
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Florida’s CWP numbers still growing strong and fiscally sound.

From a Facebook post of a friend, I found out that the Division of Licensing is asking for an increase to take care of the influx of new people applying for a Concealed Weapon’s Permit.

TALLAHASSEE –  Lawmakers on Tuesday approved a $2.6 million request by the state Department of Agriculture to handle a continued historic spike in concealed carry permit applications.The agency, which oversees the state’s concealed weapons permit program, expects 316,738 concealed weapons permit applications during this fiscal year, which ends June 30. The agency had originally budgeted to handle last year’s record-breaking 244,726 applications. By Oct. 16, roughly three months into the new fiscal year, it already had collected 105,594 applications, said Derek Buchanan, the agency’s policy and budget director.

Source: Lawmakers give $2.6 million more for concealed weapon spike

Although initially very happy about the increase in permit solicitation, I was worried about the request for money. For those who do not know, Florida has a trust fund to be used only for CWP issues and it cannot be touched for anything else. Last I heard about that fund was that it had a healthy balance, so I was worried about that money.  The new applications alone brought close to 12 million dollars, so where is the money? The answer was to be found down in the same article.

State Department of Agriculture spokesman Aaron Keller said the money will come from a trust fund supported by fees paid with permit applications.

“We’re basically asking the commission to move money over that can only be used for concealed weapons permits,” Keller said.

That the CWP system is basically self-sufficient was a fantastic idea from whomever came up with it: You have funding available, not depending from the regular state budget that can be mired by politics, CWP cannot be painted as a burden on the taxpayer who can get stingy in times of economic woes and it is a beautiful slap in the face to the Gun Control groups just because.

Hat tip Dale G.

Because your CWP might be cool, but not as cool as one signed by Charles Bronson”



You get your legal advice from the MSM/FakeNews, you end up making headlines.

Via Bearing Arms we get the tale of Karl Henson:


The incident happened on Riva Ridge Court in northeast Columbia. Henson called in a robbery at about 5 p.m. and stated he had shot at the alleged would-be thief six or seven times…Henson said the man was looking at the phone and then suddenly took off with it and started running toward the duplexes on the cul-de-sac….That’s when Henson said he shot at him and saw the would-be buyer fall to the ground “hard”. He then got back up and continued running.

Now, why would he engage in such moronic attitude? The crime was not one that required the use of Deadly Force and the guy was running away, the crime itself had ended and legally no recourse there either. So, why, why in God’s green earth would this idiot shoot a fleeing man?

Henson told police “the only reason I thought it was OK to shoot at him while he was running away was because of what happened with the new year on the law change.”

Officer Spirit Stevens, who wrote the probable-cause statement, said Henson stated something along the lines of “the old law, you weren’t allowed to shoot somebody when their back was turned to you.”

Henson could be alluding to several new gun laws that are now in effect, including a stand your ground right, meaning people no longer have a duty to retreat from danger before shooting in any place where they have a legal right to be present

This is why we can’t have nice things, as the cliche goes.  You own/carry a gun, the responsibility about learning the law lays 100% with you. Now, if you are too stupid to only go with what you hear/read on the MSM/FakeNews who have neither the interest nor the political inclination to give you an accurate description of the law, you deserve to star in your own spin-off of “Orange is the new Black” and being the bitch of some convict.

Make sure you have enough Vaseline because the butthurt will be real.



Rolling Oaks Mall Management takes sides with the armed robbers and not the Armed Citizen.

SAN ANTONIO — The shopper who had a concealed carry license and shot a robbery suspect should not have been carrying a gun inside Rolling Oaks Mall, according to the mall’s policy. KENS 5 obtained a copy of the mall’s conduct policy posted inside the shopping center. The fourth item on the list of prohibited actions stated “carrying or possessing any weapons of any kind.”

Source: Shopper who shot suspect not allowed to carry under mall policy | kens5.com

Let’s get one thing from the beginning: The Mall did not have the 30.06 signs posted anywhere, just a line in a page posted inside the entrance of the mall. So legally the armed shopped was in the clear. But let us continue because the mall’s management went from dumb to fully fledged stupid.

“The mall’s policy notes that violating any part of it could result in one’s loss of privileges to the shopping center and a violation that could result in criminal prosecution.”

Well, Bohohoo! How will I survive without Cinnabons?


Mall management declined to give additional details about their code of conduct policy.

Maybe because it is stupid and you got caught straddling the fence between posting the Gun Free Zone signs and pissing off Gun Owners with carry permits?


The mall’s general manager, Dustin Christensen, said in a statement that the mall prohibits guns on the property.

“Although we respect the laws of the state and individual rights, we do, however, maintain a separate code of conduct that we visibly post at our entrances that includes the prohibition of any weapons on the property. Our top priority continues to be the safety of our shoppers as we strive to provide the best possible shopping experience for all,” said Christensen

Dustin, baby. in case you did not see it, the effing robbers were packing guns so they kinda ignored your code of conduct which not only prohibits firearms but also armed robbery, which is typified in your code of conduct where it says: “engaging or encouraging any activity that violates local, state or federal law.” * as shown in the photo above. So your sudden indignation against the shopper is full of crap.

By the read of the article, our friend Dustin and his company are more pissed off at the Good Guy with a Gun than the criminal. You now what? The family of the deceased shopper should sue the daylights out to the Mall and the Parent company for failing to provide adequate security. If they seem to acknowledge guns are bad (m’kay) and they don’t want them in their properties not taking some basic precautions like metal detectors at every entry point should have been up and running.

Weasels… weasels everywhere. You have to be a low piece of corporate America when you go against a Law Abiding citizen and don’t even have two words of ire for the criminals that murdered one of your shoppers.

Jason Matthew Prieto, faces a charge of capital murder and two counts of aggravated robbery. He is being held on a $1.7 million bond.
Jason Matthew Prieto, the other armed robber.

PS: The widow of the victim speaks:

“I think he was trying to stand in between to protect me, maybe protect the children. I don’t know, I don’t know what he was thinking. He didn’t say anything and the guy just started shooting him,” said Murphy.

Source: Rolling Oaks Mall shooting widow: ‘The guy just started…



*I am guessing the last two words, the pic is blurry, but I figure it is a safe bet. 



Mea Culpa and correction on Florida Gun Bills.

Earlier today I screwed up about the Open Carry bill being pulled for good. I should have checked with those in the kitchen before passing judgement on the roast. My mistake and I apologize.

I am going to copy and paste directly from Florida Carry’ Facebook statement:

This is the first factual article about what is really going on with the omnibus Courthouse Carry, Airport Carry, Open Carry, and Campus Carry Bill.

There is one, perhaps two, republican Senate Judiciary Committee members that have not yet committed to support all portions of the original bill. But the legislative session doesn’t even start until March and committee hearings on the earliest filed bills are just getting underway.

Reporting that anyone is firmly for or against a bill, based on a phone call with an aide or secretary, is irresponsible. Thinking that legislators never change their minds about how to vote on a bill as the legislative process moves forward is nothing short of idiotic. Reporting that there are four republicans on the committee that are against the bill is blatantly FALSE.

We don’t know what TTAG’s “correspondent” thinks that lobbying and gun owner political engagement are for if it’s all a foregone conclusion. But they need to get their facts straight.

And here is the article mentioned:

The author of a controversial proposal that would broadly expand how and where people can carry guns said Tuesday he is breaking up the measure.However, Senate Judiciary Chairman Greg Steube, R-Sarasota, said he still intends to advance each smaller piece of his proposal (SB 140), which includes allowing people with concealed-weapons licenses to openly carry handguns in public and carry firearms on college and university campuses.

Source: Senator plans to break up major gun


Here we go again: Stand Your ground is Dangerous and lets criminals go free.

Over four years ago my 17-year-old son, Jordan Davis, was senselessly shot and killed in a dispute over loud music at a Jacksonville gas station. At trial, my son’s killer cited Florida’s “stand your ground” law as a defense for taking the life of my only child. Since that day, I have found myself in the trenches with other gun violence prevention advocates, fighting to change dangerous gun laws that leave many of us vulnerable to gun violence.

Source: A mother’s plea: Fight dangerous ‘stand your ground’ laws | Opinion

So, you would assume by the “opinion” article that the killer invoked Stand Your Ground on a clearly bad shooting and was released, right? You would not dare contradict the grieving mother (Bloody Shirt Waiver) of the victim, right? So we have a Murderer walking free among us!

Hmmm… maybe not after all.

Wait, it did not work? He got sentenced to Life Plus? But I was told SYG was a Get Out Of Jail card! I have been lied to! (end sarcasm)

That has been the Narrative constantly published by what we now know as Fake Media. Pretty much all that the Gun Control groups has said with the complicity of the MSM/FakeNews has been proven false. But what worries me is that if we give up on stopping this idiots, they are not gonna stop just at SYG, but they will try go after basic Self Defense.

They claim that SYG is bad because criminals use it in court, right? Well, guess what? Self Defense is also used by criminals in court, does that mean we should eliminate it? How about Miranda? How about other Constitutional protections?

“Damn it, Miguel. You are exaggerating! Nobody is gonna do that!”

Oh yes they will if given a quarter of a chance. Remember we have spent the last 8 years building up a Legal system where laws are officially applied unequally and according to political whims. That means that a select group will not suffer consequences of any laws they get to impose on the rest of the population. Let me make it more clear: They will not only resuscitate but enhance the Monopoly on Killing  in this country.

Basically, they will get to kill you and walk away without having to pay for your death… just like they claim Stand Your ground does.