
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Two more fire extinguishers.

Went shopping to Big Club Store and they had these for sale, $24 the dual pack.

One went to the Missus’ car and the other one will be the third one inside the house. I have one for the kitchen as you guys know, there is one in the bedroom and  this one will go near the wash room where besides the dryer, we have the electric panel.

I forgot to share this particular fire suppression device designed for kitchen stove tops. Just don’t flambee anything under the kitchen hood.

Handicapped Space Shooting.

Here is the video.

Deputies said the argument started at the Circle A Food Store at 1201 Sunset Point Road Thursday afternoon when McGlockton’s girlfriend Britany Jacobs pulled her Chrysler sedan into a handicapped parking space.
After McGlockton and their 5-year-old son went into the store, Drejka approached Jacobs and the two began arguing about the parking space, authorities said.
According to a witness, when McGlockton came out of the store and saw what was happening, he shoved Drejka to the ground.
“It wasn’t just a push,” Gualtieri explained. “He really slammed him to the ground and he pushed him with great force. This was a violent push.”
Drejka then pulled out a handgun and shot McGlockton once in the chest. Gualtieri specified that Drejka took four seconds to fire his weapon.

Sheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits ‘Stand Your GroundSheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits ‘Stand Your GroundSheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clearwater shooting fits ‘Stand Your GroundSheriff Bob Gualtieri: Clear­water shooting fits ‘Stand Your Ground’

As usual, I am Not a Lawyer and this is my personal interpretation.

Let’s begin with Michael Drejka. he is an asshole. Yes, people are stupid and park in handicap spots, but getting all flustered about it solves nothing.  That there is a history of him being an asshole does not affect what happened here.

The issue is that Markeis McGlockton blindsided  Drejka with a powerful shove that sent him forcefully to the ground.  McGlockton was not a party involved in the original argument nor he appears to try to deescalate with a shouted warning to back off or any other non-threatening way but he went for the shove.  Drejka is arguing with a woman and the next thing he knows is that he is now painfully horizontal in the pavement with a large young man towering about him. Trying to say that he did not feel threatened by somebody younger, bigger and who already proven that he was willing to use physical force, might have been too much of a stretch for Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri who is no friend of SYG or the Second Amendment.

Lessons learned: Don’t be a dick. Everybody here behaved like one. Park where you are supposed to park. If you see somebody who is parking where he should not, tell him/her with extreme courtesy and back off if they get verbally aggressive. Just because you cab and have the body type, do not initiate physical violence because somebody is saying bad things to your loved one. Words don’t kill, bullets to the chest do.

Basically, if you seek out to be an asshole, somebody will try to outmatch you. Bad shit will ensue.

And I have not posted this in a while and it needs to be repeated

Avoidance, Deterrence, and De-escalation
Your number one philosophy for personal security should be a life long commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.

Avoidance: The act of avoiding or keeping away from (Three Stupid Rule.) If you can safely retreat from the encounter, by all means do so. For instance, if you are out for a walk and feel threatened or intimidated by an occupant of a car, you should retreat in the opposite direction that the car is traveling.

Deterrence: The act of discouraging someone from taking hostile action against you by being aware of them and their possible intent.

De-escalation: The act of decreasing in intensity. To not let your ego or emotions get the best of you, to refrain from escalating the problem into more than it already is. As a CCW you may need to back down from non-life threatening, argumentative encounters in order to not allow things to spiral out of control.
When these things do not work, then and only then may you need to show or use the gun. Just because we are carrying does not mean that we need to use the gun. You want to do whatever is reasonably possible to avoid using the gun. But when your well researched, well thought out “line in the sand” has been crossed you need to act without hesitation.

The “Three Stupid” Rule

“Do not go to stupid places, with stupid people, and do stupid things”

We all know that nobody wants thugs to dictate where they can or cannot go. Put there are simply some places, people, and things that you should avoid if you want to lower your risks. You can cut down on your risks by a good 95% if you just follow the three stupid rule.

Roger Phillips



Don’t mess with Southern Women.

Reader Dave sent me a link to a young Southern lady not taking crap from an abusive idiot. You gotta love it.

Southern Women are genetically designed to inflict several orders of damage above what her physique would indicate. Sort of like what a couple of ounces of C4 would do to your nuts if detonated.

I have been married to one for over three decades and have the scars to prove it.  Why do you guys thing I made and carry my “Oh S**t!” kit, for my health? Wait, I actually do it for my health. Never mind.

Just don’t mess with Southern Women.

Stoneman Douglass High School Kids have a great travel agent.

What the actual fark?

I have been in Earthquakes and Shootings and I can tell you from experience that one has nothing to do with the other.

I am starting to get the feeling some people are fucking around with the donations and coming up with excuses to travel abroad.

“Hey, we still have a couple of millions in the account.”
“Shit, we need a vacation before going back to school. Where do you wanna go”?
“You know? I never been in New Zealand and I hear is cool.”
“Great idea! We need to come up with an excuse to go.”
“Google some shit about New Zealand”
“Got it! They had earthquakes and people died.”
“Fuck it, close enough. Let’s boon book some plane reservations and hotels. Open Expedia.”
(Chanting) “We are going to New Zealand…We are going to New Zealand…We are going to New Zealand…”

I wouldn’t be surprised if it went something like that.

SJW Midget who stole MG hats gets no jail time.

You guys surely remember Edith Macias.

 A now-graduated UC Riverside student who stole a peer’s Make America Great Again hat off his head last fall and refused to give it back has pled guilty to petty theft and will not face jail time as long as she completes a court-appointed program.
“The defendant pled guilty to one count of petty theft and was referred to our standard deferred entry of judgment (DEJ) program, which requires the completion of a class in exchange for a dismissal,” John Hall, a spokesman for the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office, told The College Fix via email Monday.
“Prior to agreeing to the DEJ program, the defendant provided proof that she has already completed eight anger-management classes and wrote an apology letter to the victim and UCR. If the defendant does not complete the DEJ program as agreed upon, she would be sentenced to 10 days in county jail and three years of summary probation,” Hall said.

No jail time for student who stole peer’s MAGA hat in viral video

I hope she learned her lesson. I doubt it but only time will tell.


Brady spreading more crap about Ted Nugent.

There was a kerfuffle between Ted’s fans and the show’s promoter in Roanoke. For reasons that I still do not understand, the promoter did not allow guns in the arena and somebody said it was Ted Nugent who originated such order. He was not pleased:

But that does not mean squat to the Lie-Spreaders of the Brady Campaign who had no trouble being trampoline for a third-party.

Somebody in the comments pointed out lies is all they have. But I want to point out something that is pissing me off a bit: Those in our side that automatically bemoaned against Ted without checking if the news item was true.

Listen, I get that ted can be harsh and even coarse with his language.  But is your dislike for Ted so much you will automatically assume what the Opposition publish about him to be the truth and bitch about it in Social Media?

And about having Ted Nugent as part of the NRA Board of Directors and that our enemies do not like him. Sparky, I am gonna quote myself once again:

We can elect Jesus Christ himself to be President of the NRA and the Democrats and the Media will hate him, accuse him of trying to overthrow the Roman Empire, subvert Judaism, make wine without a license and distribute suspicious fish and baked goods.

That is it. Trying to get somebody palatable to the Gun Control crowd would mean to elect Bloomberg, Shannon Watts and David Hogg to the NRA BOD. Stop whining.


Guns Sales under Commerce Dept. So many lies packed in so little space.

Just saw this from the Brady’s.

ZOMG! Unchecked gun sales abroad and monies to the NRA because they sell guns! …smh.

I clicked on the link and I had a good laugh when I reached to this segment.

“It means exports of guns and ammunition like sniper rifles, semiautomatic assault rifles and pistols, and handguns used by Navy Seals and U.S. Special Forces would be subject to less strict oversight than they are now,” Katherine Phillips of Giffords writes. “Exporting these weapons to other countries, where they could fall into the wrong hands and potentially be used against Americans, would become easier.”

Trump administration’s new gun policy: Let’s arm more bad guys around the world.

Huh? Are these people nuts or just liars. I am going with liars. We know damn well that the military of any country rarely buys semi automatic when a full automatic model is available. And the “pistols and handguns” that the Navy Seal have differ nothing from the ones sold at the local Gun store. And I am sorry to inform the Giffords and the Bradys that the same sniper rifles you are crapping your pants about, are available online directly from the manufacturer.

And still, international regulations will be applied to the sale of firearms as per established treaties.  End Of User certificates will be required and I suspect that guns for export are also checked by the ATF when they are done built and sent to the secure bonded warehouses for export.

Brady, Giffords and Salon are trying to bullshit people into thinking foreign buyers will fly in, get a shopping cart and start stuffing  guns in them and then rush back to the airport to catch the last flight out.

That is not how it works. And besides, this is not the Obama administration giving guns to anybody in the Mexican Cartels,  Libya or Syria, including ISIS and assorted enemies of the US.

But allow me to show you how silly is the whole ordeal. This is extracted from the ATF Firearms Commerce In The United States 2077.

Firearm EXPORTS for 2015 (The latest year it appears in the report): 343,456 firearm exported.

OK, so how many firearms were built in that year? 9,358,661

Did we import any guns that year? Most certainly so: 3,930,211.

Let’s recap: 9,358,661 manufactures plus 3,930,211 imported adds to 13,288,872 firearms for internal consumption versus 343,456 guns exported. That is 38.7 times more guns for the US civilian market than exports to the rest of the effing world.

Let me make it even more pitiful: In the history of the FBI Firearms Background checks, barring the first month that started collecting info very late (Nov 1998 with 21,196 checks) there has not been one single month in which background checks fell under 500,000 being the lowest recorded June 2002 with 538,648  background checks. Let me put this way: The 343,456 exported weapons are but maybe three weeks’ worth of a full year of Background Checks for 2015.

Let me give you a simple number to share with you friends: In 2015, the number of weapons exported represented only 2.58% of the  total US Firearms market or 97.4% of the guns were for internal consumption.

There is a reason why we own 44% of the guns in the world: We don’t share.