

The Costs of Fighting for Our Rights

At this time there are dozens of lawsuits in play by many different players fighting for our Second Amendment guaranteed rights. These are cases being run by some of the best lawyers in the country. Some of those lawyers are admitted to the Supreme Court bar.

Legal costs add up in a hurry.

My wife did a stupid a few years ago, a traffic violation. Nobody was hurt. It had nothing to do with being impaired while driving. It was a moment of inattention followed with some serious brain not engaged stupid.

She was guilty, she wanted to plead guilty. We still got a lawyer involved. For a simple traffic case with nobody trying to do anything and not arguing, just negotiating for the least punishment, it cost us over $3000. That was for a good local lawyer.

Right now the Oregon Firearms Federation as a suit field in the district court. The case is being argued by Attorney John Kaempf. His rates to the OFF are $500/hour for attorneys’ work and $250/hour for paralegals’ work. This appears to be at some sort of discount as other lawyers in the area are charging more.

At this point OFF has racked up more than $126,000 in legal fees. They have already paid $60,000 of that but have not been able to pay the December bill.

This case is going to cost a boat load of money to fight. OFF doesn’t seem to have the money right now. It would be shitty if the case failed for lack of representation.

Now the GOA and FPC have cases against Measure 114 happening as well. Those cases are racking up legal fees rapidly too.

Take a moment to consider joining or making a donation to any of the groups that are fighting in court for all of us.

And the full story on the legal issues that OFF is currently having.

The ATF brace decision is a 2A and 5A violation

A buddy sent me this:


The ATF declared your pistol to be an SBR.

They tell you that you  have 120 days to register your SBR.

It’s already an SBR, you’re not asking permission to build one, it is one because the ATF changed the standard on braces.

The ATF can’t process your paperwork in time so it’s automatically denied.

Now you illegal possess an SBR and the ATF knows it.

They raid you, shoot your dogs, maybe shoot you, your wife, and/or your kids too.

In an attempt to do the right thing you incriminate yourself.

We’re back to US v. Miller (1939).

This isn’t just a Second Amendment violation, it’s a 5th Amendment violation, coercing you to testify against yourself that you own an illegal SBR.

This needs a high speed rush to SCOTUS to be struck down.



And the morning coffee spewed out of my nose.

For the hell of it, I downloaded ATF Form 1 to see how complicated/annoying is registering an SBR. Other than confirming once again that the process is the punishment, I bumped into something that almost made me choke laughing.

How about NO? May I remind you the notoriously and well publicized way ATF keeps records?

And authorizing ATF for anything other than mass ritual seppuku? Keep dreaming.

Hard pass.