

Attempted murder by cop whitewashed by press

This is practically murder:


The man and woman were in bed, apparently asleep.  They were woken up by the police loudspeaker.

The cops tossed a robot into their home, which must hast been transmitting video to the police from inside the house.

The police should have seen that he just got out of bed and that he was holding the robot when they shot him in the front door of the residence.

He wasn’t acting aggressive.

He wasn’t barricaded.

He was a man woken up by a ruckus.

Now let’s see what the police had to say about the shooting.

That’s some bullshit.

They had the robot in the residence.

They could have seen there was no hostage situation and that the man was asleep.

What is the point of the robot?

Oh yeah, it was a toy to buy and not a tool to use, I forgot.

And you can see there was no verbal altercation.

This is what the media reported:

SWAT team members shoot man who confronted officers in Murphy, NC, sheriff says

A man from Murphy, North Carolina is now recovering in a Chattanooga hospital after SWAT team members were forced to shoot him after he confronted officers, according to the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.

The man, later identified as 41-year-old Jason Harley Kloepfer, ‘engaged in a verbal altercation with officers and emerged from a camper trailer and confronted officers,’ the post says.

That’s when members of the Cherokee Indian Police SWAT team shot and wounded him.

He was taken to Erlanger hospital in Chattanooga, and at last word he was in stable condition.

The post says Kloepfer is charged with communicating threats and resist, obstruct, and delay, and that more charges may follow.

The cops tossed a robot into where he was sleeping, woke him up, them gunned him down.

Every one of them should be fired, then sued, then sent to prison.

I think at this point if you hear cops outside, don’t go outside.  Call 911 and find out what the fuck is going on first, because of you open your door they will blast you.

I wonder why…





Not just didt they get rid of someone who is clearly useless to the company, but they can get rid of the overhead associated with that office and all the free perks.

Lessons in situational awareness

The wife showed me this thread.

I don’t know who this person is, she’s apparently some sort if actress.

I really don’t care about her politics at the moment, this thread is chilling for any parent.



That absolutely sounds like the man was trying to set up an abduction, probably for sexual trafficking.

The girl seemed to do everything right, given the situation, not giving out and information or letting her picture get taken.

You have to consider how much worse it would be for a young woman who is not an employee.   Confronted like this in a place without security cameras.  Possibly followed as she tried to leave the area.

This girl was lucky in that as an employee, she was not going to leave that area for several hours and it’s doubtful that guy would hand around for that long.

Another girl who got spooked and walked out could be followed.

This is why we hammer home the idea of situational awareness.  Teach it to your children, especially your daughters.

As our judicial system breaks down under the weight of anarcho-tyranny incompetence, these people are getting more brazen.

I’ll tell you, absolutely 100%, if that was my little girl I’d go  commit a murder.  I have a couple of friends I could call on route that I know would be happy to join me in a posse.

I have a jumper cable and a spare 900 cold cranking amp battery, and I’m going to find out how much amperage it takes to make a set of testicles glow like Christmas lights.

Duty to Retreat

Hagar was asked to write about the duty to retreat and why so many on the left feel it should be a requirement. Her answer was something like “2 to center of mass” She does not believe in the duty to retreat and it is not a topic she engages in when with her more leftist friends. They find her opinion on self defense to be “right wingnut extremist”.

In the 90’s there was a story in the Maryland press. A young man and was going to jail for murder. The press played it up as a “good job” by the jury.

The facts of the case were:

  • Young man was over at his girlfriend’s apartment
  • Girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend showed up at the apartment
  • Ex was told to leave
  • Ex starts banging on the door trying to get in.
  • Girlfriend calls 911
  • Boyfriend announces that he is armed
  • Ex breaks down the door and starts to enter
  • Girlfriend and boyfriend retreat into the bedroom
  • Ex breaks down that door
  • Girlfriend is on the call to 911 the entire time.
  • Boyfriend points gun at Ex and warns him to leave.
  • Ex advances on them
  • Boyfriend fires multiple rounds (but not too many)
  • Ex gets “reach room temperature” achievement
  • Police arrive.
  • Police arrest boyfriend for murder

At trial the prosecution and defense get all of the above into evidence. The defense gets the additional information that they were in a second floor apartment (10 to 12 feet from bedroom window to the ground).

The prosecution argued that the couple had a duty to retreat because the drop from the bedroom window wasn’t that much, they could have escaped.

With jury instructions, the boyfriend was found guilty of first degree murder.

Maryland has no castle doctrine. In Maryland there is always a duty to retreat.

Most states have some sort of duty to retreat, with exceptions.

You have a duty to retreat in all cases. If you can retreat you must make every attempt to retreat as judged by Monday night quarterbacks. Maryland for example.

You have a duty to retreat if you can do so safely. With safety is in the eye of the prosecutor.

You have a duty to retreat everywhere except your own home when you have nowhere else to retreat within your home.

You have a duty to retreat everywhere except your own home.

You have a duty to retreat outside of your home except where you can not do it safely.

You have a duty to retreat except when you are legally allowed to be where you are doing what you are doing. “Stand your ground” type laws.

The leftist mindset on duty to retreat can be exemplified by opinions of the left after 9/11. The opinion pieces constantly harped on the fact that Bush did not order the 2nd, 3rd and 4th hijacked planes shot down. If he had just shot down those 3 planes he would have saved so many thousands of people.

When it was pointed out to them that if he had done that, the left would be screaming for his head as a murder because he couldn’t be sure those hijacked planes were really going to fly into other buildings.

It is the same mindset we hear from the left when the scream about a rape victim murdering her rapist. According to the left, the rape victim should have called the cops, the cops would have then arrested the rapist, and the rapist would have had a trial before a jury of his peers and if he was found guilty by the jury, then and only then could punishment be handed out. But not the death sentence.

Here is the thing that they don’t get, a jury has a very few tasks. Their primary task is to evaluate the evidence presented and decide on the facts of the case. Was a crime committed? Was this the person(s) that committed the crime within the definitions of the crime.

In order to reach those conclusions, the jury evaluates each piece of evidence to see if that evidence is believable and actually implicate the suspect. There isn’t much more a jury does.

When some animal has his cock in a woman and she is able to blow him away, there is no jury required. That is the person committing the crime. They are in fact committing a crime.

There is no need to ask the Jury, “is this the person that raped her?” That fact is easily determined at that instant.

In order to understand this mindset, you need to remember that to the left, the government is the answer. You are never as good at making a decision as the government.

They have this mindset because so many of those that are not NPCs truly believe in what passes for a heart that they know better than others. That their opinion is better than yours, in every case.

If a wild animal is attacking my child I’m going to shoot it dead. I don’t have to have the government give me permission, the animal is attacking my child. That makes it dangerous. That is the end of the discussion.

The left operates from the point that “you could be mistaken”

Worse, the left feels that there are excuses that mitigate the actions of dangerous animals.

In the novel, play and movie “Les Misérables” the “hero” is in prison for stealing a loaf of bread. He excuses himself because he was hungry.

In San Francisco, heck in all of California, stealing less than $1000 worth of goods at one time is not a crime, because people were “shoplifting” in order to feed themselves and their poor hungry children. Would you really want a baby to go without diapers?

This is normal for them. When somebody does something wrong or evil, there is always a cause and that cause is never their own bad actions.

If a woman is being raped then the animal that is doing it that she shot and killed must have been driven to it. Did she bring it on herself? Was she being a tease? Always and forever it is victim blaming. If only she had not stopped to get cash out of the ATM he would still be alive. She didn’t have to shoot him.

When a young man was chased be a mentally deranged man that attempted to take his rifle from him. That young man shoot and killed that mentally deranged man. That child was found guilty in the court of leftist opinion. If he hadn’t been there two men would still be alive today. It is his fault.

If he hadn’t decided to play soldier and bring his assault weapon to a peaceful protest, those men would still be alive. He was looking to kill somebody when he brought a gun to a protest.

And because that young man fired those shoots, two men died, a third almost lost his life, and a forth man had his arm destroyed.

When everything is said and done, the left looks on an armed person as a person that has decided that they have the right to be judge, jury and executioner, all in one. They feel that you are not wise enough to make that determination. They feel that only the government should be allowed to make the decision and only the government should have the right to met out punishment.

You are the Jury as an armed person. You are making a judgement call. You are determining if there is cause for you to use deadly force. You are the Judge. You are deciding if the situation is within the legal boundaries that allow you to use deadly force. And you are the executioner. If you fire that shot you are either a good executioner or a poor one, but you have made the decision to kill another living animal.

If you haven’t looked into your soul and found peace within for making that decision, you might want to rethink carrying a firearm for self-defense.

Be well out there. Be safe.

This bill needs to get passed, signed and make it pandemic through the Country.

HB 0342by *Sparks

Taxes, Sales – As introduced, permanently exempts from sales and use tax, the retail sale of gun safes and gun safety devices; removes the temporary sales tax holiday. – Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 6.

Gun related and getting rid of taxes? What’s not to like?

PS: And why not ammo while we are at it?