
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

More Schadenboner for the day…no, seriously.


Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (D-Penn.) was carjacked at gunpoint in Philadelphia on Wednesday as crime continues to surge in major cities across the country.

“Wednesday afternoon, at around 2:45 p.m., Congresswoman Scanlon was carjacked at gunpoint in FDR Park following a meeting at that location,” Scanlon’s office said in a statement. The Congresswoman was physically unharmed. She thanks the Philadelphia Police Department for their swift response, and appreciates the efforts of both the Sergeant at Arms in D.C. and her local police department for coordinating with Philly PD to ensure her continued safety.”

Democratic congresswoman who sponsored police ‘reform’ bill carjacked in crime-surging Philadelphia | Fox News

From her own website:

We are a country in crisis — we have been for quite some time. For Ahmaud, Breonna, George, their families, and our communities all too familiar with their pain — we must demand justice.

I wanted to share with you the legislative action I am working on as we fight to dismantle systems of hate, hold law enforcement officers accountable, and push for the adoption — and use — of unbiased policing practices.

Fighting For Justice: Legislative Steps We’re Taking to Change The System | U.S. Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon (house.gov)

And just when she thought criminals liked her.

But Miguel, how do you rejoice in their suffering? That is not very Christian of you.”

Fuck them. They want us dead, incarcerated or ruined just because we dare have a different opinion? Let them collect the fucking wages of their sins with interest and a chance to buy a Time Share in hell.

Hat Tip Markc.


Portland: F*** ’em. They voted for it, they kept supporting it, they get to eat the consequences.


This, in other words, is the face of a decaying city. “If you go downtown, it’s a ghost town, except for zombies that are walking around pushing carts because they have nowhere else to go,” Rogers said. “There’s no signs of life, except for these junkies — they’re the only people that occupy it. There’s no real business being done in downtown anymore.”

The most tragic thing about Portland’s sorry fate is just how avoidable it was. The city’s decline is a policy decision — or more specifically, a series of policy decisions, leveled on the working and middle classes by powerful activist groups and feckless politicians insulated from the real-world consequences of their acquiescence.

Portland in Decline: Political Failure, Social Breakdown | National Review

Do read the whole thing. What impressed me the most was not the well written article, but my absolute lack of empathy for the inhabitants of the city.  They should have recalled the whole Portland governance, but they just waited there expecting them to do what they could not do initially for political reasons and after because they simply did not have the balls to admit their screw ups and ask for help.

At least all the empty buildings downtown will probably become a nice refuge for the homeless and the druggies during this winter. And I would not be surprised if the local government confiscates the edifications just for that. Appeasement is easier than correcting.

Your Schadenboner for the day

Illinois’ Democratic state Senate majority leader was the victim of carjacking Tuesday night in a Chicago suburb, police have confirmed. Sen. Kimberly Lightford had played a pivotal role in passing a bill ending cash bail, among other things.

Sen. Kimberly Lightford and her husband, Eric McKennie, were together during the incident but were unharmed, police said.

Illinois Dem senator carjacked, shots fired, police say | Fox News

Remember, if it lasts more than four hours, keep enjoying it.

Hat Tip Royko

Stuff like this is why politicians end up hanging from light poles.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — The second highest court in America will decide whether the city of Nashville is violating the constitutional rights of homeowners. The issue is forcing new homeowners to pay for their own city sidewalks.

People like Jason Mayes, who really isn’t a builder. He is a dad, a family man and taxpayer who built a home on McCall Street and got a $9,000 bill for his sidewalk.

“It’s been frustrating. This was something that we didn’t plan for in our construction budget. It came right off of our money to finish our house,” Mayes said. “We actually have an unfinished space in our house. Obviously we don’t have landscaping partly due to this.”

There’s more. The city really doesn’t want Jason to build a sidewalk in front of his home. There is a culvert at the front end of his property that collects run-off. If he built a sidewalk here, it could cause terrible flooding in the neighborhood.

Court to decide if making Nashville homeowners pay for city sidewalks is unconstitutional | WZTV (fox17.com)

He got charged by the county for the price of building a sidewalk in front of his house that he did not request or wanted, and it cannot and will not be built anyway because it interferes with the flow of rainwater.

This is how you get your government building killdozed.