
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Narrative of the Iron Pipeline to Mexico showing heavy leaks

Via Rob Morse at Slow Facts.

I have posted about the infamous Iron Pipeline before and once again, I am not surprised that it is all how the wording is parsed to make the news by using the old “Accurate but not True” stratagem. We have been told over and over that “Most of the guns recovered and traced (This word usually gets lost in translation) from crime scenes in Mexico are originated in the US” and this is usually followed by a rant about how easy is to buy a gun in the US without the common-sense restrictions that other countries (Like Mexico?) have and the authors just let you add the two things together in the hope you come out with the false realization that it is the local mom and pop gun store the one feeding the Mexican Cartels’ gun violence against the poor Mexicans.

And the latest attempt has been the Mexican Government actually suing US manufacturers for the gun violence in their country. But unfortunately for them, a journalist revealed that the biggest supplier of guns to the drug cartels is none other than the Mexican Army which apparently has “lost” 30% of its armory to the hands of the cartels.

‎According to official sources, 30% of the weapons purchased in the United States by the Ministry of National Defense “are lost.”‎

‎ The Army is the only one that can legally import weapons into our country. All of Mexico’s police and prosecutors’ offices are obliged to buy the weapons they use from Sedena. The serious thing is that many of these weapons have been secured in criminal acts, some of them painfully emblematic, such as the disappearance of the 43 students ‎‎from‎‎ ‎‎Ayotzinapa ‎‎or the attack on ‎‎DEA ‎‎agents in Tres Marías.‎

I guess that is an inconvenient truth, but how inconvenient?

‎But none of this is what the Foreign Ministry says in its international complaints. It does not suit your legal strategy. The matter is even worse: according to the same sources, when presenting its case to sue U.S. arms manufacturers and distributors, the Mexican federal government had to “shave” the list of weapons of American origin detected in criminal events in Mexico because many of them were imported by the Ministry of ‎‎National Defense‎‎itself. To expose the scandalous fact would be to shoot himself in the foot.‎

This is not going to fly right in court, both legal and the public opinion. If the Biden Administration was hoping to use Mexico’s lawsuit (Which I believe they gave their blessings) as a roundabout way to impose gun control, this article pretty much shot huge holes in that boat.

And as usual, there is more:

‎Other countries that have been detected in Mexico weapons used by criminals are Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania, Spain and Belgium, according to the same informants. However, and possibly for the same reason, the Chancellery has already dropped its international demands against the Italian Beretta and the Austrian Glock.‎

If I was a suspicious person, I’d say that certain contributions to certain Mexican Private Funds and Organizations may have had something to do with the change of heart about prosecuting Beretta and Glock.

It is a sweet deal: Cover up your fuck ups and make money to boot from both ends of the issue? Priceless.

The Lesson of January 6.

Peaceful protests do only work when addressed against a government that has morals or can be embarrassed.  Most of these people went to DC with the cleanest of intentions and they are now treated like they raped puppies and killed babies.

“She’d always talk about how great Gandhi was. I’d tell her the only reason Gandhi survived after his first protest was that he was dealing with the Brits. If Stalin had been running India, he’d of been dead in a second, his name forgotten.”
― William R. Forstchen, One Second After

Next time, prepare accordingly. Make sure that a violation of their Right to Peacefully Assemble comes with a heavy bill due on presentation.

Ammo found in the wild.

Today I dropped by the Outpost Armory and scored a box of this:

Made famous in certain book we all know and love, they are indeed short.

I tested them with the wife’s S&W 22A and unless you manually load each in the chamber, you don’t get to shoot them.  Loading them in the magazine is a pain in the ass and the cycling is unreliable at best and downright a headache normally. But when it goes bang, it is actually loud “pop” and I do believe it will put a hurt on small varmints if necessary.

Now I need a revolver to go with this. I was thinking a Ruger Wrangler Birdshead. A six shooter retailing at $279 does not seem such a bad deal.

Stuff I don’t get.

With the Middle Tennessee Snowpocalypse 2022 scheduled for tomorrow, the missus and I went to the local Wally World to get a very few staples that we usually run out at this time of the week. One of the items was 1% milk for MiL (we do the 2% since I started dieting) and it was my job to go get a gallon. When I go to the dairy section, there were 4 half gallons of 1% left at the back of the top rack , set way in the back. I had to use my cane to hook two and bring them to the cart. The rest of the shelves was devoid of any 1% of any brand.

That on itself is not weird yet. People was showing up and looking frustrated that no more 1% was available and some directed inquiries to the Wally World personnel that was wandering in the nearby aisles. That was weird, and only because there was almost a full complement of 2% milk and Whole milk in the rest of the refrigerated shelves of the dairy section.  If there is truly an emergency, you grab what you can, and I don’t really think you are going to dies for drinking 2% milk for a week. And is snow really gets bad, your diest is gonna suffer anyway ’cause you are going to be home razing over whatever sweets were left over from Christmas while binge-watching Joe Millionaire reruns.

Why California is doomed.

(KTLA) – Investigators found no evidence that the California man who was found passed out in a car with hundreds of recall election ballots planned to participate in election fraud, police said Tuesday.

The man, 34-year-old Eduardo Mena, of Hawthorne, was arrested on Aug. 16, 2021 after he was spotted in a vehicle parked in the lot of a 7-Eleven convenience store.

Inside the car, police found about 300 ballots, a loaded firearm, methamphetamine, thousands of pieces of mail, multiple California drivers licenses and credit cards in other people’s names, authorities said.

He was indicted on charges of bank fraud, aggravated identity theft, possession of stolen mail and being a felon in possession of ammunition, according to police.

No evidence of election fraud by man found passed out with 300 recall ballots: police

I guess he is just a collector of ballots or planned to sell them in Ebay as souvenirs. I went looking in California Law and I did not see anything against you having on your person a shitload of ballots or even theft. I hope I am wrong, but I suspect I am dead on target.

Why would anybody vote in California? Your vote does not matter if a Meth-head is carrying around 300 ballots for reasons unknow, but you suspect it ain’t for toilet paper.

Miles and Miles of Editorial Oversight: The Good Kings by Kara Cooney (Published by National Geographic)

This one is a doozy

The blurb about the books starts to give us a hint about the mind of the author”

In a new era when democracies around the world are threatened or crumbling, best-selling author Kara Cooney turns to five ancient Egyptian pharaohs–Khufu, Senwosret III, Akenhaten, Ramses II, and Taharqa–to understand why many so often give up power to the few, and what it can mean for our future.

So, this is not just about Ancient Egypt but modern politics and then, maybe how White Supremacism is like the cruel pharaohs of ancient times?

How can you even write it down in the first place? The videos and photos of the Rittenhouse shooting were out a couple of days after the event in August of 2020. The book’s date of publication is November 2021, so the only reason Ms. Cooney “made” the mistake was because she heard a narrative, took it as the Word from the Heavens and rather than double check, she just went with it and put it in her book.

But wait, there is more and this one is another historical boondoggle:

Again, was this ignorance or political narrative? I do not mind a teacher writing a book with political themes, but a bit of truth must remain in it to be taken seriously. But in the era of TikTok and immediate gratification via smartphone, an old line from another book rings true:

“Who controls the past controls the future
1984 -George Orwell

And sure as hell it is not our side writing the history books, or even tweets. They know their lies will be taken as Gospel and spread through the nation.


Hat Tip Mal Roadkill