

Try this on truck guys at your peril

This was left in the comments of one of Miguel’s posts.

Homemade rebar caltrops:


Let me tell you about the South.  It’s filled with truck guys, and we truck guys like our tires.

These are what I have on my truck:


The Toyos are quite popular on a number of the lifted Super Duties and other HD trucks around here.


Yeah… big truck tires aren’t cheap.  I’m running on stock rims, but a lot of the lifted guys run aftermarket rims which double the price (or more).

I expect that just like how Antifa started using the green lasers as a blinding weapon against law enforcement, then quickly turned them on regular citizens, I expect that these caltrops are very quickly going to be used as part of the road blocking tactics used on citizen motorists to keep them from driving through protesters.

When that happens and some guy in his lifted F-250 has $3,000 in tires and rims ruined by some Antifa caltrops, you know what is going to happen?

The guys that killed John Wick’s puppy got off easier, I can guarantee it.

“Peaceful” BLM Protesters draw gun on pick up truck driver.

Video cue 00:35

Key moments from the Indy10 Black Lives Matter march in Indianapolis on Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020, demanding justice for Dreasjon Reed and McHale Rose, two Black men fatally shot by Indianapolis police officers.

Key moments from the Indy10 Black Lives Matter march demanding justice for Dreasjon Reed

Since we don’t have what happened prior to the guns being drawn, I cannot say if the “peaceful protesters” are just being dicks with guns (probably) or they had cause (doubtfully.) The two gun men are very lucky the driver decided to de-escalate, both of the standing in front of the truck was not a sound tactical maneuver.

Hat Tip to Dano

Harry Potter with guns

It was a thing when Steven Spielberg went back and removed the guns from E.T.

Some guy went and did the reverse and added guns to the first Harry Potter movie.

The guy gives some long explanation how this is about the danger of guns and bullshit, “a sobering point about gun violence,” whatever.

He may have wanted it to be an anti-gun thing but in reality it is the most awesome Harry Potter fan fiction ever.

I love that Harry Potter’s gun, the one that fits him best, is a 1911A1.

Hell yeah.

A “woke” movie that will tick off your Liberal friends

I just watched The Wild Geese again and I realized it is almost the proper woke movie because it checks several important BLM and leftist boxes.

It has good Whites, Blacks, Jews blacks and even an openly gay guy who is the team’s medic. There is a White Rhodesian who is openly racist, yet his heart and mind change by the end of the movie thanks to the spiritual ministrations of a black man. They go up against the Mafia and a fascist Dictator by rescuing a democratic leader falsely imprisoned by another fascist dictator. And they even have an secretive international banker to fund their operation.

It does not get any more woke than that.

Portland: Federal Gestapo gone, but amazingly the riots continue.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Thursday evening condemned the actions of rioters who attempted to set fire to a police precinct and blocked the exits while officers were inside.

“When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder,” Wheeler said in a news conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell.

Portland mayor condemns rioters for ‘attempting to commit murder

Remember the that we were told Federal Officers were the cause of the “Peaceful demonstrations” by the “Antifa Myth” and that as soon as the Trump Goons were gone from the Federal Courthouse, it all would be, Peace, Kumbaya and free kombucha.  But the good guys in black hoodies tried to bur local cops alive inside the Portland Police Bureau’s East Precinct building. I wonder why the prediction failed.

“Don’t think for a moment that you are if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are,” he said. “You are creating the B-roll film that will be used in ads nationally to help Donald Trump during this campaign.

First: Yes, you are right and that is why so many of us have simply said “Let Portland burn.”

Second: So your real condemnation is not because police officers could be hurt or killed in the fire, but because it is bad optics and how will they play in the re-election? Come November 4th, Portland LEOs can be getting an ISIS fire cage treatment and you would not care since the election is over?

Nice to know.


Silver lining to the NRA suit

Miguel broke the news that the NY AG was suing to destroy the NRA.

That is bad news for the NRA.  The NRA must survive (it needs to be cleaned up but that’s not the point of this post, I don’t want the comments to devolve into shitting on the NRA).

Tucker talked about the suit on his show last night and how it was a blatantly partisan act to force the NRA to spend its money to defend itself instead of using it for political activism.

Trump blasted the NRA suit at an impromptu press statement.

This lead to the WSJ publishing this headline:

Lawsuit Against NRA Thrusts Gun-Rights Debate Into Presidential Campaign

This could be good for us.

We have seen record gun sales.  Shelves are empty of ammo.

We have record new gun owners.

One of my favorite YouTubers posted this awesome rant:

He’s not wrong.

Putting gun control at the front of the presidential debate, with Antifa attacking people and the Democrats defending them as a backdrop might swing many people to the more pro-gun side.

The argument is simple:

“Dear new gun owners. You know that gun you just bought because the cops are being defunded, criminals are being let out if jail on bail reform and COVID, violent crime is up, riots and looting are going on daily, and Antifa is beating people in the streets?  Biden and the Democrats want to take your new gun away to protect Antifa, rioters, looters, and criminals from you.”

That message could really backfire on them and help us.