J. Kb

Oregon is in league with Satan

‘Drag mom’ who mentored 11-year-old child drag queen at Satan-themed Oregon pub is sentenced to less than one year in prison for 11 felony child sex crimes

A ‘drag mom’ and former elementary school teacher has been sentenced to less than a year in prison after being convicted of felony child abuse crimes.

Kelsey Meta Boren, 31, pleaded guilty to 11 counts of encouraging child sexual abuse in the first degree last month.

She previously worked as a teacher for the Fern Ridge School District, in Oregon, but was suspended following the allegations coming to light last year.

Boren was sentenced to 330 days in jail at Lane County Circuit Court in March, which equates to 30 days for each charge.

Authorities say that she was arrested in August 2022 after officers carried out a search warrant at her home in Veneta.

Court documents reveal that they found evidence she had been uploading and exchanging child pornography on the internet on multiple occasions.

A freak and a pervert who traded in child porn and groomed a child into drag is serving less than one year in prison.

At this point I’m surprised he’s even going to prison.  I suspect it’s the minimum that he could be given to mollify the public.

Welcome to Oregon, where you can sexually molest and abuse children and get a slap on the wrist.

This is pure evil.

In contrast, Florida is doing God’s work and is about to start executing pedophiles.

If I have to choose sides, it going to be on the side of the angels who protect children, and not the worshipers of Baphomet who sexually abuse them.


Stalin with knockers


I guarantee that Tucker will end up with a podcast that has more subscribers that Joe Rogan and the only one who suffers financially from this is Fox News.

But the alacrity by which a government official celebrates the temporary loss of a platform by a mouthpiece she hates is terrifying.

Freedom of speech is fundamentally not a value she holds.

She is an authoritarian to the core.

She Guevara

Tyre Extinguisher Cowards

I have never understood the impetus to decide what other people need and should be allowed to own.

I’ve seen it in the gun world for my entire life.

“You don’t need an AR-15.  You don’t need a 17 round mag in your gun.  I’ll tell you what you need and stop you from owning what I think is excessive.”

We’re seeing it more and more in the car world.

“You don’t need a truck or an SUV.  You don’t haul or tow anything, so I’m going to stop you from owning it.”

Tyre Extinguishers is a group dedicated to that.

Eco-mob brags about deflating tires on luxury SUVs in Boston, leave patronizing notes for owners

According to the group, they are “defending” themselves “against climate change, air pollution and unsafe drivers.”

They even issued a press release to explain why targeting those they deem to be too wealthy is totally justified.

“The group took this action to render the large greenhouse gas emitting vehicles unusable, directly preventing the outpouring of emission from the vehicles into our atmosphere which further contribute to climate change and air pollution,” the statement reads. “Only large, luxury, gas powered SUVs were targeted by the group; no tires were deflated on electric or hybrid vehicles nor any vehicles with handicap signage.”

They were, they said, good enough to leave leaflets on the cars they vandalized “to inform the owners about why their vehicle was impacted, imploring them to stop using their SUVs and switch to public transportation, biking, or smaller compact electric and hybrid cars.”

Here is their celebration on Twitter.


They targeted Beacon Hill, one of the wealthiest and most Progressive areas of Boston, a very Blue city in a very Blue state.


Because they are a bunch of fucking cowards.

Do that in the South to some redneck’s lifted F-250 on 37 inch mud tires that are $800 a piece.

Hell, go into a working class neighborhood and do it to some construction worker’s pickup so he can’t get to the job site in the morning.

Get caught and I guarantee if they survive, it’s going to take a team of proctologists to remove the tire iron from the offending Extinguisher’s rectum.

The Mercedes G-Wagon driving banker who voted for Warren and Biden might feel that they deserved it.

The guy putting in 50 hour weeks pouring concrete or putting up drywall will want to murder someone.

I honestly hope these people do try and harass the wrong truck drivers.  It will thin the herd of assholes like this.

Saying the whole point of the 2A then going against it

Judge Rudolph Contreras decided the DC high-capacity magazine ban was Constitutional.

The interesting thing was what he wrote in his opinion.


See, you the citizen don’t need more than 10 rounds for self defense because sometimes in a defensive shoot, the defending citizens used fewer than 10 rounds.  It’s not us to you to decide how many rounds you may need, the judge decided 10 is all you get.

By the logic of this judge, you should only be able to have a 2 to 3 round magazine because that’s the average needed for a defensive shoot.

Since you only really need 2 or 3 rounds, having 15, 17, or 21 rounds is “poorly adapted” from military use.

I don’t even understand what that means.  How are civilian high capacity magazines “poorly adapted” from military mags?

These firearm were designed to hold 15 or 17 rounds and the 10 round mags were poorly adapted from the original magazine.

This is nonsensical and backwards.

I’ll that the comment about the plaintiff’s expert opinion backfiring suggest prejudice against the plaintiff.

But of all the statement in the opinion, this next one is the kicker.


You need to be limited to 10 rounds so that you will be outgunned by the military and police.

You’re just a citizen, so the government should be able to possess better small arms than you.

The idea that this allows the police to outgun criminals is stupid considering that the criminals who illegally obtain their guns generally also obtain illegal high capacity magazines.

It’s only the law abiding citizens who are fucked.

The most clear thing about this decision is that the judge hates guns and engaged in the mental gymnastics needed to justify his opinion regardless of the Constitution.


Screaming the quiet part out lout


I’m old enough to remember when the gays were adamant that they weren’t child molesters.

Now the LGBT/ally activists ate adamant that they are child molesters and it’s homophobic to not let them molest your children.