
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

NoRA discovers VPC’s Concealed Carry Killers.

Now we done it, they have irrefutable proof we (16 million citizens with permits) are not worthy to carry concealed because 0.0078% of people with permits committed the ultimate of infractions: Murder (Cue somber music.)

As you can imagine I checked the Florida page and check on those 84 people killed according to VPC. Well, there weren’t 84 listed (out of the 1,927,724 CWPs issued that comes at 0.004% of violators) and it is mentioned that the cases they present are “vignettes describe the circumstances for killings not ruled self-defense by private individuals with permits to carry.” By my count there were only 57 distributed the following way:

Homicide and Convicted: 36
Homicide Pending: 10
Suicide: 1
Accidental: 8
Other: 3

I counted suicides in Murder/Suicides as Homicide and Convicted. Same for those shooting where the perpetrator died by police action. Now, out of the number originally given we get info on more than half and only 36 have been convicted or died because of their actions. Violence Policy Center has always added pending judgements to the count to add bulk regardless what the verdict will say later. But add accidental shootings and a suicide as cold-blooded murders? Yes, padding the numbers even more. But I want to present to you one the one that takes the cake. Remember this study is so congresscritters and the public do not allow people with Concealed Carry to go out their little reservations and start shooting buses full of orphans and other massacres. Click on the picture to enlarge and read.

Yes, they included a strangulation in the mix just because the killer had a CWP.

And this is why only fools actually pay attention to this “study” by the Violence Policy Center.

And Alyssa Milano is the latest fool.


Facebook Hates Code is Free Speech. (Get the link inside) Update

So just 10 minutes ago I get a message in my Facebook account:

Next, I retried just to post the link and no can do, Bubba.


I even tried our old friend Tiny URL…


So now I am trying this way, the long way. Click here to go to that website Facebook does not want you to visit.


UPDATE: Other links I had posted to CodeIsFreeSpeech.com were also taken down.

The Internet and Gun Owners. The 3D Gun Insurrection.

I believe with all my heart that the modern and successful fight against those who wanted to kill the Second Amendment came around because the gun community embraced the Internet with all its might.

It was the sudden ability to connect with other like-minded individuals what amalgamated us into fearful force. We were suddenly advising and warning each other about the comings and goings of the Gun Grabbers, what had been successful against them and what had not.

The Opposition had total control over the Traditional Media and it was impossible to wedge in a positive story about guns. But soon enough, the Internet began eroding away the news monolith by being the fact checkers of their willfully erroneous information.  It must have been a shock for Newspapers and TV stations who had entered the Information Highway that they would receive thousands of emails stating the errors and lies they had published. When before people had to sit down, hand or typewrite a letter to be sent to the editor and then mail it, it only took a couple of minutes to fire the same missive from the comfort and quietness of home, only interrupted by the soft clacking sounds of a keyboard.

Our enemies are not fools and they also took to the Internet. But even when they had gigantic financial backing and the best minds that Madison Avenue could offer for sale, they were never able to compete against millions of people disputing the same electronic real state and timelines. They do give it a good try spending bags of cash and pushing interns (paid and otherwise), but simply there is not enough of them and this is a war of attrition. Whoever has the most resources, wins.

And now we have, sorry, had the 3D Printed Guns war. I say had because no matter how much the other team screams, they already know they lost. Once again the great minds from NY Advertising came out, gave the very expensive talking point to the Media Serfdom and tried to scare everybody to think the End Of The World was here (for the umpteenth time) because of guns. And they even managed to get a Judge, a Clinton Appointee in Seattle to issue and injunction against publishing what basically is alphanumeric characters in a piece of electronic memory, easy to copy and distribute. It was a fool’s errand.

The Opposition was chanting victory and dancing in their well, furnished offices when the first news starting to come in: The Rednecks had revolted. Nobody was shot, nobody was injured, no Molotov cocktails had been tossed to damage properties, it was worse.

They had the unmitigated gall to share the “prohibited” files with other online!

Filesharing sites, Peer-to-Peer, blogs, websites social media and even the humble email were being used to transmit the proscribed information. And you can bet that 99% of those getting and releasing the blueprints really do not have the time or money to spend on the good 3D printers, but it was not a question of monetary affordability but of freedom: Can we afford to let these idiots destroy the First Amendment because the hate the Second? The answer for all of us was a resounding NO!

Ours was Civil Rights Insurrection, make no mistake. We were told by a few that blueprints and instructions were verboten, that they needed to be proscribed because the damage that they may do in the wrong hands. And they tried to sell that line of manure to us, the ones that have been hearing it for decades about their magazines, their rifles, their pistols and their shotguns and used as excuse to remove them from out property.

So, they may not admit it yet, but the lost. They lost so bad that baby seals are feeling commiserate about the likes of Alyssa Milano and Shannon Watts. It was a digital blitzkrieg that only awaits the reversal of the temporary injunction a superior court so we can go back to argue about calibers and the best (insert type gun here) for whatever is that you will be doing over the weekend, shooting-wise.

Al Gore (falsely) proclaimed himself the father of the Internet many years ago. If he only knew how was it going to be used against his political kin, he would have choked that baby with the Ethernet umbilical cord at the moment of birth.

And don’t forget: Code Is Free Speech. Go download your copies if you don’t have them yet. Share them with the ones you love and even the same people who tried to kill them.

A Bad Mom according to Gun Control.

Let’s check the usual talking points, shall we?

She had a gun. FAIL
She had an unsecured weapon FAIL
She had an unsecured weapon with children in the house FAIL
She used a shotgun. Women are too weak deal with Shotguns FAIL
She did not allow police to respond and take care of the situation FAIL

As for the rest of us with a bit of brain, the actions of this lady are FULL OF WIN.

Carry on.