

Dying of thirst crossing the river? Colt goes under.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Colt Defense LLC has filed papers with the Securities and Exchange Commission indicating it does not have the funds to pay back loans and may default on its payments to bondholders.

via REPORT: Colt May Default After Poor Quarterly Sales | 2014-11-13 | Grand View Outdoors.

So explain t me how is it that a Gun Manufacturer…excuse me THE Gun Manufacturer that has the historical DNA of the Peacemaker, the 1911, the Python and the M-16/M-4 running through its corporate veins is about to under-perform the guy that came up with the 3D printing or the other guy who built an AK from a shovel?

Hat Tip Say Uncle

Bloomberg imported canvassers for the Nevada UBC Initiative & there is a stink too.

Bloomberg canvassing

I am employed by an agency that does canvassing for campaigns all over the west coast, most of which are left wing. Our most recent assignment is door-to-door petition work in Reno and Sparks in order to get an effect on the 2016 ballot that, if passed, would require background checks for unlicensed gun sales. My agency has brought in ~200 people on buses from Seattle, Portland, and Tacoma to try to push this through before the deadline on Wednesday.

via Reddit I’m working on a gun control petition going door-to-door in Reno and Sparks. Things have started to get ugly. Advice? : Reno.

And that is the crap we are facing. But besides the obvious influx of money, please note in the screen cap that this post was made 4 days ago and the OP said something very telling:

“to try to push this through before the deadline on Wednesday.”

Now, the Bloomberg machine only needed just over 100,000 signatures to get the Initiative in the ballot but suddenly they need to bring people from outside the state to “push” this (they did not have enough signatures) at the last-minute and they show close to a quarter of a million signatures on deadline day?

The smell of low tide keeps hinting around this thing.

Hat Tip to Donny anonny.

CSGV: Stats and the Lies they tell

CSGV Fewer Gun Injuries in States With Tighter Controls

“Strict firearm legislation may help to reduce firearm-related injuries and mortalities, and help to reduce the years of life lost,” Viraj Pandit, MD, a researcher at the University of Arizona in Tucson, said here at the American College of Surgeons 2014 Clinical Congress.The number of people killed by guns every year in the United States is rising, and is projected to reach 32,929 in 2015, Dr Pandit said
via Fewer Gun Injuries in States With Tighter Controls.

But with the FBI report that just came out a couple of days ago citing that violent crimes are down including murder/manslaughter and aggravated assault, is the article wrong? In a sense, no because they are including suicides in the mix. That they don’t tell you they do, is a way they have to obfuscate the issue.

The CDC puts the suicide rate for 2012 at 12.7 per 100 thousand. and suicide using a firearm at 6.4 per 100 thousand.   The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention has charted suicides from 1981 till 2012 and there is an increase in the number of suicides compared from 2000. But the graphic is interesting because it goes back so far:

CSGV Fewer Gun Injuries in States With Tighter Controls Suicide

The actual suicide rate is the same as it was in the very early 1980s prior to the liberalization of gun laws across the USA and after peaking in 1986 with , right around when Concealed Carry Laws start to flourish and they start to drop till they reach the bottom in 2000.

If anything, the suicide numbers since 1981 show us that there is no real correlation between gun ownership and suicide.  Same as with their mantra of More Guns = More Crimes has been defeated over and over by  reality, this shows that Suicide is not dependent of the presence of guns, as they cover 50% of the suicides which means there are other options being used to end life and in big numbers and they believe that somehow, magically the suicides will stop if there are no guns present, something that the other 50% plainly proves wrong.

But if they had to tell the truth, they’d be silent.


Andrew Branca on the Peruta denying intervenor status.

As noted by Eugene Volokh, there are two other cases dealing with “may issue” moving through the 9th Circuit:  Baker v. Kealoha, challenging a similarly restrictive gun licensing regime in Hawaii, and Richards v. Prieto, which does the same for Yolo County in California.

In both of those cases the rulings were favorable to the parties challenging the restrictive licensing. In those cases, however, the losing defendants have sought en banc rehearing of those decisions, a request still under consideration.

So, we’re not done with the 9th Circuit on “may issue” quite yet, folks.

via Peruta | Second Amendment | “May Issue” | 9th Circuit.

I wanted Andrew’s take on this issue since he is a wee bit better versed than most of us. Basically, we ain’t done fighting yet, much less won it.

Nevada just got pre-nailed by Bloomberg. UPDATE

everytown nevada signatures

Somehow I missed this yesterday.  I have not heard that Bloomberg’s Astroturf and Mommies were collecting signatures. They have gone stealth mode.

Ladies and Gents, warfare has been officially declared.

Join and donate to the NRA and your State organization. And please, keep your “I don’t like the NRA because no free shit-Junk Mail-Not Hardcore” to yourselves, OK?

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
Benjamin Franklin.

UPDATE: They have been collecting firms since June.  Now let’s forget the who was responsible for not paying attention because in one way or another everybody is guilty of that. The question is: Where else have they been doing this?

Time to start contacting our state organizations.