
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

It must be getting close to Midterms: Microstamping Season is once again upon us.

Develop a culture where criminals are protected, police is to be destroyed and citizens cannot defend themselves and you get a rise in violent crime that is making your base thinking about voting for somebody else.

The solution: MICROSTAMPING!

The legislation requires that new semiautomatic pistols either manufactured by or delivered to any licensed firearms dealer in New York be microstamp-ready. Microstamping is a new technology that puts an identifiable code, usually a series of numbers and letters, on the cartridge casing each time the gun is fired. Law enforcement can then use that code to identify the make, model and serial number of the pistol, without needing to recover any other evidence, such as the gun or bullets themselves and connect the cartridge case directly to the gun that fired it, much like the license plate on a vehicle allows law enforcement to identify the vehicle’s make, model and VIN code.

Tiny type, major impact on NYC’s gun violence – New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)

Microstamping comes in two flavors: A firing pin that leaves a coded imprint in the primer and a barrel with a camber grooved with a code. Both codes are unique to the firearm and both have been tried again and again and failed miserably.

Millions of dollars later, Maryland has officially decided that its 15-year effort to store and catalog the “fingerprints” of thousands of handguns was a failure.

Since 2000, the state required that gun manufacturers fire every handgun to be sold here and send the spent bullet casing to authorities. The idea was to build a database of “ballistic fingerprints” to help solve future crimes.

But the system — plagued by technological problems — never solved a single case. Now the hundreds of thousands of accumulated casings could be sold for scrap.

Maryland scraps gun “fingerprint” database after 15 failed years – Baltimore Sun

Once again: In fifteen years not a single case was solved. That is why the idea of microstamping went under fast and deep.  It is only being resuscitated because the Gun Control idjits think we have forgotten the Maryland fiasco and they can make brownie points with their constituents by appearing tough on criminals (law abiding gun owners and gun companies are the real criminals in their eyes, not the actual violent offenders free on no-bail.)

The other issues is that we are not in the year 2,000. Gun ownership has exploded ever since and one single state no longer is a make or break proposition for a gun manufacturer. A government can impose a series of impossible demands on guns and the manufacturers can simply ignore them because the market will absorb whatever temporary deficit they may have by not selling to that state. This is the same policy they tried to do via Law Enforcement purchases till they realized the sales to some localities amounted a day’s or week’s worth of guns in the real world.

I am no planning to lose any sleep over this. In fact, this post is way too much work for such an useless proposition being resurrected for failure once again.


Hat Tip Royko (again, the lazy bastard has me as his writer now 🙂 )

Teaching history the right way might be too problematic in SanFran.

An eighth-grade teacher at San Francisco’s Creative Arts Charter School brought cotton plants in to show her class the sharp edges of the shrubs while teaching about slavery in the U.S., as well as the cotton gin and its impact on enslavement and the Industrial Revolution.

The social studies teacher, who is not being named by The San Francisco Chronicle, was not at school for five weeks after the controversial lesson, which was investigated within 24 hours of the incident. The report says that the school would not confirm if the teacher’s absence was due to a suspension.

San Francisco teacher under fire after reportedly using cotton plants to teach about slavery (yahoo.com)

The best history teacher I ever had and the one responsible for me to actually like the subject, was one that forsake the traditional ways of memorizing dates, people and events and immersed us in the times we were studying. We made us research (via the newspapers of the time we were involved with) what was to be a normal person then. How much things cost, how much the average person made, how travel was made, what kind of health care was available, what do people die of, etc. It made us find context and realize the importance of any even we were studying.

This is what this apparently punished teacher was doing. I have seen cotton plants in film and photos, but never touched one so even if it does take a lot of imagination to figure out the frigging thorns and sharp edges would hurt, it is not the same as actually manipulating the darn thing to feel the consequences of manipulating it. I bet those kids that got to touch the shrubs, will see slavery in a very new and powerful light.

But there is always one woke fly in the ointment:

A Creative Arts parent, Rebecca Archer, who is Black and Jewish, was concerned about the lesson for her mixed-race children. She expressed fears that the lesson, which put the raw cotton in the children’s hands, could “evoke so many deeply hurtful things about this country.”

“There are people who think this lesson plan promotes empathy; I’ve heard that and understand that,” said Archer. “There are a lot of people who don’t understand why it’s hurtful or offensive.”

Somewhere in the last half a century, the idea that lessons (all kinds) must be soft, cuddly and harmless has taken possession of the people’s brains. We must be careful not to hurt anybody’s sensibilities and must avoid or rewrite history to do so. Of course, Life does not give a damn about how you feel and provides very hurtful events that you could have avoided if you were taught properly. Santayana was right and History does repeat itself because there are new generations that need to be taught the hard, painful and deadly way.

Hat Tip Royko

Brit Journo horrified at Walmart selling guns!

The horror!


This is the Irishman who embarrassingly does not know the difference between a real gun and a BB gun.

You are a frigging journalist with an operating smartphone, couldn’t you have taken a second to Google the damned things in front of you before posting your ignorance? The geotag has him posting from Hallandale Beach Blvd in Broward County, Florida. Do we even tell him one out of every 10 people he is mingling with in the street may be carrying a real firearm?

I bet he is telling his editors that he is behind the lines in dangerous Florida, where DeSantis’ lunatics are all over the place wearing MAGA hats and burning crosses in the front yard of the hotel he is staying.

I hope he did not go by kitchenware. He’d have a heart attack at the free displays of silverware just there for the taking without age restrictions or ID checks like back home. (See below)

Go home, Paddy. The spirit of the IRA is crying in shame at your presence in America.

Awesome news! The Gary Sinise Foundation is moving to Tennessee.

The Gary Sinise Foundation is so excited to officially announce we’re moving to the great state of Tennessee! We will move into a new headquarters in Franklin this summer, and our very own Gary Sinise also plans to move to the state with his family. “It will be very, very good to be in a state that’s connected to seven other states, all of them with military bases and many, many veterans and all those communities around Tennessee,” said Gary. “Having our foundation more centrally located in the country will be a very, very positive thing for the work that we do.”


Why Gary Sinise Is Moving His Veteran Nonprofit to Tennessee | Gary Sinise Foundation


This guy is a saint. Few people in Hollywood do good things because it moves them to do so and not looking for a Tax Break or Social Media relevance.

God Bless him.

Hat Tip LawrG

Everytown pushing their agenda via “Road Rage”


Chris Sparks was on his way home to walk his dog, a husky-mix named Dawson. On that drive, witnesses said Sparks exchanged words with another driver. Sparks’ red Honda Accord pulled alongside a silver Impala. The driver fired two shots into Sparks’ driver’s side door, then drove away, according to police.

The first hit him in the hand. The second went through his chest, killing him. Sparks was 36. His killer has never been identified.

Sparks was one of 77 people either injured or killed during road rage shootings in Tennessee between 2016 and 2021. Tennessee ranked second nationally in road rage shootings per 100,000 people (New Mexico was first), according to statistics published this month by Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun-control advocacy group, using data from the independent Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit formed in 2013.

Tennessee ranks second in road rage shooting deaths, report says (dnj.com)

Read that again: 77 people injured or dead in a 5 year period.  ZOMG! We must eliminate all them awful Tennessee gun laws and follow the example of places like Chicago where 77 people injured or dead in 5 years is called  ” About 2 weeks in April.”


Amazing what happens when you actually use a bit of context, right?