

The long knives are going into the backs of Democrats


I have to disagree with Miguel.

I don’t think the Democrats can reign in Antifa anymore. They let it go on for too long and with too much vehemence in order to get Trump.

Antifa is just too battle hardened and the boots-on-the-ground police are just too demoralized.

Also, the SS was able to kill the SA.  It was murder.  As long as Antifa is only being arrested, they won’t stop.  No to mention that once the the arrests are made it goes to prosecutors who we’ve seen are strongly aligned with Antifa.

All in all I thing the Antifa dragon has been fed too much by the Democrats, they can’t control it anymore, and now it will eat them.

A bit of good news for Florida: The Legislature is still very Republican

The good news:

TALLAHASSEE — Republicans appeared set Tuesday night to retain, maybe even grow, their majority in the state Senate as lawmakers head toward two years of grappling with a coronavirus-damaged budget and redrawing political boundaries.

Republicans maintain control of Florida Senate

And then the VERY good news:

Florida House Democrats were hammered on Election Day, losing three incumbents, two open seats, and a handful of races for what they thought were flippable Republican House districts. Republicans now lead the chamber 78-42.

Florida House Democrats give up 2018 gains — and any hope of influence

And to end up with a bow and cherry on top. From the Miami Herald.

OK, still small numbers compared to Biden’s result:

It’s not precisely clear why Trump’s support ballooned in Florida’s largest primarily Black city. But the numbers tell their own story: Trump got 7,601 votes this year versus 43,138 for Biden, compared to 3,328 for Trump and 42,548 for Clinton in 2016.

Biden barely managed to get 590 more votes than Hillary. This is Trayon Martin’s all stomping grounds and a fierce democratic enclave that keeps re-electing Representative Lady Pimp, but somehow over 7 thousand voters decided to leave the Democrat Plantation.

Florida did all elections things right and I am not saying because it went full red.  Any accusation of voter suppression was just previous to the election and for political show rather than reality. Mail In is still suspicious with the extra million Democrat votes, but it was counted without issues  and so were the drop-offs during Early voting which also went smooth.  During election day, lines moved, if not fast, at least with ease. And we had a pretty damn good idea about the result of the election by 9:30 pm even though AP and the NYT would not give up and call it for Trump till way past Midnight and the realization there was no way somebody could find 400,000 votes to reverse the result in short notice. Sure as hell that many late-comer Mail In votes would not pass the smell test anywhere in the Sunshine State.

Two lessons I can see from Florida’s 2020 Electoral process. First: The hard work the Republicans have done getting the 67 county’s electoral boards in shape has paid off in confidence. Yes, there are more matters to correct, but we are not seeing the 2,000 clusterfuck but in archived memories.

The second lesson is: Aggressive Conservatives positions work! If there was a crush in the legislature, it was because people voted straight Republican because of Trump and his ways. None of this “compassionate conservatism” which hinted there were uncaring Republican assholes who wanted to see dead babies of color and poison the water while banging Mother Nature. Hispanics reacted to somebody who was not bullshitting them with promises of free shit but with pride and respect. And I hope the Florida Republicans also got the message that we Latinos like our Second Amendment and it is not just reserved for the fat crazy White guys that Morin loves to portray in the Miami Herald.

Let’s hopes the lessons are not lost for the next election.

More reading for you: Antifa’s Denver Shooting: New Trends in Left-Wing Political Violence, Syrian Connections, and Sub-cultures

I just added The Jamestown Foundation’s Terrorism Monitor to my daily reading routine

Elliott wore a ‘Fuc* The Police’ shirt and commandeered Black Lives Matter chants, including “Say His [Elijah McClain’s] Name” and “No Justice, No Peace,” alongside Denver Antifa ‘comrade,’ Michael Windecker (thenomanzone.com, October 15). Antifa then started fires at a Denver suburb’s courthouse, broke courthouse windows, and pointed lasers and threw fireworks at police officers (CBS [Denver], July 25).

Michael Windecker calls himself a Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) “soldier” and “proud Fuc*ing Communist.” He fought with Syrian-based Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG), whom he refers to as “Antifa freedom fighters,” and Iraqi-based Peshmerga against Islamic State. Daily Beast profiled Windecker, whose alias was “Necromancer,” on Kirkuk’s frontlines in 2015 (Daily Beast, April 20, 2015). However, it published a follow-up article after learning Windecker’s multiple arrests included third-degree sexual assault of a 14-year old boy (Daily Beast, April 27, 2015).

Antifa’s Denver Shooting: New Trends in Left-Wing Political Violence, Syrian Connections, and Sub-cultures

Yes, they are hiring criminals to do their dirty work. This is standard operating procedure by Socialists and one I have seen with my own eyes.

My neighborhood was not one of the best ones in Caracas, in fact, the US Embassy had it tagged as a Red Zone, US Personnel should not go there under any circumstance unless provided with armored personnel carrier and a squad of Marines. In our street there was this guy I will call Tony who was about 3-4 years older than me and I have known basically all my life. We were always friendly with each other, but never friends. Mom knew he was up to no good as a kid and eventually he got arrested several times and went to prison at least twice.

Tony was always nice to us and specially very sweet with my mother who he treated like a grandmother. With other people? He was the asshole that would smile to your face while slowly gutting you and was involved in the local drug trade and any other criminal enterprise that would produce him money. In our street, he was capo and nobody fucked with him.

After we moved back to the States and before I finally convinced mom to come live with us, I would have to go check on her at least twice a year. In one of those trips, i bumped into tony and we exchanged pleasantries like we always did. When I asked him what was he doing, I expected the old non-committal response I always got and we both knew it was all crime business as usual. Instead, this time he reached for his back pocket and produced a wallet with a gold shield and an Inspector ID.  He looked at me and said “It is legal, bro. Issued by the government. I am a cop!”

We laughed, but I was actually horrified at the fact this guy had official government license to kill. We talked  some more minutes, asked me to convey his regards to mom and went about our businesses. I never saw him again because we finally convinced mom to move to the US. One day in the comfort of our Miami home, we were watching some action movie and mom made a comment: “Hey, that is Tony’s gun.” Think she meant a sidearm being held by the hero, I asked “The Glock pistol?” “No” she replied, “the machine gun.” She was pointing at another character in the scene holding an HK MP-5.

I rewound and paused the scene and mom confirmed that was the gun because tony himself had proudly showed it to her and told her it was also government issued. I made a comment like “why would anybody give him a frigging machine gun?” and mom said he told her that he was in charge of making sure no anti-Chavistas got too bold for their own good and to help the Revolution fight “Contra-revolucionarios.”

The hiring of criminals makes sense: They have no qualms for human life, they are only after their immediate gratification and you may be just a little bug that gets in the way and gets squashed. However, providing weapons to such individuals also helps in raising the violent crime rates which helps keep regular citizens under control. The downside?    Goverment created monsters that the own government can’t control short of full military deployment and even that is a silly hope.  Large portions of Caracas have become No-Go zones the way Fallujah was once without Marines laying waste to it first. If police shows up, it is the Special teams (FAE) and only for a short time against a very specific target. Other than that, I believe there has not been a regular police presence in those areas for almost a decade.

It has been years since the people living in these areas have bothered to report crimes of any kind, including homicides. This helps the government because unreported crime does not make statistics and they can claim violent crime is down under the glorious banner of the Revolution. But Venezuela’s version of “Snitches get stitches” (you and your family shot to death or burned alive) keeps any stats from being known. If you lie in an area dominated by a government-sponsored criminal enterprise, you pay the “vacuna” (bribe. extortion) you shut your mouth and hope you are left alone.

And that is why the Left loves criminals working for them. Even if they can’t control them, they can benefit from their actions.



I hope that was a typo

I did not do this, I only witnessed it.


If you are going to give a virtual presentation on security technology, make sure you double-check your spell checking.

When it comes to biometrics I am aware of fingerprint scans and retinal scans.

I was not aware that there was anybody doing biometric rectal scans.

In theory… I guess it will work.  I’m just saying I hope that was a missed typo.

O’Sullivan’s law and why a why military brass are for gun control

I keep talking about O’Sullivan’s law and the US Military.

John O’Sullivan is a conservative British journalist and a speechwriter for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

He coined a political law, known as O’Sullivan’s First Law, which states:

“All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing.”

Lawrence B. Wilkerson is a retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell.

He was Pentagon/DC Brass.

Four years ago he was on the Bill Maher show to explain that civilians didn’t need high capacity magazines and all sorts of those kinds of weapons.

Another interview with him on the Bill Maher show from earlier this year makes it clear why he believes that (sorry for the video quality, it was the only one I could find),

I’m wondering if he is pulling a Toobin while saying this, just masturbating to the fantasy of the US military gunning down Trump supporters.

This is why he wants to keep high capacity magazines and assault rifles out of the hands of civilians, to make it easier to kill them for supporting Trump when the President speaks out against the Democrats monkey-fucking with the election results.

He is a retired US Army Colonel and he hates you.  He hates Trump.  He hates you for supporting Trump.  He wants to kill you for supporting Trump and so he wants to take your guns away to make it easier for his troops to do just that.

I know there are many members of our military who are honest patriots.

The military Brass who work in the Swamp are not that at all.

This is how they really think of you, they want to eliminate your self determination

This is Ian Milhiser, he lives in New York City.  He is a pundit with Vox.


Wyoming actually has a population of 579,000 people.  That is a lot more than nobody.  They are American citizens entitled to self-governance in their state and Federal representation through their two Senators and Congresswoman-at-large.

But Millheiser doesn’t like that.  Wyoming has become the butt of many Progressive jokes because it has a population of about a crowded NYC neighborhood and is primarily an agriculture and mining state.  There is nothing Progressives like about mining or agriculture unless it’s some sort of economically unfeasible niche organic urban farming or some shit like that.  Commercial-scale ranching, which feeds a nation and allows even the poorest citizens in the country to afford beef, they hate.

Wyoming is also a fairly Republican state.

Consequently, a New Yorker like Millheiser wants to take away their self-determination and Federal representation.

Subsidizing a bunch of New Yorkers who have the privilege of being able to telework (you know they are not going to get jobs driving haul trucks or blasting coal) to live in vacation ski homes long enough to vote and eliminate the self-determination of Wyomingins is exactly the sort of “those people are lesser than us and should live the way we tell them to live” arrogant condescension that elite educated Progressives have for anyone outside of their class.

You know that those relocated New Yorkers won’t just vote in Federal elections, but state elections too.  Meaning they will come in and vote against mining and ranching and do to Wyoming what Californians have done to Colorado, and put those people out of work.

The one thing that I don’t think Millheiser has considered is that Wyoming is ranked 5th for gun ownership and that the culture of independent self-determination in homesteader ranching culture is very strong (after six years in western South Dakota, I can attest to that).  Maybe he should brush up on what happened to Carpetbaggers in the South before he tried to get Bloomberg to Carpetbag Wyoming.