
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Spend your Space Movie Money on something better: From the Earth to the Moon.

J. Kb. said all that needed to be said regarding that piece of crap movie. I am going t guide you to dust your DVD player and buy the great mini series From the Earth to the Moon. (I don’t see it being offered in streaming service)

This is worth your binging time. Produce by Tom Hanks and yes, you can expect Band of Brothers and The Pacific quality in this miniseries.

Quoting from IMDB:

 The twelve episodes follow the Apollo space program from a variety of viewpoints: (1) “Can We Do This?” maps the origins of Apollo and its Mercury and Gemini roots; (2) “Apollo 1” tells of the tragic fire and the subsequent finger-pointing; (3) “We Have Cleared the Tower” portrays the intense preparation for Apollo 7; (4) “1968” puts Apollo 8 into its historical context against events of the era; (5) “Spider” shows the engineering POV through the design, building, and testing of the LEMs with Apollos 9 and 10, (6) “Mare Tranquilitatis” shows the deeper considerations behind the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing; (7) “That’s All There Is” portrays the camaraderie of the Apollo 12 crew; (8) “We Interrupt This Program” shows a by-now-indifferent media galvanized by the events of Apollo 13; (9) “For Miles and Miles” tells of Alan Shepherd’s return to the manned program with Apollo 14 after being grounded between Mercury and Gemini; (10) “Galileo Was Right” show the non-piloting demands on the Apollo 15 astronauts as they train in lunar field geology; (11) “The Original Wives Club” gives the female POV through the wives of the New Nine; and (12) “La Voyage Dans La Lune” brings things full circle by contrasting Georges Méliès’s vision and drive in creating his 1902 film with Apollo 17 and the Apollo program’s close.

Fuck Canada.

Thank You! GFZ seems will stay up a few more years

Thanks to your contributions, the web hosting is now extended until Jan 8, 2022. The rest of the items needed will be paid whenever they come due.

I will leave the  page up for the Fundraiser till it ends on December 31st. I won’t mind further donations past the goal, in fact I will gladly accept help in any size you can provide because I have the feeling next year will be a tough one in the Gonzalez abode.


Only two simple words, but I want you to know I do sincerely mean them. 10 years is a long time for a blog, but it is because I have the greatest readers that keeps me going. And having J. Kb. doing the not-old-fart writing also helps a lot. Besides starting the blog, my best inspiration was to let the Tactical Redneck Jew come write for a Catholic semi Fudd’s blog.
I know I am not triggering more people, but give me a chance and I’ll get to you as soon as possible.

Cultural Appropiation: The Battle.

They got him. Just as I feared they would.
My nephew Kyle came to live with us this summer after his freshman year of college. Apparently he’s now a deputized member of the cultural-appropriation police.
He hadn’t even unpacked his massive bag of dirty laundry when he made a snide comment about the three straw hats hanging in our hallway collected during our years living in Southeast Asia.

My nephew tried to school me on cultural appropriation. It didn’t end well.

A very funny read with your morning coffee.

Hat Tip Rob R.


Fake News: They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

I saw a screen capture over James Wood’s twitter account, but I went to check myself and got my own:

This is why people sometimes want to address journalists with cue by four.

The editorial meeting at Slate for this article must have gone something like this:
“OK folks we tried stripes, Russians, pussy grabbing, racism, etc. Nothing sticks. What do we do?”
“How about we say he is some sort of retrograde dumb ass and he does not use computers?”
“Perfect! Who is doing Art today? Molly?” 
“She is out sick doing microagression recovery therapy. We have the unpaid intern on call.”
“OK, email him and tell him to pick any Trump picture.”
“As soon as it is done, I’ll text you with the article.”
“Don’t bother. I am just gonna spend the rest of the day doing liquid hops and malts at Rosie’s bar. Go ahead and publish it when you are done.”

Not much of a surprise: Gillum wants to abolish ICE

I posted about this before, Cui bono? Who benefits from a lack of immigration and Customs? Drug Cartels and Human Traffickers. The FEC should start looking really deep into who is financing this campaign.

I wonder if the Democrats really want to bang that drum on this side of the country. It may make pretty music back in California, but Florida is a different animal when it comes to immigration. And with a lot of people coming from Venezuela and Nicaragua, the idea of selling Socialism and sexy may not be welcomed by many. It is not that the southern counties will suddenly turn red, but if enough Hispanics simply do not vote for Gillum, the damage will be done.

In the same article, I caught this thing of absolute beauty:

You know what immigrants (at least on the Florida side) will say if you are extradited after being married for decades to an US Citizen and never even bothering to apply for a Green Card?  You deserve to get kicked out of the country, pendejo!  

The Florida Media will have to work overtime trying to put a lot of molasses and sprinkles to the bowl of shit that Gillum will try to dish out as campaign platform. Maybe that is why they were so loud with DeSantis monkey non-issue: Socialism may be a hard sale in Florida after all.