J. Kb

Every Jew needs to start stockpiling guns and ammo

This was from a rally in Washington DC yesterday.


I remember when a bunch of idiots got citronella tiki torches from Lowe’s and marched around Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting, “Jews will not replace us.”

The media went apoplectic and blamed Trump.

Now, a bunch of Hamas supporters are openly calling for the murder of Jews in Washington DC, in front of the White House, and it’s been a lot of nothing in response.

These people will become more and more extreme until something is done to stop them. That is simply the nature of human behavior.

If nobody is stopping them for calling for the murder of Jews (calling for murder is not protected speech), they will try and murder Jews next.

The Jewish community, and all decent communities, need to be prepared to defend our/themselves from a Hamasnik 5th column in the United States.


Important lessons to learn


There are two big lessons to learn from this:

1) Goggles limit your peripheral vision. That guy went unnoticed because he was hiding below the field of vision of those entering the room. When wearing anything that affects your field of vision, you must actively scan the area.

This is a lesson I learned a long time ago working in industry wearing PPE. It’s very easy to forget your vision is impared and bonk your head on things.

This is especially important for all those Gun Culture 3.0 guys running around with NODs to remember. Typical NODs only have a 40° field of vision. Even the best quad-tube NODs are 97° in the horizontal and 20° vertical.

2) If you are going to clear a room, you have to know how to do it. The proper way to do this is slicing the pie.



When I went to Thunder Ranch, one thing we were shown to take a quick peek at the danger zone.

Yes, you are telling the person there you are coming. But you will also know they are there and are not caught by surprise.

Using both poor technique and not accounting g for your restricted field of view is what gets you shot in the dick without seeing it coming.

Lastly, these best way to clear this corner is…

Ironic dangerous anti-gun dumbassery

This story is something else…

Maine ‘Gun Safety’ Coalition Oversees Negligent Firearm Discharge at Gun-Giveback

One of Maine’s primary gun control advocate groups, the Maine Gun Safety Coalition, oversaw a gun-giveback program on Saturday at local police departments throughout southern Maine.

Despite the focus on gun safety, contractors working with MGSC and the Old Orchard Beach Police Department failed to practice basic gun safety when they attempted to saw a loaded blackpowder rifle, which led to the negligent discharge of the firearm.

Luckily, instead of injuring any bystanders, the musket round instead damaged two vehicles.

“As one of the firearms was being cut the weapon discharged expelling a round
through the barrel. The round was found to have struck two unoccupied vehicles
within the parking lot,” the Old Orchard Beach Police Department told the Maine Wire.

The destruction of the forfeited guns was carried out by Humanium Metal technicians, who allegedly specialize in the safe disposal of firearms.

Police said that the firearm in question was a muzzle-loader, which was loaded with gunpowder and a bullet at the time of destruction.

The heat or sparks caused by the sawing ignited the gunpowder and caused the gun to fire.

Absolutely fucking brilliant.

They are gun experts that don’t follow the rules of gun safety and caused a negligent discharge.


Why are normal people starting to hate cops?


Because some fat stupid cowardly fuck of a cop goes onto the wrong piece pf property and kills a family pet.

Then the other cowardly fucks investigate and decide the fat stupid fuck didn’t do anything wrong.

Ive come to believe that if a cop goes to the wrong address and pulls a gun, he should be treated by both the homeowner and the law as just another armed trespasser.

If someone shot a cop who went onto their property and killed their dog, I’d nullify that jury in a heartbeat.

This is why I’m applying for my MA LTC

Unarmed social workers preparing to respond to 911 calls in Cambridge

A team of unarmed social workers could soon start responding to some 911 calls in Cambridge instead of the police.

The director of the city’s new Community Assistance Response and Engagement told Boston 25 News that the team is preparing for a rollout as soon as July.

They’re now anticipating the tentative plan that will involve dispatchers sending them to non-violent incidents and mental health crises.

That sounds nice. Will they ride unicorns to the scene?

I guarantee one of the fastest ways to turn a non-violent crime into a violent crime is to have an unarmed social worker show up and not be a deterrent.

It’s going to get out of control in the North Boston area.

This is why I’m applying for my MA LTC.