
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Speaker Ryan goes jellyfish spine as expected.

WASHINGTON — House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., said Tuesday that Republican leaders had no plans to advance a bill that would make it easier for Americans to purchase gun silencers.

The focus on the silencer legislation, which passed a House committee last month, was magnified Monday after the Sunday night shooting in Las Vegas that left at least 59 dead and hundreds injured.

“That bill is not scheduled now; I don’t know when it’s going to be scheduled,” Ryan said. “Right now we’re focused on passing our budget.”

No plans to bring gun silencer bill to House floor, Ryan says – Stars and Stripes

These are the times to see who is a Fair Weather Pro Gun Legislator.  You may want to contact your elected critter and politely remind him/her you do vote, not the Democrats.

Travel Advice

If you tell me I have the wrong interpretation of the Bill of Rights and how they should be adapted to modern times because machine guns did not exist at the time of the founding fathers and you are doing so via a Smart Phone or Tablet, please feel free to go take a trip to GoFuckYourSelfistan.

So far, three assholes have com up with that, but the day is young.

And the vultures come out.

At least she responded faster than Benghazi. That is an improvement.

Never let a crisis go to waste. Aren’t the bodies still on the ground?

Update 12:20 pm EST

I just heard from the LVMPD’s Sheriff Joseph Lombardo that the bodies have not been retrieved from the crime scene as the investigation continues.

I guess following the best Las Vegas tradition,  the corpses are a buffet where Hillary and Shannon are stuffing their political faces into.


San Juan (PR) Mayor: When even Geraldo thinks you are a partisan hack.

If you rewind some, you will catch Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz moving goalpost with the definition of dying when she is confronted by Geraldo.

To give you guys an idea of the corruption in PR: It makes NYC and New Orleans look like temples of purity and truth filled with Vestal virgins. And don’t expect things to improve anytime in the next 30 years or so.  Truthfully, we do not need the Island to be a part of the United States. We should let the Cubans get it, that would be punishment enough for both.

Puerto Rico has averaged 2.1 hurricanes per decade in the last 90 years.  Nobody can be so stupid as to not be prepared for them, yet the local government and people (I am not gonna make excuses for them) have decided not to do crap about it and hope that “Dios proveera” (God will provide) which means they expect mainland US will cough up taxpayers’ money so they can go back to doing and governing the same way as before.

The best investment we can make is to rebuild the grids (power and water) and finance the independence movement.  I do believe it will be cheaper in the long run.