

Taking oneself a hostage



This is bullshit.

This is evil, manipulative bullshit.

There is no evidence for this and lots of evidence to the contrary.

But this has become the rhetoric used to manipulate parents.

What is worse is that children have been taught that this is an effective tactic, i.e., “transition me or I’ll kill myself.”

In a way it’s like this scene from Blazing Saddles, but not funny.


Anyone who tries to manipulate you with the threat of suicide is a bad person.

How to kill your business in one easy step

If you haven’t heard, North Carolina repealed the state handgun license to purchas requirement.

In North Carolina, it was the law until a few days ago, that a law abiding citizen could buy a rifle or shotgun at a store without issue,  but had to obtain a permit to purchase a handgun from the local Sheriff to buy a handgun.

A North Carolina concealed carry permit was also valid as a pistol purchase permit.  That also went through the local Sheriff.

It was a pain in the ass.

The Republican state legislature passed the bill to repeal the pistol purchase permit requirements over the governor’s veto.

Fuck that guy.

The media asked a gun store owner about this and the gun store owner decided he didn’t want to be in business anymore.

‘I’m not a huge fan of it,’ WNC gun store owner reacts to end of pistol permit requirement

Stucker said, in North Carolina, a person had to be a resident and purchase a permit from the local sheriff’s office to buy a handgun. Now, that has been abolished.

But there will still be a federal background check, like there is for long guns.

“I’m not a huge fan of it, personally,” Stucker said of the move. “As a gun store owner, it puts a little bit more liability on us.”

He said that with the permits going through the sheriff’s office, they handled a lot of the liability.

Having to rely on the FBI’s system isn’t a great scenario for Stucker.

“It’s just their generic check that they use in all 50 states. The sheriff’s department or state-regulated background checks can be a little more specific. They can go into mental health, domestic violence,” Stucker said.

The sheriff’s office background checks can show things that may not show up on some of the generic legal records, Stucker said.

Another thing that Stucker said many people don’t realize is the repercussions that will come for those who are trying to buy handguns.

So they will have to act like nearly every other gun dealer in the country?

Oh how tragic.

Stucker said the FBI system is inherently slow, and that’s just using it for long guns. So, adding handguns into that system will slow people’s ability to purchase guns.

“I doubt most of the time we’re going to have instantaneous background check approvals, so you’re going to see a delay of a couple days just because the system is so overridden,” Stucker said.

The NCIS system is pretty reliable most of the time.  Some people will have delays, but the revocation of the permit to purchase won’t change that.  In North Carolina, even with a pistol purchase permit, buyers still had to go through a 4473 and NICS check.

Stucker said he has had instances where he didn’t feel comfortable selling a person a gun.

In the past, he has called the sheriff’s office when someone seemed not right mentally or maybe had ill intent.

On Target had the sheriff’s office investigate the would-be gun buyer a little more, but that’s not an option now.

“So, now I just have to come up with a reason to turn a customer away,” Stucker said.

I’ve seen a gun store rejected a customer before.  Gun stores have an obligation to obey both the letter and spirit of the law to keep gun out of the hands of prohibited people.

I actually watched a gun store call the police on two guys that came in stinking of Marijuana smoke.

This gun dealer can’t muster up the courage to do that without relying on the Sheriff?

So what we learned here is that this is a gun store that is run by lazy people, who don’t care about gun rights and don’t understand the system that they use, and is willing to share their opinions with the anti-gun media.

That was a choice.

I hope they have a loyal clientele, because I’d never shop there after reading this.

Describing their core political philosophy out loud


The core philosophy of the Left is thar there is no problem that can’t be solved by killing the right people.

They honestly believe they can murder their way into utopia.

If they can’t achieve their rainbow paradise with persuasion they will murder their way into getting it.

We will see more of this.


The Biden Administration nailed down America’s coffin lid


The US Dollar is being replaced by the Chinese Yuan on the world stage as the world’s reserve currency.

This is the inevitable result of fiscal policy that has created unchecked inflation.

The world recognizes that our currency is becoming worthless and finds another to replace it.

This, above all else, will absolutely destroy the economic power of the US.

Biden didn’t do it alone, over a decade of quantitative easing and modern monetary policy did it, but Biden kicked that shit into over drive.

The hard times have yet to really begin.

When the rest of the world decides it no longer needs American dollars, we are done.


If they are not Assault Gun Deaths, they count politically. (Update)

Now you will be able to get Narcan like you do aspirins because opioid overdoses are now normalized like headaches.

But if the FDA takes this step, it must be because of something important, right? But we have not seen much in the news, in fact it is barely mentioned.

80,411 deaths by opioids only in 2021.

Unfortunately, the FBI UCR only offers death by firearm type data till 2019 with 364 homicides. The CDC shows by that year, the deaths by opioid overdose hit 50,042 or 137 times more deaths than all rifles, Eeeevil AR 15s included.

Let’s double the number of murders by rifle to 728 for 2021 (we know it is BS, but just for giggles’ sake) and let’s compare with the 80,411 overdoses for 2021: 110 times more deaths by opioids.

But media attention is probably distributed the opposite: 110 times more deaths by fentanyl or heroin or oxy or any of that stuff being dealt in the streets than “assault weapons.”  And you, the law-abiding gun owners gets more condemnation in Media (both Legacy and Social) for owning guns NEVER involved in crimes than dealers pushing death every frigging day.

Why? That is a question the Political Masters of the Media Sex Workers (You can’t use the word prostitutes anymore) have to answer. And answers or consequences will eventually be forthcoming.

UPDATE: As seen over at Wirecutter’s:

Classy Nashville is Classy.

And this was the nice part of that day.

Had to go for work and it did not fail me. The place is crowded with tourists and sharks be swimming the waters. Our group got “interviewed” twice by unsavory characters, but both were smart enough to realize one was not buying their bullshit.

Also saw two cops from an unknown LEO agency carrying their duty Glocks in Serpa holsters. Is that still a thing?

This sign caught me by surprise:

And it is where is it located:

I remember reading many years ago businessmen in Memphis declaring Beale Street a Gun Free Zone and putting signs everywhere, but it was more of an anecdote than anything else.  Suddenly seeing it in real life was a bit of a shocker. Oh yes, this was the day after the Covenant School shooting so my brain immediately was thinking “What a nice play to be caught with a copycat asshole wanting to be famous.”

There is a bill in the legislature aimed to eliminate most of all these idiotic signs. I hope it get the necessary upgrade and approval.



Leftist Veteran makes an inadvertent case for the Second Amendment

Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


The NRA isn’t killing children.

Republicans aren’t killing children.

Mentally ill nut cases with axes to grind kill children.

But because we don’t allow them to ban gun, this guy blames us.

Because he blames us, he wants to kill us.

He’s excited to be on the front lines in an anti-NRA death squad.

The scarry thing is that this guy was in our military.

He also calls himself a moderate Dem.  The moderate position now is the extermination of NRA members.

So this makes me ask, exactly what fraction of our military is ideologically aligned this way?

How much of our military is chomping at the bit to unleash the full destructive power of the Department of Defense against citizens who just want to preserve their Second Amendment rights.

I don’t know.

What I can tell you is that the existence of people like this is exactly why the Second Amendment is so important.