
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Remember that recent carjacking in NYC?

Posted about this just yesterday.

The attacker was found and arrested. Guess what happened next?

A Bronx man who was caught on video brutally beating up a motorist with what appeared to be knuckle-dusters after a car crash was given only misdemeanor charges and let go under new bail laws, the Post has learned.

Miquiel Guerrero, 23, was released on his own recognizance six days after he and five friends allegedly ganged up on a 53-year-old driver – with Guerrero using the metal object to punch the victim in the head and body multiple times, a spokeswoman for the Bronx District Attorney’s office confirmed.

Guerrero had been arrested on a felony robbery charge for the March 30 incident in the Concourse neighborhood, but was arraigned April 5 on three misdemeanors and a violation, according to the criminal complaint against him.

Bronx man seen in video beating motorist is set free: DA (nypost.com)

Never forget, this whole thing is not an accident but designed to be a way to control the population: If you are afraid to move around and have a normal life, you do not have time to be active against the government that promised to fix things. A behavioral cage to keep you in check.

The saddest part? They keep voting for the same Social engineers/politicians.

And in “F*** Fauci and the CDC” News…

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee (R) has signed a bill that makes ivermectin, an antiviral drug that has been found to be an effective early treatment for COVID-19, available in the state without a prescription.

Lee signed SB 2188, approved by the State Senate, 66-20, and the State House, 22-6, which authorizes a pharmacist to provide ivermectin to patients 18 years of age or older, “pursuant to a valid collaborative pharmacy practice agreement containing a non-patient-specific prescriptive order and standardized procedures developed and executed by one or more authorized prescribers.”

Liberty Counsel, a Christian ministry and litigation firm, noted about the legislation:

That means that adults can explain their symptoms to the pharmacist, fill out a sheet listing any preexisting conditions and other medications they are taking, and the pharmacist can determine the right dosage.
According to the website c19ivermectin.com, 82 studies from 815 scientists, involving 129,808 patients in 27 countries, have shown statistically significant improvement when ivermectin is used to treat COVID-19 in “mortality, ventilation, ICU, hospitalization, recovery, cases, and viral clearance.”

Ivermectin Effective for Early Treatment of COVID-19 Now Easily Accessible in Tennessee Without Prescription – Tennessee Star

And they should add other meds. The idea I have to lose time and pay a doctor in order to get something as silly (but important) like antibiotics, is plain dumb. Back in Venezuela (when they actually had medicines) most medications were over the counter. You got a prescription in paper because the doctor worried you’d forgot and request the wrong medication or dosage. Narcotics however were restricted and you needed to get a “purple” prescription which had watermarks and had individual serial numbers per page assigned to the doctor. Our home always had a supply of Ampicillin, Carbagal (which was an antidiarrheic with atropine) and an antiparasitic which we regularly gave to our dogs besides whatever regular medication my folks would take as per doctor’s orders. Nothing required an order from a medical practitioner to be dispensed.

I believe that the excuse of people overusing a medication are overblown. Yes, some idiots will do it, but that should not last long as it will correct itself soon enough via Darwin’s Consequences. This “overprotection” of my body and health is simply not warranted and very possibly just a business deal for the pharmaceutical and medical community. How many medications you know started prescription only and now are available over the counter?

Malls are just a watering hole where roaming predators go hunting

Alongside Night Clubs and “Hooka Bars”, malls have become a place where violence is the rule rather than the exception. My fear is that the predators start showing up early to pick on the Senior walkers, common in the early hours. Possible easy pickings that they can’t let go by. Hopefully they will still be in bed after a long night of crime.

Gov. Ron DeSantis wants Constitutional Carry in Florida and Nikki Fried falls into the Stupid Pool.

WILLISTON, Fla. — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced during a news conference Friday morning that constitutional carry is coming to Florida.

This would let people openly carry guns in the state. He says he wants the legislature to ‘get it done.’

Gov. DeSantis says constitutional carry is coming to Florida (baynews9.com)


And out of the screeching and outraged Haters, the Agricultural Commissioner stands out in particular.

Dumb ass just insinuated that before here, background checks for Florida’s Concealed Weapons Licenses were not done or done haphazardly at best. I believe that other than the occasional glitch, they system in Florida has run very well before Ms Pothead arrive, especially for being a government entity. But she is running to be primaried for the Governorship, so she has to be releavnt somehow, especially since she seems to be sucking rear nipple in the polls against former RINO and milk toast Charlie Crist.