
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Rick Scott’s testicles finally dropped.

Just saw a quick press conference. He appeared pissed off and called (with numbers nd other data) what the election boards of Broward and Palm Beach are doing a FRAUD. He already ordered the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to investigate violations of Florida Law committed by the people in those election boards.  This is not gonna sit well with Liberals but I guess he finally realized playing nicey-nice with the assholes leads nowhere but losing.

I so wish he reached puberty last Spring.


I just realized something…

If the Democrats are allowed to pull this shit in Florida, this will be the second time I am present for a soft coup d’etat and both ending with a Socialist in power.

Today is either when the Republican Party stands up and becomes a force for the voice and votes of its people or dissolves into historical nothingness.

Either case, buy ammo by the pallets.

Florida: Agriculture Commissioner goes also to recount.

The race for state agriculture commissioner appears too close to call.
The most updated numbers show Republican candidate Matt Caldwell as leading Democrat Nikki Fried with 50.08 percent of the vote.
That close margin is likely to trigger an automatic recount with just 12,521 votes between them. An automatic recount happens when the difference is less than half a percentage point, and this race is at 0.16 percent.

Automatic recount looms in Florida ag commissioner race with 0.16 percent vote margin

Last time I checked, this race was done and the difference was close but enough. All of the sudden we now have three seats in which the Democrats suddenly are popping votes from nowhere and closing the gaps to activate recounts.

Here is the official Florida Elections Watch and here is a screen capture taken at 1:45 pm 11/8/2018. The only counties that have not finished the Mail-In ballots are Broward and Palm Beach.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe we are watching a coup in progress orchestrated from Broward County, Palm Beach county and its Democrats. Not happy that their politics killed 15 kids at Parkland, they are now aiming for the rest of the sate.

We are about to lose Florida.

Proving that Fake News & Ignorant Journalists are not Exclusive to the USA…

From Informativos Telecinco, a Spanish TV Channel, via Asociación Nacional del Arma de España – ANARMA. The translation is:

 This is the rifle with which Manuel Murillo Sánchez wanted to kill the president


Apparently the Spanish Media and politicians had the arrested guy categorized as a sniper ready to kill the President from miles away with a Skorpion machine pistol.

Not even Bob Lee Swagger could pull that one off.

PS: The Skorpion is still on my wanted list. I just like the looks of the useless little thing. Well, if it goes bang, it is not useless.

UPDATE:  Link to the alleged arsenal of the alleged frustrated sniper.

Thousand Oaks, CA Shooting. Still waiting for more details.

So far I hear it was done with a handgun, possibly a Glock in .45 ACP.  The shooter has been identified as Ian Long, former Marine and I will not be surprised if he has a history of mental issues.

But what struck me as interesting was the description of how was he dressed:

Click to enlarge

“According to survivors, Long was dressed in all-black, wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses and a mask covering the bottom part of his face.”

Just mere coincidence and heavy speculation on my part. That is all.

When I say Liberals can’t do math…

Reader Mal sent me this one crazy Gun Controller making hay of another California Mass Killing that happened in Thousand Oaks, CA last night:

Never mind that the first number is the totals for death, never mind that the second number is the total for injuries, adding everything you can’t come up with the 48,946 deaths she is spouting, I can only come with 42,071.

Here is the kicker:

Now, Do I continue to be polite and say she is just plain stupid even for a match teacher or go straight for she is another gun control liar?

Either choice can’t do math and assume the rest of the world can’t either.