
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Scratch a Liberal Democrat, find the Racist.

You can almost hear her panting and fanning herself: “A Negro with guns! The horror!” So, she tags the Federal Bureau of Instigations for what i surmise would be to bring him back into the plantation with legal floggings and real chains.

And to make it even funnier, she is the proverbial cat lady:

But wait, there is more! She the applies a twisted version of “But I have black friends.”

We are sure consciously you “believe” (say) that, but just seeing the thousands upon thousands of people displaying their collection of firearms in Twitter and you just happening to pick and snitch on the Black guy who embarrasses your kind by stating a truth?

Will the mistress require a mint julep and a slave boy to rest her feet upon?

Never Get Out of the Boat.

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a shooting that occurred overnight after a man looked at his Ring camera.

The incident happened around 12 a.m. when a homeowner on Michaela Circle went outside to investigate some suspicious activity he noticed on his Ring camera.

Authorities said the homeowner was transported to a local area hospital, and the search is on going for the possible suspects.

Clarksville man shot after looking at Ring camera (newschannel5.com)

Short of having a family member in danger or you see somebody about to toss a Molotov cocktail at your abode, you have no reason to go outside if your gut tells you something is afoot after getting warning via your frigging door camera!

Stay inside, stay safe. Be ready to repel boarders.


Government hates competition, especially if it hits their pocket

Misleading title is misleading.


Basically, the Grupo de Auto-Defensa was told to stand down or having to face two enemies: The Cartels and the Government. And no, previous self-defense groups were not infiltrated and became part of drug cartels but got chased and disbanded by the government. Why? because they actually were effective and chased the local cartels off the state. That mean local officials were not getting the usual “mordidas” (bribes) and that could not be allowed to happen.

I believe it will come the time in Mexico (or should come) where the Auto Defensas do a “Uno por Uno”: Take out one cartel member and one government official till the lesson is absorbed. Maybe then they will finally achieve some freedom and a smidgen of peace.

Bad behavior unchecked gets repeated

Retail piranhas.

This will continue to happen in California till they reverse the pro-looting laws (Proposition 47 Laws) or open space stores as we know them will disappear and people will have to get items, one at a time through a barred widow or behind bulletproof glass in selected localities.

And I am waiting for the inevitable shooting of looters that will happen when they go after a mom & pop store whose owner has nothing else to lose but his mind as he sees himself looted into bankruptcy by “misguided youth.”