

Everytown knows a good lie has a kernel of truth in it.

Everytown Stalking National Reciprocity

And the image that evokes is some Florida sexual predator wearing a trench coat ogling some poor coed in NY city through the window ready to pounce on her. And he has a gun ZOMG! Do it for the babes wearing flimsy undies!

Florida indeed does have Stalking as a misdemeanor which means you can be found guilty of it and still carry. The statute (784.048) reads:

A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person commits the offense of stalking, a misdemeanor of the first degree.

So that pretty much covers any annoying neighbor/coworker that keeps hounding you because of the leaves of your avocado trees in your property being blown on his pool and up from there. That also would include arsehole trolls like the ones that follow this blog and assorted pests of the like.

But Florida also has (and Everytown somehow failed to mention) Aggravated Stalking:

A person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows, harasses, or cyberstalks another person and makes a credible threat to that person commits the offense of aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree.

Now, if your neighbor starts threatening you with arson or general killing because of the avocado leaves, then we have reached a new level of stupid that demands not only harsh legal intervention but also having the frigging means to defend yourself while the cops show up to arrest him or call the coroner. Interestingly, you cannot do that in New York, you just get killed.

Now, the “get these permits online” threw me for a loop. When was the law changed? I know you can download the forms online but apply? Just to be sure I went to website and checked: Nope, no online applications. You can check if you are eligible for a Florida permit via an online questionnaire and check the status of your license being processed on-line,  but you also have to either mail the requirements or present yourself to a regional office. So again it must be a New York thing to lie so blatantly, we kinda frown that behavior down here as it is uncouth.

Again and I am not getting tired of asking this question:

If your cause is so righteous, why lie?

What does your attacker will look like? (Language Warning)

If you are picturing a 7 foot tall mass of muscles armed with a shotgun, you might be setting yourself up for a colossal failure. Please watch the whole video:

It is not the size of the dog in a fight but the size of the fight in the dog. This video also tell us that there is no moral boundaries that hold down a predator but only what they want to do and makes them feel good.

“But she is just a petite woman and I am a big man. I can kick her ass five ways from Sunday!” Well, first I know this blog is read by women, so the video will be illustrative, but I want to point out that if instead of pure fists, that Petite Predator were to attack you Mr. Big & Tall with a knife, she would probably get some 10 stab wounds before you realize you were dealing with something else than Tinkerbell.

You cannot predict what your attacker will look like, nor afford to ignore the potential for danger just because they can be initially perceived as less dangerous because of their size.

I know that in this era of political correctness and having to watch what you say and write, the following quote is not the best, but it does reflect a position we must take:

Approach everyone with smile in your face and murder in your heart.
Attributed to Delf. A. Bryce. FBI Agent.

About that requirement to pass a mental health check to own a gun.

By the mid- to late-1960s, however, schizophrenia was a diagnosis disproportionately applied to the hospital’s growing population of African American men from urban Detroit. Perhaps the most shocking evidence I uncovered was that hospital charts “diagnosed” these men in part because of their symptoms, but also because of their connections to the civil rights movement. Many of the men were sent to Ionia after convictions for crimes that ranged from armed robbery to participation in civil-rights protests, to property destruction during periods of civil unrest, such as the Detroit riots of 1968. Charts stressed how hallucinations and delusions rendered these men as threats not only to other patients, but also to clinicians, ward attendants, and to society itself. You’d see comments like Paranoid against his doctors and the police. Or, Would be a danger to society were he not in an institution.

via How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease: An Interview with Jonathan Metzl | Psychology Today.

So there goes the “potential to be abused” because it has been abused for political purposes in this country. Now we are left with the idea that one of the best detectors of future behavior is to look at past behavior and we know that there are some in the Mental Health branch of the healing arts that see us as bug-shit crazy and in serious need of spending the rest of our lives in a facility.

This is an excerpt from “Blacks in the Army Air Forces During World War II: The Problems of Race Relations” by Alan M Osur.

mental health check to own a gun1

You can substitute black/negro with Gun Owner, and you are pretty  much reading the comments we have seen emanating from the followers of CSGV or Moms Demand.

Hate always finds a target.

GunBlog VarietyCast Episode 30

GunBlog VarietyCast small


  • Blue Collar Prepping – The Prepper Cargo Cult
  • Foreign Policy for Grownups – Blowback
  • AlArma – Magical Thinking, Delusions and The Narrative
  • Tech Tips with The Barron – Overcomplicating the problem
  • This Week in Anti-Gun Nuttery – Inside the Mind of the Anti-gunner

And also available via your favorite podcast delivery system.

The compassionate hearts at CSGV

CSGV Tulsa Fire Death

Let’s be clear, it was a dumb decision (if he actually went after his gun) and paid for it. Then again, he was not a criminal engaged in a felony or abusing a fellow human being, so anybody trying to bring out when we make “awful” comments about Bad Guys getting sent to Our Maker, can rest before he starts.

So, what was said over at our friends from the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence?

CSGV Tulsa Fire Death2
The usual collage. not in any particular order.



Long time readers may recognize a particular name: Craig Hexman. Mr. Hexman is a Mental Health specialist that went after Blogger Not A Tango for Child Abuse. What was Tango doing to his kid that deserved the immediate need to bring the authorities and intervene: Trying to figure out how to make his 2 year old boy eat peas. No shit, that was it. That was enough to literally start a campaign to have the State Police teams go rescue the little tot.

There you have it folks… but don’t worry, these people “care.”

Moms Demand Has a New Violence.

Moms Demad lexicon

They do love coming up with new ways to confuse the issue. I am still trying to figure how come other forms of violence are OK with them.

Here are some others type of violence coming down the Liberal Pipeline

  • Yuppie Gun Violence
  • Ethnic-infused Gun Violence.
  • Equine-related Gun Violence.
  • Cisgender normative privileged Gun Violence.
  • Mono-chromatic Gun Violence. (Crazy albinos with guns)
  • Talking Vagina Gun Violence.

Yeah, yeah… bad jokes. Give me a break, it is Oh Dark Hundred and I need more coffee.