
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Blood Purity and the Purebloods

This is why we can’t have nice things. Somebody decides not to get vaccinated, and we respect his or her right to do so. But somebody else came with the idea of calling themselves “Purebloods” and now they think themselves superior to those who got the jab and eschew them…even if they supported them.
Understand this: You ain’t Pureblood, you ain’t shit. You are not some magnificent species of man above the rest of us just because you did not get the jab. But you trying to pass yourself as the new Super Human and the rest of us just some sort of sub-humanoids reeks pure Nazi bullshit.


Our contemporary generation of weaklings will naturally decry such a policy and whine and complain about it as an encroachment on the most sacred of human rights. But there is only one right that is sacrosanct and this right is at the same time a most sacred duty. This right and obligation are: that the purity of the racial blood should be guarded, so that the best types of human beings may be preserved and that thus we should render possible a more noble development of humanity itself.


In striving for this it must bear in mind the fact that we are
members of the highest species of humanity on this earth, that we have a
correspondingly high duty, and that we shall fulfil this duty only if we inspire the German people with the racial idea, so that they will occupy themselves not merely with the breeding of good dogs and horses and cats, but also care for the purity of their own blood.

Mein Kampf – Adolf Hitler

So, fuck you for your faux superiority and shitting on those who supported you.
You don’t like my view? There is the fucking door and good riddance. I don’t need you or want you hanging around mu blog.
Obviously, this rant does not apply to the Unvaxxed who do not need to join a cute name club to feel secure about their life’s decisions.