
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

I did not know Dementia was contagious


Not a joke. This is an actual press release from the DOJ:

If you are asking yourself, “Wait a minute, Don’t guns already come with locks and have a for a while now?” Well, yes.

The DOJ published their press release announcing the new rule for the New Year, along with a Best Practices Guide for federal firearms licensees (FFLs). The rule says it codifies a Gun Control Act provision that requires all firearm retailers to certify that they do, in fact, offer some sort of secure storage option for sale at the same location from which firearms are sold. That includes a safe, gun safe, gun case, lock box or other device that is designed to be or can be used to store a firearm and that is designed to be unlocked only by means of a key, a combination or other similar means.

NSSF notes, however, that firearm retailers have already been doing this. Firearm retailers have had to certify to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) when they apply or reapply for their federal firearm license that they make secure storage devices available for sale. This rule handed down by Attorney General Garland only implements what’s already being done. This is nothing new or earth shattering, despite what the Biden administration would have you think.

Since 1997, firearm manufacturers have been voluntarily providing free locking devices with each new firearm they ship from their factory. That’s a lock in the box of every new gun. Some manufacturers had already been providing free locks for decades.

Beyond all that, there’s already a law that requires what firearm retailers have been doing. The bipartisan Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), that President Joe Biden wants so desperately to scrap, includes a provision called the “Child Safety Lock Act of 2005.” That portion of the law requires firearm retailers to provide a safety locking device with each handgun they transfer.

Biden’s DOJ orders gun dealers to issue gun locks, which they already do (armedamericannews.org)

For over 2 decades, the gun lock has been offered with firearms, but somehow this escaped the best and bright minds of the Biden DOJ and in an effort to look butch in Gun Control to its core, they came up with this regulation.

Make you feel good that we have “experts” in the field proudly coming up with solutions that have already been up and running. I am sure next they will mandate showers and/or bathtubs in new home so people can properly wash themselves.

Alec Baldwin is confident he will get away with murder

Any of us, regular folk would be either in jail or secluded at home, after posting bail and forced to wear a tracking device. Our belongings ransacked and revised for evidence and our lives percolating misery to those around us.  Baldwin in the meantime has refused to turn in his phone to authorities even though the proper warrant was issued for it. But he is special and, of course, he gets to play games or just wait till they go away.

This double standard cannot hold for long. Something will give away and it is not going to be nice. If people believe justice cannot be achieved, they will inflict justice upon those they think deserve it.

Southwest Florida Blogshoot Update (please read)

As usual, copy/paste

Southwest Florida Blogshoot Update (please read)

We are on for the blogshoot a week from tomorrow.  This is an update to the last post that I am reposting because we only have partial info for some of you who are planning on attending.

1. The Gun Club has an online waiver that everyone will need to fill out.  If you don’t fill this out online you’ll have to fill out a paper form when you get there which will be a pain for everyone.  If you haven’t already, please send me confirmation that you’ve filled this out.

2, Please forward an email to me (at borepatch at gmail dot com) listing your actual name, your blog name (if applicable), your email address, and how many are in your party (we collected some of this info previously but the royal scribes seem to have misplaced it).  This needs to be done, even if you’ve left a comment that you will be attending because we have to verify everyone’s forms have or will be completed.  If you haven’t already, please send this.

3. IMPORTANT: We need to have some NRA certified Range Safety Officers.  If any of y’all are certified RSOs and would volunteer, please send me an email and attach your credentials so we can clear it with the club that we have the required RSOs.   Right now we have one but need more.  There are a couple of you who were figuring out if you could make it, so please let me know if you will and can RSO.  Otherwise I probably need to line extra help up.

And note to self: since this will be a regular event here I need to get myself certified.

Lessons were not learned: Connecticut asks nursing homes to accept COVID-positive admissions

Nursing homes are being asked to accept COVID-positive admissions from hospitals, according to a new guidance from the Department of Public Health, even as positivity rates within nursing homes are increasing sharply.
The latest guidance from the DPH is an indication that the state is trying to alleviate the growing crush of COVID-19 cases in hospitals as they near record numbers of patients.

Connecticut asks nursing homes to accept COVID-positive admissions from hospitals

Well, if you think about it, they are not risking going to jail after New York is pretty much Groppy-Killer Cuomo skate free from those he sentenced to death-within-a-week by shoving in Nursing homes.

But it is the Red Sates killing the Old Folks and DeSantis is a mass murderer.