
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – January 15

I shan’t be going, but I’d be remiss and a jackass not plugging the event.

Copy/paste straight from Borepatch’s:

I’ve had some scheduling hiccups but have secured the private range at the Gun Club.  180 yard rifle range and 25 yard pistol range.  Private (only us!) and covered shooting.

Here’s the venue info – please RSVP in the comments if you will come.

The Venue:


When: Saturday, January 15 at 12:00 noon until 4:00 PM.

Where: Manatee Gun and Archery Club, 1805 Logue Rd, Myakka City, FL 34251

Facilities:  Some of our readers are bringing their betters halves (as am I) and the fairer sex will be relieved to know that there are proper, civilized facilities in the club house.

Cost: $20 per person to cover range rental and sundries.

Lunch: Will be catered by The Queen Of The World and is included in the price.

Fellow Blogger Needs help!

Reposting at the request of Big Expat.

Cold Fury’s Mike Hendrix needs our help.

Mike’s in Deep Shit (UPDATED) (coldfury.com)

Here is the GoFundMe.

Ok Y’all

All bullshitting aside.

Mikes in the Critical Care/ICU. I’m waiting to find out -where- exactly.

Hit me up if’n you have wants needs questions and I’ll do my best as the ‘gatekeeper’ to keep y’all up to date. Currently, they got him in Caromont Regional Medical Center. In lieu of flowers and other assorted phaggotry, donate at the GoFundMe I set up for him. Ladies, Nude pics and such will be forwarded as deemed appropriately, as well as panties and other such ‘morale boosting’ stuff.

I just got word that my brother-from-another-mother Mike Hendrix, late of the famed rockabilly band The Belmont Playboys and more recently of the Blog “Cold Fury” http://coldfury.com/ has gotten seriously hemmed up medically speaking. Last Thursday after a slightly prolonged absence from his blog, I reached out to him to find out WTF was going on and I heard back that he’d come down with a nasty case of food poisoning.

Since then, apparently something faaar MOR serious happened.

His brother (actual) Jeff called me tonight as I left one of my more ‘colorful messages’ on his phone (in possession currently by his sainted lil ole Lady Mom) who apparently when she recovered from my diatribe, had Jeff call me to fill me in on what’s up.

Essentially Mike’s seriously fucked up.

Food Poisoning turned out to be a MAD infection. His diabeetus didn’t help the issue, so they had to lop off his foot, then his leg, as the infection was/is spreading. They’re fixin’ to make it even MOR stumpy as the infection still isn’t under control. He’s in critical/ICU level condition, but NOT COVID related thank the Gods.

So, My brother-from-another-mother, henceforth now known as “Peg-Leg Mikey” is gonna have some serious medical bills and life altering needs. So hence Ye Olde GoFundMe Fundraiser.

I’m starting the ball rolling with the remainder of my ‘raising Christmas’ fund, and ask you please to help in any way, shape or form. Mike is damned fine people and has entertained people from all walks of life, either musically or through his magnificent acerbic writing and wit.

As they say, step up and help a brother out.
Spread the Word gang. Mike needs us and has never asked for anything.

The Go-Fund-Me is here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-mike-of-cold-fury-and-the-belmont-playboys

I Remain The Intrepid Reporter,
Worried as all get-the-hell-out
Big Country

How the twisted Liberal Mind works

Nearly 200 people responded as Nashville officials led a weekend “safe surrender” event at a church for people who had warrants or wanted to check their status.

The two-day event was designed for people with outstanding warrants to show up to a local church and turn themselves in to receive “favorable consideration.”

A total of 193 people came to the church, 67 of whom had warrants, the Metro Nashville Police Department said in a tweet. Charges included 65 misdemeanors and 23 felonies. Out of the 67 people with warrants, 60 were free to go after seeing a judge, police said.

Nashville Safe Surrender event has response from nearly 200 people (tennessean.com)

This is an interesting idea. There is an ungodly amount of outstanding warrants out there and the idea is to see if they can clear the logjam by doing these events in which people can show up and check if they have warrants. If they do, a judge tries to figure out a solution agreeable to all, especially since so many are for dumb misdemeanors. How many people get in trouble for a simple failure to appear? I like this.

Obviously, some crimes are heavy enough they need to be duly processed. If you have a felony warrant for a violent crime, you should not expect just to show up and be forgiven. But guess what? Some idiots demand that to happen.

Community leaders from Nashville’s Interdenominational Ministers Fellowship and several criminal justice organizations voiced hesitancy over the program, calling for more clarification on the meaning of favorable consideration.

Some suggested on-the-spot expungements or suspension of fines and fees for those who showed up, while others questioned why there were so many outstanding warrants in the first place.

Dear Lord! What is wrong with you people? Automatic pardons just for showing up regardless of the crime? And these are supposed to be Christian ministers, people that should have a passing knowledge of sins, punishment, acts of contrition and redemption. God loves everybody, but still will send your ass to Hell if you were an unrepentant asshole in this mortal coil. But yeah, you guys know better than God.

They are that twisted.

My next gun project.

My first long gun was a Mossberg 835 bought new at a Miami gun show back when you could still find good deals in those events. It was the gun that was at the ready when 9/11 happened alongside my Taurus PT92.

I updated my 835 with a 24″ deer barrel with rifle sights, a Tru-Glo red dot and that was it. Why 24″? Because the only other barrel length for the 835 is 28″ except some weird cammo thing at 20″.  As shotgun goes, it is too long for regular social work and I decided to cut down the barrel that came with it to shortest legal size AKA 18.5″ (yes, i know. I am giving that extra half for the Three Letter People that might be reading don’t get ideas)

Why cut? A couple of reasons: I contacted Mossberg several times about what legal short barrel for the 835 was available (there was a rumor of an 18.5 for sale if you asked them by phone) but I never got shit back from them. I also heard that the barrel for the 590 would work in the 835, but I know better than trusting Gun Forum Gurus.

And possibly the sexiest reason to cut the original barrel is the chambering:

It comes chambered for 2 3/4, 3 and 3.5 inches. Having the possibility of feeding your shotgun almost anything available in the market in 12 gauge is just too sexy to pass.

And since I am going to lose the front bead, I found that TruGlo makes a set of sights designed to be attached to the rib. I will probably keep the red dot, but I want the ability to have regular sights as back up.

Advice and suggestions welcomed, of course.  The idea of having 18 doses of double ought buck “unwelcome” a home invader from a manageable shotgun is somewhat reassuring.

I know, it is gonna leave a mark and feel it in the morning.