
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

White Supremacist gang targeting Asian women, arrested.

The Bay Area is home to one of the largest Asian and Pacific Islander populations in the entire country — it has also been a hotbed for the recent spike in violent hate crimes against the aforementioned community. Six men have been arrested in connection with a string of robbery attacks on Asian American women, committing over 200 heists in Nothern California.

According to the San Jose Police Department, Anthony Michael Robinson (24), Cameron Alonzo Moody (27), Derje Damond Banks (23), Hassani Burleson Ramsey (24), Clarence Jackson (21), and Malik Short (21) all had been targeting women of Asian descent throughout various parts of the Bay Area and Santa Clara County. It is also being reported that this team of criminals coordinated and executed more than 70 heists in San Jose and as many as 177 throughout the San Francisco Bay Area during a one-year span.

The efficiency of their criminal activity was predicated on stalking their victims as a team and closing in on them at secluded locations. But according to the District Attorney, Jeff Rosen, there were other reasons why this group sought to harm women of Asian descent.

Six-Man Crew Arrested for Over 200 Robberies Targeting Asian Women (vladtv.com)

I feel much better knowing the threat of the KKK and its sympathizers is less now. POC should rejoice!


Book Review: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.


I am embarrassed to say I have known about this book pretty much since I was able to read and understand complex stuff. In my teens I tried to get my hands on anything WWII trying to figure out how and why things went the way they did, and I did see this book back then recommended by the historians and critics. The problem was that I had already been bitten by the fame of books and they turned out to be duds. So, I sort of put it on the side thinking I could always go to it later… and I forgot about it for 40 years, I guess.

Holy crap, it is full of info and nuances that I never knew. I guess I knew about Hitler pretty much as the monstrous caricature we all grew up with and basically nothing about him till he became chancellor. The reality is not as simple, but it is not some huge, twisted conspiracy ran by some secret cabals. The sumbitch had the gab, the hate and the time to strike it successfully.

I am up to the Beer Hall Putsch, and I shall continue going through the 1,200 plus of pages. Good thing that page count never scared me.

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany: Shirer, William L., Rosenbaum, Ron: 9781451651683: Amazon.com: Books