

So I am back to my old “vices”

After an 8- or 9-year absence, I am back shooting stages/competition/gun and run at the Outpost Armory.

How did I do? As expected: At least one Mike and two No-Shoots sporting holes; time probably measured with an hourglass. But it felt good to shed a bit of the rust and do something else besides statically dropping ammo through paper into a backstop.

And it was good to see more younger faces than old farts shooting as it means the sport and the culture is alive and well.

Nice bunch of folks, well run and no complains safety-wise.

On the good news’s side, I can still paste holes like a pro. Unlike shooting, it seems it is not a perishable skill.

PS: The Outpost Armory is going to be the cause of either my divorce or burial.

No, I did not ask how much for the rental or the ammo costs. And you can’t make me!

Something to Consider – Active Response Training.

We need to chew and digest this one in order to adapt our survival protocols.

That reaction actually left me speechless.  The cop had never considered that a “good guy” might have smuggled a gun past their minimal security screenings.  He didn’t think about the fact that not everyone with a gun in his/her hand is a criminal.  He wasn’t thinking about off duty or plain clothes cops.  He wasn’t thinking about people like me.  In his mind, anyone with a gun who wasn’t wearing a police uniform in that concert venue was an automatic “shoot” target.

Something to Consider | Active Response Training

Go read the whole thing.

One thing I always do now as part of my planning is to figure out the ways an armed predator can access wherever I am and where can I go to escape, especially in legally (not morally) abiding gun free zones which simply you cannot avoid.

It is tempting to be the hero, but the reality dividend may not be so great.

“Paging Winston Smith. 6079 Smith W. please report to the nearest speakwrite.”

Top executives at CBS News have banned staffers from using the word “transgender” when reporting on Nashville shooter — despite the fact police have said Audrey Hale was transgender and cited it as a key point in the case, The Post has learned.

CBS execs bar the word ‘transgender’ from reports on Audrey Hale (nypost.com)

It sadly seems par for the course that the Media and its fellow political degenerates have shown more care for the transgender community but little to none for the Christian community.

And that is another lesson you should have memorized by now.


Tennessee: We must make schools safe for the Children!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — On Thursday, the normally quiet sound of outside the Tennessee State Capitol quickly took a turn.

“Everybody’s demanding change, everybody’s had enough, and, it was a beautiful day,” said Linda McFadyen-Ketchum, a volunteer with Moms Demand Action.

Oh sweet Jesus! A Three Name Activist? Release the Karen!

The demand for change poured into the Capitol. Inside the Senate Chamber, chanting could be heard through the door, while State Troopers tried to control the crowd.

So Gun Control insurrectionists invaded the TN Capitol. Are we to expect charges of Domestic Terrorism anytime soon? Goose/Gander, you know the analogy.

“Angry,” is how McFadyen-Ketchum described the feeling during the protest. “There’s a time for tears. I don’t have any more tears. I’m angry, and a lot of people there were angry. I didn’t see much emotion. It was fix this, there are things that we can do, fix this.”

Sweety pie, we have been angry since way before you actually decided to be an idiotic shill for Michael Bloomberg. We (Gun Culture) warned back in the 90s that creating Gun Free Schools would do nothing but provide a secured hunting ground for any nutcase with a wish of blood and notoriety. We were awfully right and proven when Columbine happened and all other schools after that. You and yours yet, refuse to admit you are deadly wrong and refuse to harden up schools. But then again it is not your blood spilling, right? And nothing says “Boxed Chardonay activism” like dancing on the blood of the little kids you helped to kill.

“I’m very proud of our young people, who have had to endure growing up with this, and what I see as the arrogance of legislatures who couldn’t even wait until my beloved friend’s funeral was over to try to push for even looser gun limits,” said Caudill.

As opposed to passing gun control measures that still would not do anything but create more victims as history keeps proving?

This month, a Vanderbilt University Poll showed Tennessee parents agree on several school firearm safety measures. More than 1,000 people were polled. The study found 70% agree background checks should be expanded on all gun sales, 63% believe law enforcement should be able to temporarily restrict a person’s access to guns if they pose a risk to themselves or others and 53% believe the age to purchase a gun should be 21.

Wait, Vandy U as a trusted source of a study? The same fuckers that want to mutilate children for profit? That is going to be a laughable ‘no’ from yours truly and anybody else with three functioning neurons.

According to Everytown for Gun Safety, one of the largest gun violence prevention organizations in America revealed Tennessee has the 10th highest rate of gun deaths.

Mostly concentrated in Memphis and Nasville which both are and have been under the “leadership” of your fellow political controllers of the Democratic Party. And you misspelled “gun violence prevention,” it is “Absolute Gun Control.”

Covenant School had no Resource Officer. No armed personnel who could have faced Asshole Audrey Hale and stop him before he/she/fuckwit could have done that much damage. And the only reason no more bodies were stacked because of the Gun Free School laws passed by the likes of Linda McFadyen-Ketchum was because Metro Nashville PD did a great job in intervening and taking down the “confused” individual.

If I was a legislator, I would introduce a bill demanding the decertification of any school in the state that does not have a minimum of 5% armed personnel any day they are open. We would encourage other measures in addition to armed teachers and staff because the more layers of security, the better. But a bullet in the brain pan of an offending critter is the best way to end any mass killing.

And I am not expecting this to happen anytime soon.


This is neither security or situational awareness


Let’s assume for a moment this happened and she’s not making it up, this is a terrible threat assessment and a worse response.

The man is 30 feet away in a crowded and well lit parking lot during the day and ge announces himself.

That’s not very indicative of an attack.

Even then, turning and yelling at him to not approach her was an extreme response.

She could have inquired from a distance what he wanted and then reacted accordingly.

The man could have have Ben proffering information that would have enhanced her safety, but now she’ll never know.

All this does is make good men less likely to be chivalrous and women at greater risk from actual harmful men.