By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Biden is keeping a close look on Afghanistan. (Updated)”
  1. “White House Posts Photo of Feeble Joe Biden Sitting Alone as Afghanistan Falls to Taliban – Outs Doha Station, CIA”

    Dementia is spread throughout the entire White House staff since they did not see this coming. And whoever took a picture of the monitors with the CIA windows needs to be canned today.

    And the B-52s could stop the columns of troops pouring into Kabul at any moment. Where are they going to hide ? Instead, we get incompetence as Dementia Joe sits there and wrings his hands. He needs to be removed from office today but it won’t happen.

    1. “He needs to be removed from office today”
      … But then we’d have giggling tyrant Empress Cartagia as the figurehead. Probably ordering mass executions for her entertainment. Would that be an improvement?

  2. THIS is whats wrong with America… We the People have now(in my OPINION) voted since Kennedy 2 good presidents- Reagan and Trump. TWO in 50 + years. And always after we vote in a good one the dems SOMEHOW manage to insert a ruby red grade A IDIOT, puppet, lap dog , cigar sniffin azzhat that “fundamentally “ fuks this Country over and We the the People pay for it while they walk away millionaires.Over and over and over. I pray America has learned. But lookin at kalifornia, with now TWO “recalls” because of the people getting BOHICAed by the guv, I dont know. Its kinda like insanity- doin the same thing over n over n over n over n over and oh LOOK, a different result…. Prepare accordingly

  3. If they wanted Biden, the supposed President of the US of America:
    1. Leading the discussion and planning, or
    2. Even vaguely in the loop and interacting with the adults in the meeting,
    President Biden would have at least two assistants there, live in the room, to hand him information, take notes for His Senility, and generally keep him in the loop. Where are his freaking Military Advisors? Where?

    They don’t. They set the senile old codger in a room by himself, off in the mountains. They don’t want his leadership. They don’t want his input. They don’t even want the President of the United States’ concurrence on the military, foreign affairs, and humanitarian action plans. THEY will tell President Joe what is going to happen.

    They want Joe to STFD and STFU. The “adults in the room” will handle this. They have done an amazing job already.

    I am amazed they released this photo. It shows how little President Joe Biden is respected by his own damned mis-administration. They put Grandpa President at the Kiddie Table.

  4. If you look at the second to last photo, the one with a montage, that one was on the news yesterday.

    Now look in the middle of the screen and tell me that’s not a picture of a little girl in the middle of the bunch of “official looking” scenes (I see several with two flags on either side or what could be a state or national seal). “Pedo Joe”??

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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