
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Voice of HAL has died.

Douglas Rain, the acclaimed Shakespearean actor whose chilling performance as the voice of the homicidal HAL 9000 computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey” rendered the amoral emptiness of outer space in sound, died Sunday at age 90.
The Stratford Festival, the Canadian theater company of which Rain was a founding member in 1953, confirmed his death on Sunday night. A cause of death wasn’t reported.

Douglas Rain, the creepy voice of HAL in ‘2001,’ dies at 90

For many kids my age back then, fascinated with space exploration, this scene was scary for one reason: It was the first time we realized that things could go bad in space and there was very little or nothing that could be done. We discovered the awful sense of impotence against a seemingly invincible foe and fell even smaller than what we were.


And that, ladies and gentlemen is great voice acting.

Another ballot box found in Broward County.

This time at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport.

So we get more and more suspicious activities in Broward county and yet, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement says “that they have no allegations of fraud.”

My belief is that FDLE is compromised, probably fearing there will be a new administration that will not take kindly they were investigated for electoral fraud.

I hope I am wrong.

Hat Tip Manny V.

What I have seen (and not) in Social Media about Florida Democrats.

In my examinations of Social Media this past week, I have noticed what I hope to be three distinct group of Democrats: The ones that are 100% with what is happening in Broward County because they get the wins and the ones that are embarrassed about the shenanigans in Broward county. The third group I cannot calibrate because they are the silent Democrats and I do hope the exist (I fear they may not.)

Sadly, the embarrassed Democrats are a scant minority. These are people that want a win but want it honorable and they feel the actions of Brenda Snipes and the Broward Elections board are at best polluting that image and at worse, giving them a fraudulent win.

Most of the active Democrats were vociferous in the defense of what is going on. Their position is basically “Fuck the law. All votes count including (and specially) the suspicious ones and only because you can’t prove it.” They want the win so desperately, they do not care the consequences and frankly they rightly suspect there won’t be any.  They won’t care if Gillum’s governorship will always be shadowy (even past what they thought was the Presidency of “W”) because they ant the acquisition of power by any means necessary and are prepared to do whatever is needs to do so.

When you keep allowing for bad behavior, you reinforce it. The Florida GOP never stood for the elections in Broward County as it was considered the California of Florida: Impossible to win. Governor Scott allowed Brenda Snipes to do what she wanted without repercussions and now we are witnessing a soft coup d’état worth of any Banana country or Middle Eastern regime in the world. This election was not won by the Democrats but grossly lost by the Republicans who keep thinking they can get the Democrats to like them if they let them stick a finger up the GOP’s  ass.

And if by a miracle, the results end up favoring the Republicans, you may want to do hurricane prep just in case as I believe some of that vocal “minority” may get frisky, hit the streets and perform damage on property and human flesh. It is not like they will be punished by the law anyway, right?

And if you are thinking “Oh well, if Gillum wins, we still have the Legislature in our favor, nothing he can do, right?” allow me to remind you that the incoming Florida Senate president Bill Galvano, a Republican, was already bought and paid by Bloomberg.  I am sure Bloomberg is/was not the only one donating to his coffers and that makes Galvano’s standing honorably with Republican voters at least suspicious.


You can’t play with sharks in the belief they won’t bite you.

This idea seems to be a common delusion among celebrities. The latest one to get a small wake up call was Stephen Colbert.

Click to enlarge the collage

Yes, there were tweets congratulating him for his position and no, I don’t give a crap about them.  He chummed the waters enough and if he gets bitten by one of his own, let me know and I’ll raise my glass in celebration.