J. Kb

Another veteran with fantasies of murdering citizens

Let me introduce you to Jay Kirell:


Jay here is anti-gun.

He wants you to know that he’s so anti-gun that he wants to kill NRA members with artillery, and thinks that’s a fun way to spend an afternoon.


I’ve spent too many posts rebuffing this argument, i.e., “the big bad military will just pound you civilians into paste without breaking a sweat, so your AR-15s are useless.”  I’m not going to do it again.

My point here is that our military seems to have been filled with people whose biggest takeaway from their time in service was how to successfully obliterate American citizens they have a political disagreement with.

You’d think that men who have seen the horror of war wouldn’t want to see it in their back yards, but apparently that is their fantasy.

To rain artillery, bombs, and drone strike on the homes of fellow citizens.

I just can’t imagine the obtuseness of posting your personal life all over social media then calling for the indiscriminate murder of America citizens.  I don’t think he understands just how much reprisals will suck for him.

Why a knife is important (and I disagree with Miguel)

I was going to post on this, but Miguel beat me to it.


I read his post and have a slightly different opinion.

Pepper spray for humans is notoriously useless on dogs, especially pitbulls.

There are plenty of videos of police spraying pitbulls with pepper spray and it doing nothing to alter their behavior.

Fighting breeds are bred to fight through pain.

I agree that shooting the dog while it is only attacking another dog might get you into legal hot water.

I still believe (disclaimer: IANAL) that a knife in the throat is the best option.

I’m trying to pull my dog out of the jaws of a pitbull?

What happens when that pitbull latches onto my hand?

A knife in the throat will effectively stop the attack while preventing my hands from being the next target for attack.

I would make the argument that it’s not just my dog I’m protecting but myself.

If I do have the draw my gun it’s probably against the owner who’s gonna be passed that I just slit his dog’s throat.

Newsom’s 28th Amendment

In George Orwell’s magnum opus, 1984, The Party said:

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

These phrases were so transparently wrong that anyone would believe them was the point.  They demonstrated the level of brainwashing the citizens of Oceania had been subject to.

It’s in that spirit of dishonesty that Gavin Newsom launched his initiative to ratify the 28th Amendment.


Here is the text in full:

NEW: I’m proposing the 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution to help end our nation’s gun violence crisis.

The American people are sick of Congress’ inaction.

The 28th will enshrine 4 widely supported gun safety freedoms — while leaving the 2nd Amendment intact:

1) Raising the minimum age to purchase a gun to 21

2) Universal background checks

3) A reasonable waiting period for gun purchases

4) Banning the civilian purchase of assault weapons

Gun safety freedoms that restrict gun rights.  Thats orwellian.

This would be the second time the Constitution was used to restrict the rights of the people and expand the power pf the government over them.  The last was the 18th Amendment, which imposed prohibition.

That was an utter disaster that created America’s greatest crime wave and set in motion a long history of gun control.

Had it not been for the Roaring 20s, brought on by prohibition, the NFA might never had been passed.

Newsom want to impose prohibition on “assault weapons,” a nebulous and meaninglessness term.  Just image the crime wave that will cause.

And, of course, he makes the ludicrous claim that these restrictions don’t impose on the Second Amendment.  Clearly his interpretation of the Second Amendment is not one of personal gun rights.

The good news is more than half the states in America are now Constitutional carry and it takes 2/3-rds of states to ratify a Constitutional Amendment.  The likelihood a Constitutional carry state will pass this is virtually zero.

He must know this has no chance of passing.

This is just the ultimate display of anti-guj virtue signaling.

Fuck him.


The South Dakota farm wars are coming


I spent six years if my life in beautiful South Dakota.  I still have friends there.

Going onto a man’s property without permission, especially into his home or shop, while armed, is a good way to get shot.

Farmers and ranchers protect their land fiercely, since it is the basis of their livelihood.

Anyone who attempts to seize their land by eminent domain is their enemy.  To do it so some company can get subsidies for carbon capture is even worse.  That not even a public good, that a grift.

I can guarantee that in a trial by his peers, any farmer that shoots an eminent domain surveyor won’t get convicted.

This situation has all the ingredients for an actual violent conflict.

Politicians fund carbon capture subsidies.  Carbon capture company funds politicians. Politicians allow carbon capture company to seize land from farmers to build carbon capture facility that gets more in subsidy money.  Carbon capture company donates more to politicians.  Farmers get kicked off their own land.

There have been rebellions in this country for less.

Ideologically, most people will come down on the side of the farmers.

South Dakotans might just prove how important the Second Amendment is as a bulwark against tyranny.


If this is Pride, it can go into the chipper

Miguel send me this because he felt I needed a blood pressure test.



It’s real, not a photo shop.

That is a picture of Desmond Naples, who is a child drag queen who goes by Desmond is Amazing.

He’s been in TV and is notorious for dancing at a gay bar at 11-years-old, while adults threw dollars at him.

He’s now 16, but supposedly started this at age 5.  That picture looks like him at 11 when he first achieved notoriety.

This is where Pride has gone.

They are now calling prepubescent trans children “sexy.”

I consider myself a reasonably tolerant person.

I have no qualms about two men living together and filing their taxes jointly.

This is not that.

This is chipper fodder.



Triumph of the Will Pt. 2

They made a sequel for modern times.


The purpose of this movie is to incite violence against Jews.

Let’s not pretend otherwise.

Their thesis is that for Jews in Israel to feel safe, Palestinians must be unsafe.

I have never heard that in my life, but that’s the lie they are going with.

What is the correction, then, if you are a Palestinian activist or ally?

The easy answer is to reverse it.

Make the Palestinians safe by making Jews unsafe.

Recently, there have been propagandistic attacks on Iron Dome.  Iron Dome is a purely defensive weapon.

The attack is based on the idea that isn’t not fair that the Jews have an air defense system that protects them from Hamas rockets while tye Palestinians don’t have an air defense system to protect them from the Israeli Air Force.

It’s a line of attack that complains that not enough Jews are being killed.

How dare the Jews not die in rocket attacks! 

It also seeks to separate Israel from Judaism and turn Israel into a Jewish ethno-state.  The Jewish Third Reich.

That gives them the Leftist moral authority to call for the destruction of the Jews.

The Jews are racist and must me made unsafe to protect the Palestinians from Zionist oppression. 

Leni Riefenstahl would be proud of the Jew hating mendacity of this film and its desite to incite violence against the Jews.

I absolutely guarantee that this will hit theaters and there will be a spike in antisemitic violence in its wake.  It is a feature not a bug.

I just hope American Jews see this for what it is and understand the absolute depths of antisemitism to which the Left has plumbed.


Gen Z woman are broken


This is the product of being saturated online and having no perspective of the real world.

I’m a materials engineer. Materials engineering is consistently in the top 5 salaries for batchelor degrees.

It took me having a PhD, PE with eight years experience to break $100,000 in salary.

Mid career salaries for engineering (20 years experience) is about $150,000.

A $650,000 salary is a senior partner in a law firm or medical clinic with 30 years experience experience.

These women have no idea what men of their contemporary age make, except for the tiniest fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of terminally online influencer bros.

Social media was a mistake and a generation is broken.