
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

May God forgive me, but they deserve each and every incident.

A homeless man charged with beating a guy last year was dumped back on the street thanks to so-called bail reform, only to allegedly pummel two women in Upper West Side attacks Thursday — and be freed again.

Darrell Johnson, 23, left one of his random female victims so brutally beaten that she suffered a “disfiguring laceration” to her face, law-enforcement sources told The Post on Monday.

Man busted on assault freed, then allegedly beats 2 women (nypost.com)

Not only they voted for this by electing the morons that came up with these ideas, but you know they will do it again and again.

In court Friday, Manhattan prosecutors recommended that Johnson be released under supervised monitoring for the attacks on the women, a request the judge granted.

A rep for the DA’s office said none of the charges were harsh enough to allow the judge to order Johnson held on bail.

Wait one gorramed minute. You provoke a disfiguring injury to the face of a person and that is not harsh? Holy sainted fuck! I can predict that somebody is going to start throwing acid in the faces of any women or people he does not like because the DA’s considers it not harsh enough to send your ass to the bottom of a fucking NY dungeon. What is harsh enough? Decapitation?

How’s living under a dictatorship? An “expert” will tell you.

J.Kb figured my blood pressure was too normal and sent me this beauty:

Aside the DeSantis Derangement syndrome in full display, what we have here is some political dunce, a leftie for sure who firmly believes what his propagandists are saying.

I had a similar incident with somebody who calls himself Libertarian about something Trump had said, not quite politely, but right on the money. He pretty much lost his mind when I asked if what 45 said was untrue and what I got in return was a criticism that “I should’ve known better than siding with a strongman.” That was pretty much indicating that I am somewhat blinded or suffering from some Latino malady that makes me fall for dictators and he was there to save me from myself.  One thing he could never do was to answer my simple question if Trump was right on what he said, in fact he refused by saying I had no right to ask him, nor he had to do so. I think I called him something along the lines of being intellectually dishonest and I got the block right after.

The left thinks it is doing great harm to DeSantis accusing him of being a dictator. I am amazed that they still do not realize that he is the governor of a state that is the home for the immense population of people running away from real dictators.  We are talking about people who lived under curfews enforced by shootings-on-the-spot if you were caught, People that lived under the fear of saying anything against a central government because the front door crashing down a 3 am and goons with guns coming for you was a real possibility. People that had food rationed to ounces a day, if there was any to be had at all. People that had to go identify the mutilated corpse of a mother or a sister who was first raped and then used to test the sharpness of the machetes or people who stood in front of the remains of a small house smelling the combination of burnt furniture, plastics and human flesh after the local equivalent of Antifa or just criminal looters paid a visit to somebody they disliked.

So, what the unhinged Left and Libertarians (but I repeat myself) is tagging themselves as amazingly ignorant or colossal liars and making sure more people side with DeSantis.  And that goes double if it is your side the one supporting shock troops, mandatory lockdowns and punishment for defying the “truth” as spouted in the narrative.


Country Santa C’est Mort.

Many years ago, the Missus bought what was considered a cute Christmas ornament: a singing country Santa. It was fun for a little while but after the 100th time listening to the same song, I developed a hatred for the bastard.

The doll eventually ceased to function, but rather than throw it away, we kept it because I had promised myself to shoot the dammed thing whenever I had the chance.

So, I tested the upgraded 10-22 just now. 10 rounds without a hiccup.

Country Santa is dead.

I haven’t shot the shotgun in a while. I figure a mag full of birdshot to test functionality may be in the future books.

I am not saying this looks Federally suspicious…

Last night, there was a march in DC from a group calling themselves “Patriot Front.”

Unfortunately for them and the brand of Fed-Induced White Supremacist BS they were trying to sell, nobody with two contacting neurons, has believed them for anything else than a False Flag.

Sure, police officers in DC are goning to let a bunch of civilians hop in a moving truck and transported away, right?

Noticed how they lock stepped the retreat?

This administration needs to find better crisis actors. I believe a simple post in Craiglist will suffice.