
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Monster Hunter Vendetta: Capturing lightning twice.

I am not gonna lie: I was afraid about the new Monster Hunter book. I enjoyed Monster Hunter International so much that I was hesitant about its successor. Was Larry Correia able to get a book as equal in action and fun as the first? He did not. Monster Hunter Vendetta is a great book on its own eight tentacles that you will stop comparing books about 50 pages in and just enjoy this new eccentric ride.

Gun Geek Alert: MHI’s narrative is a brand new cool weapon. It has the awe and lust of the new out of the box handgun and you spend time learning it, taking it apart, lubricating, and taking it to the range to show it off to your buddies for the Drool Factor.  MHV’s narrative is the same gun after the 500 to 800 rounds break in period: all rough spots gone, it cycles beautifully, sends the bullet where you want it and melds with your hand with the familiarity of your loved one.

Two things that caught me by surprise with this book: Humor and I mean laughing out loud- neighbors demanding silence- all out laughter and Larry’s totally outlandish imagination for new monsters and monster behaviors. In a couple of notable passages, both intertwine so well that one must wonder what kind of gun solvent fumes inspired these visions.

Both Monster Hunter International and Monster Hunter Vendetta cannot be pigeon-holed into any specific literary movement. Fantasy? Not quite. Yes, both have a serious dose of that, but that’s too easy. Fiction? Yes but it is also very well grounded on those physical things we know and depend upon. Sci-Fi? You got your interplanetary, trans-dimensional beings but we are spared of UFOs…so far. Magic Realism then? Nope, Larry ain’t a starchy or pretentious author plus I was forced to read some of that crap and bore myself to tears in my younger years while the books keep me awake and racing.

If the books have a “location”, it would be next to that shadow we caught in the corner of our eye on a weird day. That shadow that we cannot see if we try to look at it and it gives us a chill down our spine if we turn our backs to it. Larry does not make us suspend disbelief with his books, he just lets us have flexible minds. And in the monster hunting business, that is 50% of the game.

Insecure, angry, racist white guy…..It had to be and Anti-Gunner.

Mr. Alan C. Baird by his own blog, lives a stone’s throw from Phoenix. Wherever his commune is located, it seems they don’t get TV, radio, Internet or even smoke signals ’cause he was surprised to see somebody in Arizona that was carrying a gun openly. <ZOMG!> (see bottom of this page)

We all have seen guys like Mr. Baird before. They have issues with Civil Liberties unless they grant them to others and the thought of somebody not depending on the government scares the crap out of him. Them peoples are out of control! “Control” being the interesting key word as in Gun Control.

But let me go through selected quotes from his post. First of all, he sees some elderly gentleman legally carrying a sidearm and suddenly is not an armed senior, somebody who by virtue of a gun, has a chance to fend off an attacker who might pray on his frailty. No sirree, this elderly person is now a:

“corpulent 80-year-old a**hole was standing in front of the donut peaches, packing a pistol.”

Now Mr. Baird never talks to the gentleman or politely asks him about why is he carrying a gun. Maybe he is afraid that the old man may make sense or he is really hoplophobic or even he really thinks that guns are not the solution. But he never gave the old gentleman a chance because the gun made him automatically an asshole in his mind. Quite an open minded fella Mr. Baird!

Then we get into the Hoplophobe Narrative. Those series of misconceptions so ingrained they become automatic truths. We start with two old time favorites: Only Cops Should Save Guns and Gun is Substitute for Penis.

Not a law enforcement guy, just some retired jerkoff who evidently wanted to enhance the perceived size of his schlong.

One thing that always caught my attention is how anger-prone Antis can be. Why? I mean they are allegedly for love, peace and the pursuit of free cannabis but somehow let them see toolings by Mr. Colt and they become meth freaks after a hit.

back to Mr. Second-F*cking-Amendment: when I saw that gun in the grocery store, steam started shooting from my ears...I marched up to the front office and loudly demanded to see the manager. When he arrived, I was apoplectic: “If you’re gonna allow this kind of behavior in your store, I’m not gonna shop here anymore.”

In the midst of his anger, he manages to don his mental KKK Ceremonial robe, gets all Grand Dragon and reminds us that bad things only happen in colored neighborhoods where the spics and the niggers live.

“And it’s not like this white-bread neighborhood is dangerous. The worst criminals you have are jaywalkers.”

Of course, the shop owner agrees with him. He appears to be equally sick that the retards that populate Arizona actually have the right to carry the tools for self defense. The reason why the manager is like this gets to be rather obvious:

“Exactly. I recently moved here from California, and I can’t believe what these people get away with.”

And it gets worst after that. Mr. Baird goes through the terrorism shtick, then dabbles into psychosis (allegedly ours, not his demonstrated one) the “superiority” of Europe’s culture and costumes and lastly getting a gun to taunt the old man and shoot him if possible.

Yep, Mr. Baird wants to kill somebody. He aches for it. He needs to recover his wounded manhood (he and his wife keep bringing the penis thing so I wanted to return the favor) by perpetrating first degree murder.

Mr. Baird, it is because there are totally deranged people like you out there that we carry. And it is a good thing, by the looks of your writing, you may snap the next time you go to your organic food store and somebody beats you to the ripest organic melon that you think you were entitled to have.

PS: Please, if you ever feel like going really paranoid, you are cordially invited to come visit us in Florida. We don’t have open carry so over 600,000 of us carry concealed weapons. Not knowing who is packing heat next to you in a crowd, restaurant or hotel lobby should do wonders to your anti-psychotic meds consumption.

UPDATE: Mr. Blair, citing undue attention from our side, deleted his original post. Unfortunately for him copies and screenshots can be found. And to avoid himself any further need to defend what he allegedly believes in but maybe not, he has closed comments on his blog citing First Amendment concerns…Huh?

Bully Boohoohoo.

And here we go again with the woes and tears about kids committing suicide because they were bullied/harassed/bothered by jerks. Spokespeople with somber faces basically accuse the lot of us of not doing anything about this problem and that makes it our fault… we heartless bastards.

Of course it is our collective fault, God forbid it is the fault of the parents for purposely raising emotional wussies incapable of tackling problems without the help of 17 counselors, 5 shrinks and a pilates class. I am the senseless bastard that have done nothing to relieve the pain of those tortured souls but not a culture that prides itself in being a victim and chides self determination and abhors when somebody stands up for his or her rights as a human being. It is is easier to blame the school because you have determined that the school system, run by people as inept as the parents, should do the job Mom and Dad will not do because interferes with the synergistic interaction of their careers or interrupts their list of important community things to do so they can brag to the neighbors.

So now, what do we need to solve the problem? It is not going to be a change in the culture or even to stop thinking of children as merit badges you should have to raise in the corporate ladder of life. Nope, we need a Federal law against Bullies.

So let me ask you this, Murder and a whole bunch of other crimes are already against the law and yet they still occur so, What makes you think that a bunch of lines in paper are going to stop bullying? Oopsie! they haven’t thought about that one, right?

You stop bullying the old fashioned way: Bust the bully in the mouth, literally or by other means . It has been working for eons and there is no reason to think that it stopped working just because a bunch of flower-farting hippies came up with “sensitive” alternatives that have failed over and over but makes them “feel good” about themselves and requires no actual work on their part.

Also, tech your kids that Life is not all sweet thoughts, unicorn rides and instant positive results by just wishing it. Real Life is hard, has its frustrating moments and you will be scored on real performance, not on intentions. Let them know that they will fail, make mistakes, crash and burn and generally fuck up by the numbers, but the real triumph resides on standing up and face the challenge and continue living. That kids resort to suicide because of name calling, being caught having sex or pushed around shows that many parents are no more mentally mature than the kids themselves and should have been impeded from procreating more emotional inferior litters.