
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Prejudiced some?

Worth repeating ad nauseam

Besides a police station, the safest place in America on April 19 would likely have been any of the numerous Patriot’s Day rallies held around the country where thousands of people, many carrying firearms, celebrated the opening shots in America’s war for independence.

Still the Mainstream Media Morons fail to recognize that. By their narrative it is the Left Wingers the ones peaceful and all loving…just like the ones in Montreal during the G20 meeting.

Best quote of the G20? Hippie In Charge Mathieu Francoeur, spokesperson for the Anti-Capitalist Convergence, a group of Montreal social activists

“For us it’s not violence, It’s a means of expression and doesn’t compare to the economic and state violence we’re subjected to”

Hippie Please!

Hat Tip to Maddened Fowl

Dear Mr. Gangsta:

Dear Julio-Shaqueen:

Once again I do apologize for the incident yesterday. But I feel that you totally went overboard because of a small fender bender and I am pretty sure that damage to you “Low Rider” was not done by my truck since your ride showed plenty rust already and was smoking more than my grandmother at the bar.

Yes, I agree with you that the police officer driving by was unfortunate and that we could not finish business right there but as i told you in my last email, I kindly accept your invitation to you “turf” and “settle da shit” once for all. I also wanna thank you for allowing me to bring some of my “homies” as companions during our deliberations. I asked several members of my Gun Club and, what do you know? They all are thrilled to come along and share in this multicultural experience. However, such a level of excitement has brought some small discussions that I hope they will be solved shortly and nothing you should worry about. Allow me to explain: The Long Range Shooters in our club come mostly in two flavors, Snipers and Varminters. Both groups are discussing the best locations to set up their gear after one of our club members who works for a undisclosed government agency that deals with satellites provided us with detailed aerial photographs of your “hood.” The discussion centers on how far they want to set shop so it is sporty to use their rifles and I think they are now pretty much decided in a range between 400 and 600 yards and the Snipers agreed for the sake of peace between both groups to leave the suppressors at home, something about unfair advantage over the Varminters. Then we were having an issue between the shooters of Tactical Rifles (I think you call those rifles “choppers”) versus the Tactical Shotgun Aficionados. The Tactical Shotgun people felt that the Rifle guys have the upper hand with their new green lasers and greater range with their ammunition. The Tactical Rifle People say that it is not their problem because they can do medium and short range engagements with the same ease and if the Shotgunners can’t, it is not their problem. A happy resolution was found when it was agreed that half the Tactical Rifle People would stay outside your Clubhouse and cover against any drive-bys while the other half would support the Tactical Shotgun and the Pistol Shooters doing the dynamic entry.

That bring us to the last and most difficult disagreement to settle wich was among the Pistol Shooters. Do you know how hard is to get IDPA, IPSC, Steel, Cowboy, Bowling, Bullseye, Metallic silhouette, PPC, etc to agree on anything? We are still ironing a few details but I can promise that we will bring a balanced sample of every discipline while keeping the numbers to a reasonable 50 or so pistol shooters. Than God we managed to get a good deal on the latest hollow point ammunition for pistol because the funding was a bit tight at the moment with all the economic problems we are having and such.

One question. Can we use that abandoned lot next to your clubhouse to park our armored vehicles? Our sources say that you guys use the lot for your unlicensed pharmacological transactions and imposed sexual therapy on unsuspecting females, but I feel we shouldn’t be blocking the free access of the streets while we visit you. You never know when emergency vehicles such as paramedics and ambulances might need to use those streets. Also the owners of the armored vehicles are quite prissy about their babies, after all they are classics from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf War capable of withstanding direct RPG hits but a military-type paint job is expensive and hard to come by. Don’t worry about security for the vehicles, the Class III folks will come along and mount crew served weapon of their choice on the APCs, Bradleys and such.

And last, we decided that those holding DD licenses were not going to come unless they leave their toys home. A couple of WWII reenactors were already taking out and preparing their flamethrowers, but unless we were sure you guys had enough fire extinguishers and/or sprinkler systems the danger to spreading fires to nearby dwellings was too much. The guys with the artillery pieces are out of town at Knob Creek and I am sure they are gonna be mighty pissed they missed this encounter.

That’s all for know. If there is anything you want us to know, please feel free to contact me. If not, we will be dropping by when you least expect us. We are a bunch of pranksters and we love to go BOO! when you are looking the other way.

See ya soon!

Like pearls before swine flu.

Forty Million doses of the swine vaccine have expired and they are to be incinerated. Cost to the taxpayer: $260 million.  And there are 30 million more that will also go to waste later this year for a great total of 43% of all the vaccines produced for another Chicken Little Epidemic.

And, of course I must trust the Government taking care of the whole Health Care thingy.


Dude, you are going to Hell.

Man Uses Crucifix To Steal Church Donations.

Lemme see if I get this straight. You break into a Catholic Church, desecrate a Cross, use it as a burglary tool to open the Donation Box and steal the money for the poor?

Yep, you are going to hell and St. Michael will personally be in charge of this delivery. You don’t diss the Almighty in His house and hope to have a nice afterlife.

McDonald: Tired Old Arguments from the Miami Herald.

My dear local rag never fails to give me material when I need it.

OUR OPINION: High court’s latest gun ruling hurts communities

And the community organize in D.C. is doing such a great work. Just ask Louisiana, Texas and Florida.

Monday was a very good day for the National Rifle Association and a very bad day for the sensible state and local officials in this country who want to curb the level of gun violence in their communities.

The good folks who elated the NRA are the five U.S. Supreme Court justices who ruled that the Second Amendment’s guarantee of a person’s right to bear arms applies to state and local gun-control regulations….

You guys live in Florida, right? Not sending editorials via email from New York or something. Maybe you did not get the memo, but since 1987 no “local Official” is allowed to create gun control laws out of thin air. Only the Legislature is allowed to create or modify gun laws. And the same goes for many states with the terrible consequence that….nothing bad has happened.

This is the first time the high court has found that the U.S. Constitution restricts state and municipal gun-control powers, and it is a hard blow to communities struggling to eradicate gun violence.

Communities like Chicago where His Excellence Daley had absolute control and Law Abiding Citizens were unable to buy a handgun to defend themselves have not been having any luck curbing the gun violence. In fact, the criminals are happy as kids in a three-day pass to DisneyWorld because they have this vast pool of victims to choose, rob and murder. But why let the facts get stubbornly in the way?

Many local and state gun regulations will be fair game to legal challenges because the court majority was vague about how far the Second Amendment should be extended on gun ownership. Just as there are limits on citizens’ free speech there should also be limits on gun ownership — but what those limits can be is now pretty murky.

Please notice the sentence in italics: Limits on Citizens! The Miami Herald has no shame in telling you that it is OK to restrict your right to Free Speech yet there is no mention of them willing to abide by the same “principle.” This is a prime example of the elitism in the Media where you, the common folk is nothing more than an uncultivated common folks.

Can states still require background checks for weapons purchases? Can states outlaw sales of assault weapons while allowing pistols and rifles to be sold? Can cities or states put limits on transactions at gun shows? Where is the line to be drawn between the right to own a gun and the public’s right to feel safe?

At the Chicago City Limits?

… as Justice Steven Breyer pointed out in his dissent. He argued — correctly — that Chicago’s handgun ban had saved many hundreds of lives since its enactment in 1983, which pointed in favor of deferring to local elected officials in deciding how to control guns.

And how does Justice Breyer know this? Did the city of Chicago presented affidavits from potential murderers saying “I wuz gonna kill me some bitches, but since there ain’t no gun stores in Chicago, I decided that was not cool.”? Just plain unadulterated bovine post-digestive by-product.

In his opinion for the majority, Justice Samuel Alito wrote that, “individual self-defense is the central component of the Second Amendment right.” That is one view, to be sure. But by tying the hands of state and local governments in regulating firearms, who will be left defend and protect gun-toters’ potential victims?

As usual the Miami Herald mixes criminals with Law Abiding citizens. If we own guns, we are as bad as your local ganbanger. It would be too much of a stretch for the Herald bullshit slingers editors to actually check the darn numbers issued by Florida Division of Licensing Statistical Reports on Concealed Carry individuals and their crimes. The numbers are so damn low they are almost statistically irrelevant. But again, why bother with the facts. Facts make you think, facts make you challenge your standard narrative, facts are scary because they shake your little ivory tower built on the sand of Liberal politics.

It is more comforting having them uncultivated common folks die without the chance to defend themselves.

I got my new M.H.I Patches.

So I am giggling right now after getting a letter from a remote location in Utah.  The new M.H.I. patches are now in my possession and once again I find myself wondering what piece of clothing can be deserving of have them attached.  A cap i had with the original M.H.I. patch is in the possession of a buddy of mine who became a rabid fan after I recommended the book for Summer reading (or was it Fall?)

Book wise I am a confessed 100% Luddite, so begrudgingly I have to say that Monster Hunter Vendetta is now in what is know as Electronic Advanced Reader Copy. If you are a fellow retrograde, you can order your advanced paper copy via Amazon and avoid all the electronic boys and girls commenting and giving away spoilers.

Any dissolute that dares post a spoiler in the comment section, shall face my wrath in the form of a visit by a pack Canis HugoChavez: a sadistic animal that is the cross or a Chupacabra with a delusional Warg.