

Perimeter Security: If it ain’t locked…

Gary Jonathan McCormick has told police that he was sitting in his Antioch living room watching television this morning, with his wife asleep on the couch, just before a masked man entered whom he said he shot and killed in self-defense.

McCormick, 34, told Nashville police he opened fire on the man when the intruder directed his demands for money and other belongings toward McCormick’s wife.

McCormick told police that while his family was at rest, a gunman, masked in a bandana, entered through an unlocked screen door just before 9 a.m. McCormick said the gunman made demands toward him and that he complied, but the gunman continued to demand more.

via Police: Antioch homeowner kills masked, armed intruder.

Damned lucky.

My wife is a damned stickler about making sure everything is locked down and God Bless he for that.  It is “doctrine” to do a “perimeter” walk to check for unlocked doors and windows before going to bed, but I think in reality and due to the fact that some criminals do not care to wait for the house to be empty or you to be asleep,  one should do at least a quick check hourly on doors that are used more often and at least a full lock check every eight hours, probably should be six be better.

Remember, assumption is the mother of all f*** us.

CSGV Follower: Off-target as usual

Innocent Targets is a series of shooting range posters depicting archetypal examples of the innocent victims killed by gun-related crimes in the USA each year. Anthony explains: “There are an estimated 18,000 shooting ranges operating in America today. Many of these sell custom targets featuring thugs, terrorists, aliens and zombies. The painfully ironic truth is that the real targets of gun violence aren’t these fictional ‘bad guys’ but rather our real-life friends, neighbours, co-workers and children.”

The quotes included on each of the posters remind viewers of the sheer absurdity of America’s gun crime situation, with all proceeds from the series – which can be purchased here – going to the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. It seems that Anthony has happened on an incredibly worthwhile cause to which he can turn his hand

via It’s Nice That : Anthony Burrill’s brilliant new posters use innocent victims to lampoon US gun laws.

Mr. Burrill is a British graphic artist that apparently knows about “gun violence” as much as he does about the proper cooking of grits in Alabama.

I found it profoundly ironic (and proof positive both the author and Burril are idiots) that the artist of the article chose a pizza delivery guy as the first poster/target to display in support of the propaganda series:

csgv pizza guy

Pizza Delivery guys are one of the most targeted working people by criminals. Who else can be set up to come to an ambush by simply a phone call? And if they decide not to be victims and defend themselves, they will end up fired as corporation lawyers still think that it is cheaper to pay for a funeral than allow drivers to carry a concealed weapon and risk a lawsuit by a bereaved member of the critter’s family. In fact, it was a pizza delivery gone almost gone wrong that started a new  era in police officer security when Richard Davis was attacked by several individuals delivering a pizza to an abandoned location and he defended himself with his gun. Mr. Davis went on to create Second Chance Body Armor and the first effective and wearable vest in the market.

But as usual, it is convenient for the Gun Control cadre to make sure those who have the greatest chance of meeting harm, remain so.  It only makes sense to have a constant pool of victims to feed their machines.


Budgeting for Gun Rights.

If Initiative 594 can teach us anything is that there is a new game being played and that is the massive dumping of money on carefully selected states to pass gun control laws. This kind of stuff works on a limited basis and usually starts backfiring when reality sets in and Unintended Consequences make their appearance. However, it is easier to institute this crap than it is to get rid of it as history has taught us.

So, the  obvious answer is to raise money to beat them at their game.  But instead of brute force funding, we need to do it in a strategic manner and focused as we obviously do not have the Bloomberg & Gates resources. Our advantage is still in the numbers and the noise we can make at the local level.

I have been unrelenting on trying to make the point that you must belong not only in the NRA but your state gun rights organization. But now we have to make things a bit different: We need to donate at least once to the organizations and this is a simple way: Donate at least the amount of the membership. 

How does that go? Take the NRA as example: Membership is $35 so set aside another $35 for one of the two working sub-divisions, the NRA-ILA if we are aiming at legislation or NRA-PVF if we are dealing with elections. If your local Gun Rights organization, like Florida Carry has a Sustaining memberships of $25, set aside another $25 as pure, 100% unadulterated donation.

If your budget cannot do both membership and donation at once, go for the membership (because numbers do matter when lobby time comes) and then make the donation whenever your pocket can afford it. If they are offering trinkets of stuff, tell them not to send you a thing and to save that money for the fight…OK, maybe one sticker, but that’s it.

The Opposition has already mentioned they will repeat the I-594 model in other states. We need to cut them off at the pass and this is one of the steps to do so.

Elder abuse victim killed stepson in self-defense.

During the initial argument, the stepson appears to have struck Pawloski several times and possibly tried to strangle him, police said, adding the older man had marks on his neck and face. The two separated and went to their own rooms, authorities said.

However, a few hours later, the stepson went into Pawloski’s room. Bois said the conversation between the two men was initially apologetic, but quickly turned argumentative again.

Around 4:45 a.m., when his stepson was about to begin striking Pawloski again, Pawloski pulled out a gun and fired twice into the man’s chest, according to police.

via Police: Elder abuse victim killed stepson in self-defense – San Antonio Express-News.

And this was not the first instance where the step-idiot had attacked the older gentleman as he had a previous arrest for the same thing.

Domestic abuse can be cured. Some remedies are extreme but assure no recidivism.

The cost of gun control: Here is one bill paid in full.

HUALLHUA, Peru (AP) — It was the second burial for the three members of the citizen self-defense force from this remote Andean village, who officials say died so that others might live.

The men were slain on June 14, 1990, investigators say, defending the 100 people who then inhabited Huallhua from an attack by Shining Path rebels with the only weapons at their disposal — rocks.

The villagers escaped, and the bodies of the three men, their throats slit and their skulls crushed, were promptly buried by grateful neighbors to save them from feral dogs.

via AP PHOTOS: 3 village defenders reburied in Peru | UTSanDiego.com.

For the elitists, Gun Control is a cute exercise in Social Engineering. For the people who has to live it, sometimes it is a death sentence.

The tide turned for Shinning Path when the government allowed villagers to arm themselves and fight back. Within two years Shinning path had lost control of the countryside and was forced to live in urban eras where they were easy picking for the police and security services.