
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Socialism’s “Free Speech” in Reddit

So /r/socialism has a sticky regarding what is going on in Venezuela and allegedly discussion and even disagreement is expected, or maybe not.

Click to enlarge.

/r/vzla is the Venezuelan Reddit channel. Not a lot of discussion going on but yes, it is not very Pro-Chavez/Maduro.

I love when stuff like that happens, it may help open the eyes of a misguided youth or two who still believes Socialism will solve the problems of the world.

When the enemy is making a mistake, do not correct him.


Florida Juror and the Holy Ghost.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) — A juror dismissed during deliberations in former U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown’s fraud trial in Florida told his colleagues that the “Holy Spirit” told him she was not guilty, according to a court transcript.

Source: Juror: ‘Holy Spirit’ said former congresswoman not guilty – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale

I seriously need to consider moving out of Florida. This place is getting weirder than usual.


Moms Demand: Is Gun Crime a Virus?

I was thinking that since I lived in a country where malaria and other diseases are endemic, I have a good idea how the epidemiology to contain outbreaks work.

First you locate a place where we are having the most problems. For the Gun Control experts’ medical treatment, Chicago as a well-known location  where there is an issue with the “Gun Virus.” Epidemiologists will be sent to examine the problem or better yet, we ask locals (in this case Chicago PD officers) where are the worst spots of Gun Virus infection (“gun violence” and “gun crime”.) Once we figure out the specific hot spots, we begin by isolating them from the less affected or unaffected parts of Chicago.  I am guessing barriers and  fences to avoid that the Carriers of the Gun Virus should get out and avoid treatment.

Now that we have the location sealed as best as possible, we start targeting the locations where the Carriers of the Gun Virus might be located, just like we do for mosquitoes.

But now we have a problem, just like not all mosquitoes carry malaria, not all the humans in the confined areas are Carriers of the Gun Virus. However since we can’t distinguish one from another, we have to ignore that difference and treat the infected area. Remember, we are doing this for the Children!

The most efficient way is to intensely spray/fog/fumigate the area by truck:


By air:


And even door to door because we want to make sure not a single Gun Virus Carrier escapes:


So, let me see. The Gun Control crowd wants to treat the “Gun Crime” like it is an epidemic which obviously we need to treat according to the best epidemiological practices which include the isolation of the carriers on the areas of “infection” and their elimination by wide-area means which are not selective and pretty much will kill non-carriers also. I seem to recall that the method has been tried before and achieved great success against the carriers of other maladies.

Yup, Warsaw was a great epidemiological success in the treatment of the Semite Virus.

Maybe Shannon Watts should rename her group as Moms Demand Extermination for Gun Sense in America.

And I might be exaggerating, but just a very small bit. If you believe that the idea of mass incarceration and extermination of Gun Owners has not crossed the minds of some in the Opposition, you better wake the heck up or you will find yourself staring at the ugly mug of Ladd Everitt looking down at you in your bedroom.


Lagniappe’s Lair: The stupid! It burns! (Forest Whitaker Eye)

Sorry I had to steal almost the whole thing, but the stupid is just prodigious.

A discussion thread that I was somehow added to (because most of them have no idea who I really am) revolved around putting four new faces on Mt. Rushmore, because the current ones do not reflect this country’s diversity. My suggestion that we add Andrew Jackson was not well received and sparked a side discussion when it was stated that all of America needs to be stripped of all memorials to our Founding Fathers and and military hero since the Founders were all about white male supremacy and honoring anyone for killing others is wrong. I chimed back in and pointed out that but for our nation’s founders and the military men that came with and after them, no one on this discussion list would even be here today.
“Oh yes we would,” replied one of them. ” We’d just all have been Native Americans and we’d be living in harmony with each other and nature.”
The face palm heard round the world indeed. And laugh if you will, but her vote counts as much as yours of mine does every election.

Source: Lagniappe’s Lair: The stupid! It burns!