
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Chest Puffers and Rights Moochers: It is time to put up or shut up.

Via Snowflakes in Hell we hear that the Obama Administration wants DISCLOSE to get passed come hell or high water. Now that y’all vociferously complained about the NRA and its deal but never how to get the bill defeated, here is your chance! It is time to put your comfortable asses where your gigantic mouths were flapping and do the heavy lifting.

The Bad News: The groups that want our Gun Rights curtailed have done a much better job than you opposing DISCLOSE. You guys are way behind the curve so you better put some traction to “NO Compromise” and quit the bullshit.  C’mon dears, chop-chop. You don’t want me to say again that you guys are good for nothing else that ridding the NRA’s coat tails, right?

I still like them dumb like this.

MIAMI (WSVN) — A suspect is in critical condition from a self-inflicted wound, after trying to elude police.

Family and friends gathered at Jackson Memorial Hospital and prayed that Bonilla will survive his self-inflicted wounds. “He shot himself in the head. It went through and it stayed in the back of his head,” Bonilla’s friend, Selvin Lumbi said.

And he couldn’t even get that right…. I did say Dumb, didn’t I?

It seems that Americans are pissed at the Dot Gov.

Washington Post seems amazed about Incidents of hostility, violence against census workers.

“There’s so much anger and bitterness, with people losing their homes and their jobs,” said McDonald, who eventually quit. “They’re not too fond of the government. They don’t want to talk to you.”

No! Really? I wonder why people are mad at the Hope and Change. I mean, they shove Health Care Deform down our throats, unemployment is up, their buddy companies get bailed out at our expense and they cannot even lie hard or well enough to cover their asses.

Le Dunce se Moi.

I check my fellow Floridian A Dixie Carpetbagger everyday and just now I realized that I did not have him in my blogroll.  My apologies extended and I shall serve penance for my unthinkable transgression. We don’t seem to have many Floridians blogging so we must make do. Then again there is a kick ass blogger in north Fla. and you ain’t got him: Massad Ayoob On Guns.

I wonder where can I find a Bonnie Blue flag in Miami.

Sometimes I dig myself way deep.

So reading Home on the Range earlier today, I noticed a widget displaying a list of books with their respective covers. It is from a website called Library Thing and since I like books a tad myself, I joined. It has a nice little set up to add the books of your collection…. but I realized it is not fast and flexible enough if you happen to have more books than ammo!
I decided to only add the books I really really really liked and not every darn book I own. Plus about half my books are still warehoused south of the Caribbean and I can’t recall all of them from memory.

I do seem to love to get myself in tight spots. This crap is gonna take forever.

Update: 101 books in… That’s for today. This is gonna take a long frigging time.

Facepalm News: GOA and DISCLOSE.

As expected, GOA takes credit for the collapse of DISCLOSE. This new imaginary feather joins their fantastic work in DC v Heller ( No, you were misinformed, Alan Gura wasn’t even close Washington that day), rescuing Gun Owners and kitties in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina plus the creation of sliced bread.

Please help GOA by contributing to their legal fund. They contesting Al Gore for the paternity of the Internet. They need your cash for DNA tests.