
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

25 years ago, the biggest Gun Control Scam was signed into law.

The Brady Law is 25 years old today. And as not surprising anybody, they celebrate its faulty accomplishment:

Since the passage of the act in 1993, more than 300 million guns have been sold, but 3 million potential sales to prohibited purchasers have been prevented.

As the Brady Law Turns 25, Guns Are Killing More Americans Than Ever. Why?

Why? The answer was simple: It was never the guns but the criminals, including those who broke the Brady Law and were never prosecuted for felon attempting to buy a firearm.


Dick’s Sporting Goods to remove Hunting Gear from its shops.

After removing all assault rifles and initiating new gun sale policies at all 732 of its stores, Dick’s Sporting Goods is contemplating removing all hunting gear from its stores, company CEO Edward Stack said in a Nov. 28 conference call.
In a test run, the company removed all hunting products from 10 stores where hunting gear was underperforming and replaced it with assortments in categories such as baseball, licensed products and outerwear, according to the call.
“Though it’s too early to discuss performance, we’re optimistic these changes will better serve the athletes in these communities,” Stack said.

Dick’s Sporting Goods looking into removing all hunting gear from its stores

Never ever get your business involved in politics, but if you do that mistake, get it done and never make the mistake again. Dicks took one in the Bottom Line buttinsky by removing “assault weapons” from its stores and disposing of them rather than return them to the manufacturers and all done with much fanfare. It kept the other firearms and related products with them thinking they would continue to sell and do so very well because, weren’t them stupid gun owners still buying guns?

Dick’s found itself with a tone of money invested in products people would not buy. I guess nobody told them Gun Owners tend to be rather monolithic in their preferences and will not buy in locations where ANY gun is banned. I keep mentioning K-Mart’s decision no to sell any more ammunition after pressure by the Antis following Columbine’s and how it ended up tightening the noose around the company’s neck and its eventual bankruptcy.  There is another sporting goods company I forget to mention and that is Sports Authority who also went politically correct at the time of Columbine, but they were either smart enough or lucky enough to simply do away with all firearms and related items. The took a hit, no doubt about it but they reconfigure the business more towards a personal fitness & gym-type of goods and eventually they recovered. The other thing they did after that was never to get involved in political crap and they are making a nice profit according to what I was able to find online.

So what Dick’s is doing is simply removing the inventory it is not moving. No idea if they will destroy it, donate it or return it yet and try to get a refund, but sure as heck at least it is occupying unnecessary space in their stores and warehouses. In the era of Amazon, brick and mortar operations need to squeeze the hell out of every penny till they get Old Abe to scream.

Politics are fleeting. What today makes you look like a hero, tomorrow brands you as a moron in the business world. Dear Dick’s: Tag, you are it.

And you have to laugh at the irony.

During the Kavanaugh hearings, Feminists showed up dressed like the female characters of Handmaid’s Tale as it is supposed to represent male and religious dominance over women or some happy horseshit.

Our dearest Anti Gunner Alyssa (Desperate looking for a new show) Milano was one of them.

Well,  it seems that the Scarlet Defenders of #FuckDueProcess found out something about the writer of Handmaid’s Tale.


On Wednesday a feminist launched yet another attack from feminists on Margaret Atwood, the author of “The Handmaid’s Tale,” for signing a letter in November 2016 calling for an independent investigation into the University of British Columbia’s firing of Professor Steven Galloway, who had been accused of sexual assault and harassment by a student.

‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Author Attacked By Feminists For Standing Up For Due Process

It seems from what I read that the accusation was made by a jilted girlfriend and student of the professor and he was dismissed by the university. A judge got into investigating and found that it was all BS and UBC was forced to pay for damages.

But what is amazingly stupid is that feminists are pissed off that the creator of the feminist living meme actually supported the idea of a fair investigation and now she needs to be punished even when the guy was falsely accused.  Ms. Atwood stood for the rights of the accused, but she betrayed the cause that did not get started but two years after the incident. It is like a Time Machine Indictment: we will go back in time to make sure you pay for a crime that never happened.

It is a mental condition.

Lagniappe’s Lair: The Missing Border Posts.

Sometimes the Dumb is strong with me. I just realized that I have not linked to several of Murphy’s prior border posts and that will give you a much better idea of his adventures.

In order of appearance:

Down on the border

The situation here now

Mexicans–Mexicans everywhere!

Thanks gang!

Looks like someone didn’t pay their cartel tax

Still here…and happy Thanksgiving.

91 future Democrat voters

A delicious victory

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