
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Seattle bans drinking straws.

Good for Seattle! They are on their way to become the cleanest city in the US… except for the whole abandoned RV used for housing situation and the tons of trash that its extensive homeless/addict situation is leaving behind every day.

Cheap housing
“Parked” on the streets with the consent of city hall.
“Accidental fire” or junkies don’t care much for safety
Under the Spokane Street Viaduct
Again under the Spokane Street viaduct. Click on the pic to enlarge and see the RVs in the background.

Yes, Seattle is an example to follow when it comes to wasteful plastic harming the environment. [end sarcasm]


Why I don’t trust the Press anywhere.

Nantes is a town in France. If you were taught Western World History, you should have a faint memory of the place when it comes to the fight between the French and the Britons way-way back then.

On July 4th during a stop,  police tried to detain 20-year-old Aboubakar Fofana who apparently “unarmed” tried to run over a cop who proceeded to shoot him dead.  That event was followed by four nights of “unrest” or what we call over this side of the pond “rioting, arson and looting.”

Four days of burning cars and businesses has barely made a blip in Europe and pretty much zilch here. I am going on a limb that the lack of coverage has everything to do with the fact that the “yute” had an Arabic name and the popular response has been so unreasonable than rather than daring to criticize the actions of the migrant populace who has already pulled shit like this before in the same place, the Media rather ignore it in the hope it does down and goes away.  What is ignoring widespread arson compared with being accused of racists? Let it burn.

Then again is France where certain groups feel it is OK to shoot the shit out of publications if they feel Islam has been insulted.

The one where gun people go “You dumb motherf….”

CHICAGO (Sun-Times Media Wire) – A west suburban man and woman have been charged with robbing three banks in May using a stolen AK-47 rifle.
James D. Williams, 41, and Alexis T. Handelman, 21, are accused of three armed takeover bank robberies in a three-week period, according to a statement from the FBI. They are both residents of Bartlett.
The duo has been charged with robbing an Old Second Bank branch May 11 at 323 E. Norris Drive in Ottawa in north central Illinois; a NorStates Bank branch May 21 at 5384 Grand Ave. in north suburban Gurnee; and an Aurora Bank and Trust branch May 31 at 2287 W. Galena Blvd. in west suburban Aurora, authorities said.

Leading up to the robberies, Williams stole an AK-47 rifle and rented different vehicles, according to the FBI. In at least one of the incidents, he attached stolen license plates to a vehicle he’d rented.

Pair charged with suburban bank robbery spree using stolen AK-47

The convenience of robbing in Chicago. Even if somebody realized the mistake, there was nothing they could have done.  In other cities? He may not had much luck.

They robbed two other banks and at least once he had ammo because a shot was fired.

Good thing, he is safe now as the police arrested him and his partner in crime.



Tactical Gremlins

I posted this over Melody Lauer’s FB page, and seeing it was decent, I figured I should share it with you guys:

In the car of every gun owner lives a Tactical Gremlin. It is a creature that has as duty to stash small gun items in the nooks and crevices of the car and in such manner that you will not find it after a deep and complete search, but the guy vacuuming the inside of the car in the car wash will.
And they are a communicating network of gremlins, otherwise how you explain the .357 SIG and 45-70 brass found in the trunk of your car….when you don’t own guns in those calibers?
And yes, they took your custom era plugs too.

And that is the reason why a Gun Owner, specially those who regularly shoot, can ever take their vehicles across the border. That cop checking you out used to be the guy vacuuming at the car wash.

Whatever happened to The Parkland Brats Bus Tour?

Apparently the March For Our Lives Bus Cult is out there and not making a lot of noise. I found an article in the Sun sentinel where they happened to drop by West Palm Beach at the Mar a Largo club and the picture of the group…well was not precisely the stuff you would expect from a well-organized “grassroots” organization.

After a bit more of googling, I found out that they were in Naples, Fl doing voting registration in the lobby of a local multiplex theater.


This is pitiful. Is what millions of dollars in Bloomberg money invested in teenagers came to be? This is almost as pitiful as a former presidential candidate doing a book sign at Costco.

Apparently they are in Dallas today according to their schedule. And after that they will engage other cities, but they are not being specific exactly where in those cities they will show up. My guess is they are afraid our people will show up and troll them merciless.

Hey, at least they are getting to see the country on Bloomie’s dime.