
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Ladies and Gents of East St. Louis, you are FOID.

After East St. Louis Mayor Alvin Parks announced that the city will layoff 19 police officers, the human waste hit the cooling apparatus. Mostly a budget thing between cops and the city council, the populace of east St. Louis are pretty much left to their own devices crime-wise because there were not that many officer to begin with and after the cuts, certain sections of the city will be covered with one single officer per shift.

In the meantime, the Illinois legislature keeps ignoring SCOTUS decision of McDonald v. Chicago while reichmaster Daley prepares the script to avoid citizens legally obtain gun. This script will be written in blood partially obtained by the victims of crime in East St. Louis.

PS: Why doesn’t the Chicago City Council use all the bodyguards assigned to reichmaster Daley and their weapons to cover the gap in police protection of East St. Louis? I am sure the Major wouldn’t mind.

Book Review: The Gun Digest Book Of Concealed Carry.

Finally my book cue landed on this compendium of very logical and very good tips and advices by Massad Ayoob. This book may sound oriented to the new shooter but in fact it will address issues with all ranges of experience and I doubt that anybody will say “I knew all of that.”

The book is easy to read. Mr. Ayoob  writes as he speaks: as a knowledgeable friend who is giving you firm and wise advice without sounding preachy or overbearing. It has the right amount of anecdote till you realize they are not anecdotes but true “Oh Shit” moments that taught a fundamental lesson and you better absorb that material, apply it and do it fast. Mas goes through every aspect of carrying a concealed weapon, from the gun itself to even to sock selection and how to wear them (ankle holsters anyone?) something I never ever thought about!  Even when he dwells into the Open Carry v. Concealed Carry (a true formula to get emotions boiling among gun owners) he manages to impart the pros and cons of both without putting down either or raising the level of emotions.

Go get yours….

Disclaimer: I had the honor of meeting Mas during a couple of IDPA Matches, but that did not influence at all my review of the book. I am actually scared of Gail and her bayonet-topped Glock though 🙂 You just don’t mess with the PodMistress!

Please, spare me of your fake concern.

Few things can incite a revolution in South Florida like trying to cut alcohol consumption during a hurricane. Even though there are laws in place to ban the sell of booze during one, politicians know better than apply it since the only thing it will do would be to distract police resources and piss people off for no reason. If there is a place where chugging a beer while listening to the wind blow the roofs go hand in hand is Key West where hurricane parties are not only a tradition but a Conch Republic right.

And yes, shit happens to drunk people before, during and after hurricanes, but that is their problem. We had our very insignificant share of idiots who have decided to take a drunk drive while the winds are over 75 mph and disappear, only to be found a couple of years later in one of the many canals still wearing their vehicles. That is Darwin applied plain and simple. The majority of the partiers do so in secured locations be it be a home or the storm-reinforced bars that populate Monroe County so basically there is no problem.

Enter Craig Marston, division chief of emergency management and training at the Key West Fire Department. According to him, Key West People are too dumb to know what to do or to drink responsibly and wants to ban alcohol if a hurricane is headed that way because:

“We have to protect ourselves from ourselves,”

I am sorry Chief, who the blazes are you to issue such a condescending statement like that? Do me a favor and shut the hell up. We will call you only if and we need you. And you better be ready to answer to the calls and not engaged in creating social engineering plans for the better future of Eurasia.

Facepalm News: The victim was mean so I am suing.

A poor convicted felon is suing his intended victim for allegedly “roughed him up.” Michael Dupree is seeking damages for being stopped at gun point & handcuffed during a citizens arrest after Mr. Dupree broke into a van and stole a bicycle while under the effects of colombian pixie dust.

Pictured above is Mr. Dupree whose record is just quite exemplary.  Besides having his jolies with minors back in the day, he also served a stint for illegally carrying a firearm by a felon. If anything this is one more example that criminals (and the Brady Bunch) hate civilian ownership of firearms. Birds of a feather and stuff like that.