
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Top Shot = Yawn Fest.

You know it is not going to be a good show when you are sipping your morning caffeine intake while watching the DVR play and you fall asleep before the second set of commercials.  This is a version of Survivor with guns, and equally boring. About the only saving grace is that the range is in a beautiful country, you have some great practitioners of the Arms and there seems to be a variety of weapons to shoot with all the ammo you want… which came handy for one of the teams.

I do not know any of the shooters personally, but I am sure they are better persons than portrayed. The Survivor-Type format is designed to show the worst in people and I am damn sure none of them are like that. We Are Shooters, we are not whinny little idiots who scheme and plot to kick the “dangerous” one off the island. They should get rid of those stupid team blue versus team red rules and just have everybody against everybody using a bunch of weapons from all ages and let them rip. Whomever wins, gets more points that the others and the one who gets the most points, wins! So frigging simple.

And for the “human” side, get out some good chili, some beers and let them talk after the match is over. Let them jokes, tell stories, get serious, get silly and share experiences.  You have done it, I have done it and it is sometimes the best part of a shooting day. Regular people WILL GET IT. That will make for great TV even though it may end up rated TV-M.

And a gun could have altered the equaition.

Headline: 7 Shot, 4 Dead As Gunman Blasts Hialeah Restaurant. A Nutjob goes to a restaurant, has an argument in the parking lot with his girlfriend, shoots her, she dies and then the shooter goes inside the restaurant where he proceeds to shoot six more people. It appears that nobody but the shooter was armed.

The equation keeps coming to the same result: When somebody decides to ignore the law and create havoc with a firearm, it does not matter how many wishful thoughts you may have, how positive your attitude can be or how well you follow those tips for unarmed “self defense”: somebody is bound to get killed.

I will grant you that an armed patron may not have saved the girlfriend or prevented somebody from not getting shot, but being absolutely unarmed did guarantee the shooter a pool of targets for his deranged actions and he took advantage of it.

I want to have the chance to contradict a crazy gunman’s actions. I want to have a chance to make it out alive and that is why I carry.

On the way to Omaha Beach.

A landing craft carries American troops toward Omaha Beach on the Normandy
coast, June 6, 1944

We have gone forth from our shores repeatedly over the last hundred years and we’ve done this as recently as the last year in Afghanistan and put wonderful young men and women at risk, many of whom have lost their lives, and we have asked for nothing except enough ground to bury them in.

Gen. Colin Powell, January 26, 2003.

How much do we owe to the Greatest Generation? Just about everything. God Bless them all.

Ruminations: Google is all Evil?

So Google is being investigated in Germany, Great Britain, Australia and I don’t know where else due to privacy concerns. I am not saying that Google is innocent but isn’t kinda hypocritical that nations that have thousands of cameras per square mile, check you up and down any second they like to and even have government squads to check for unregistered, untaxed TV sets should complain loudly about privacy that they do not give to their subjects and citizens.

Then again it is like the old bumpersticker:

That might be it.

“No compromise!” Oh rubbish!

Am I the only one who is damn tired of those people & groups that keep spouting ” The NRA Sucks! No Compromise!”? My favorite 3Per/This Is Sparta!/No Compromise asshole dropped this one beautiful tidbit in a forum not long ago.

i canceled my membership with the nra for the same reason. principle. to me, loyalty to a cause is a huge factor. the nra chose for their attorney in the chicago case before the supreme court the same attorney that represented dc in the heller case. now, i know that is not a big thing for a lot of people, but it is for me. where the hell is this attorney’s loyalty? make no mistake, i’m sure he’s the finest. but i just have a problem having the enemy suddenly become my advocate. i just can’t do it, sorry.

I think that my jaw dropped about 20 inches after I read this. So much stupidity compacted into 99 words is beyond belief.  I had to express my opinion to his imbecilic remark:

This ought to be one of the silliest excuses I heard so far to be anti NRA. Am I to guess that if McDonald v Chicago goes out way under the position presented by former Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, you will reject it because it is tainted by his previous case representation?

I am for bringing people into the fold.

Two weeks later I am still waiting for his response. I guess he ran out of No Compromise.

PS: While we wait, if a No Compromise follower can inform me what No Compromise group is out there with the track record of success and power that the NRA has, please indicate so in the comments.