
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Libertarians Always Pop Out After the Electoral Rain.

Social Media is now awash with Libertarian memes. Basically, your winning (or losing) candidate still sucks, “If it pleases the crown,” “we are for freedom” and 17,000 repetitions an hour of “Taxation is Theft.”

Dear Libertarians, get over it: your party sucks and it is dead.

I will gladly grant that (L)libertarians have some very great points to make, but political organization it is not only your forte, but you suck at it like a Black Hole sucks everything in the universe. For the love of God, you guys let an openly Pro-Hillary candidate run as VP for your party!

And the message coming out of the Libertarian palaces like the Cato Institute are sounding more like the Democrat platform of 20 years ago than anything truly (L)libertarian.

It is time you guys got your shit together, clean house, find your political North again if you want to be other than another failed Bull Moose Party.

Florida: We dodged a bullet.

That was close, too close for comfort.  Now, if I am not mistaken, all NRA-endorsed candidates for Executive positions won (we are using the NRA as guide to see who is pro-gun only) and that tells us Gun Rights is not a dead of an issue as they tried to sell, although they almost pulled it.

The one that amazed me the most that was even close was Agriculture Commissioner.  The Democrat Nikki Fried basically ran on two thing: Screw with the Concealed Weapons Permit system and get pot legalized (which she could not do). That particular race got 163,112 votes less that the Governor’s and that tells me a bunch of people did not know what the  Agriculture Commissioner does for guns in Florida.

And that leaves the Legislature which from what little I can gather, it has not changed and it is in the hands of RINO GOP. The Incoming Senate President Bill Galvano was funded by Bloomberg. The best we can hope is 2 years of inaction unless there is a way to have them come to Jesus and see reason.

Still the best example was the new Senator for Florida Rick Scott: He barely made it and I do believe he would not had that much problem if he had not folded like a Walmart $5.95 lawn chair with SB7026.  And the worse part is that our schools are not safe and won’t be.

And by the way, David Hogg and March For Our Lives have been strangely silent on the Florida Results. No tweets of any kind that I saw.

Basically: The Parkland Kids, the alleged game changer for Gun Control across the Nation in this election, failed to convince its own state.

That has to hurt.

How important is not to piss off gun owners. UPDATE

Gillum conceded to DeSantis. All the Florida Executive went Red (Close call on the Agriculture commissioner, either potheads came out or gun owners did not pay attention) and at this time, 11:39 pm on 11/6/2016, Bill Nelson refuses to concede. 9.71% of the precincts reporting and there is a 0.72% (77, 984 votes) difference between him and Scott. He is hoping somebody pulls some “Oh! I have forgotten to count these ballots…oppsie” moment and trigger the automatic recount.

I am sure Scott pissed off at least half that amount of voting gun owners, so right now instead of getting drunk in Veuve Clicquot, he is chugging Maalox and hopping the Dems don’t steal his senate seat.

And if he wins, I will eat crow or pork equivalent. I hope he learns the lesson but fear will not.

UPDATE: Nelson conceded and Scott is now Senator… by 55,394 votes.  (I:00 am)