Jew-haters, I’m shocked!

The universe decided to double down on me.

‘Toxic atmosphere of hatred.’ USC faculty outraged over response to student’s tweets

More than 60 faculty members at USC have signed an open letter urging the university’s leadership to “publicly and explicitly rebuke” a student for several inflammatory comments she made online earlier in the year, including a tweet saying she wanted to “kill every motherf—ing Zionist.”

In the Dec. 1 letter addressed to USC President Carol Folt, Provost Charles Zukoski and board of trustees chair Rick Caruso — the latest in a series of letters from several of the same signatories — the faculty asked officials to rebuke Yasmeen Mashayekh, a 21-year-old civil engineering student, and “to distance USC from her hateful statements.”

“The silence of our leadership on this matter is alienating, hurtful, and depressing,” the letter read. “It amounts to tacit acceptance of a toxic atmosphere of hatred and hostility.”

The university leaders said that over the summer, when the university first learned about the tweets, which have since been taken down, they removed Mashayekh from her paid mentoring position in the Viterbi School of Engineering. Screenshots of the deleted tweets were republished just before Thanksgiving by “outside organizations” that encouraged people to write to school officials about Mashayekh, who serves as a diversity, equity and inclusion senator for the Viterbi Graduate Student Assn.

Here are some selected saved Tweets:


So a Graduate Student DEI ambassador is a genocidal Jew-hater and the university is having a hard time condemning that.

I winder why?

Could it be because the DEI administration agrees with her, or wants to protect a poor oppressed female Muslim POC, or both?

This is the state of DEI on college campuses, as long as you’re not a MAGA hat wearing right-wing white guy, you can hate Jews openly all you want and the school will protect you because DEI doesn’t include Jews.

I will kill your pit bull

‘What if he doesn’t make it through?’ Oklahoma toddler’s arm ripped off in brutal dog attack

An Oklahoma toddler is recovering in the hospital after he was mauled by a pit bull Friday night, Tecumseh police said.

“I’ve seen dog bites in the past and experience pretty brutal dog bites with children but never a complete amputation,” said Chief JR Kidney with the Tecumseh Police Department.

When an officer arrived at 4-year-old Axel Foster’s grandparents’ home, he found the toddler’s grandmother in the driveway. He was missing his right arm just below the shoulder, police said.

The officer began applying his tourniquet from his vest. Tecumseh firefighters also arrived and began assisting with the tourniquet. Axel’s arm was missing.

“The child’s arm was still in the pen,” said Chief Kidney.

“I could see the arm inside, and one of the puppies was trying to chew on it,” said Officer Aaron McCormick in a police report.”

“When officers and animal control attempted to retrieve the arm, the dog became aggressive to them,” said Chief Kidney.

Kidney told KFOR ultimately, the dog had to be put down. It was shot and killed.

The boy’s arm could not be reattached.

The boy was trying to pet some puppies when the dog attacked.

Let me make this very clear:

If you have a pit bull near my children I will kill it.

I won’t be cruel about it.  I will use a gun of  sufficient caliber to ensure a quick and relatively painless death.

I’m just being honest with you about what will happen.