

Hunting ain’t fun when the bunny shoots back: Milwaukee Edition. (Update)

Police said a group of people attempted to rob another group of people near South Second Street and National Avenue early Monday morning. Investigators said one of the would-be victims produced a gun and shot one of the would-be robbers.

Lt. Mark Stanmeyer said the shooting victim was a 15-year-old boy that he called “a known gang member” who had a lengthy arrest record including armed robbery and auto theft.

via Police: Teen shot during Milwaukee robbery had arrest record | Local News – WISN Home.

It appears as if we are seeing more of these group attacks. They have no set pattern: they can go after individuals, couple or like in this case, a group.

If anything this is a great reminder for 1) Carrying all the time, 2) Be aware of your surroundings and the people in it as much as humanly possible and 3) There is a proven value on having “high-capacity” magazines.

Hat Tip: Brad W.

A different attack that happened in Springfield, MO. The reason it did not end tragically comes at the end.

Remembering Freddie Mercury.



This was the best concert I have ever attended. Initially I was not going to the show as I was not a rabid fan of Queen and there were literally mobs trying to buy the tickets at the 6 locations. Basically I was the only one of my gang that was not going and that did not settle well with one of my buddies who literally came to my house on Friday 25th in the morning and dragged me out to hunt for tickets.

I went along even though I knew there were no more tickets available. Radio stations had declared the three concerts sold out and there were talks that possibly another date might be opened for Monday the 28th but nothing was for sure.

We went to a couple of places before decide on hitting Radio Capital, the station that was promoting the show. When we arrived, there were no crowd, no security and even the normal closed doors were open and unguarded. We walked in and found one office with the sign “Tickets sold here,” the door was open and there were stacks of cash and the remains of the tickets books on top of a desk: They were doing the audit.

My friend asked if there was a ticket left for Sunday (the gang bought for that day) and the immediate answer was not. For some reason one of the radio execs took pity on me and told me to hang around while they finished the audit so he could give me a poster and a T-shirt as “consolation prize.”

The audit was not going well. One of the book lets was missing and they could not find it. They counted over and over and they kept coming out short one so a full fledged search inside the office ensued. Finally they moved two heavy file cabinets, they found the missing booklet behind and you could see them breathing again as it would have been hard to explain to the bosses how 50 tickets were not accounted for in what was going to be the biggest concert of that year. Now it came the big surprise: the guy who found the booklet muttered something in surprise (four letter word), turned around smiling and said: “There is one ticket left here. You want it kid?”

Not being a fool and recognizing that destiny was waving its flag, I snatched the thing. That Sunday I was with several other thousands of fans absolutely amazed at the magic that was Queen live and on a stage. No concert video I saw of them after that came close to represent 1% of them on stage as it cannot tally the heart the left on stage trying to please the fans and that beat any light-laser-pyrotechnic-etc I have seen in other concerts.

So, Happy Birthday Freddie Mercury. And than you for that show.

This was the ticket. IIRC, 25% of the fee went to the local foundation that took care of kids with Polio and other mobility problems.


Moms Demand Activist with restraining order was and is still working for Shannon. (UPDATE)

Via BuzzPo

 Erika Quinn who described herself as a Moms Demand Action leader for Oklahoma, was ordered by the courts to remain 300 yards or more away from the children named in the order, as well as surrender any and all firearms that she may own.

First things first: The original protective order was issued in April of 2013 and expired in April of 2014. I was not able to see if there are any other POs so for all intents and purposes, she does not have one active.

MOms Demand Erika RO 2
I blocked the names of the kids.


MOms Demand Erika RO 1


MOms Demand Erika RO 3

Apparently Moms Demand HQ was not very impressed with her RO as it seems she continued to do their bidding (The Moms Demand Action-OK Facebook page appears to be run by Ms. Quinn) and she was at the NRA Annual Meeting which occurred just as that Restraining Order expired:

MOms Demand Erika NRAAM

I am gonna keep looking around. If you think about it, Moms Demand being part and parcel of Illegal Mayors Against Guns had to have her share of people getting into trouble with the law.

UPDATE: Ms Quinn appears to be of the “Guns for me but not for Thee” Club. From her no deceased Twitter account:

MOms Demand Erika 3 guns 1

MOms Demand Erika 3 guns 2

Did the Other Moms ask if she had guns in the house before they came in and let their rugrats play around? Doesn’t she know that wit a gun in the house her chances of being murdered increase by 44 orders of magnitude? What was she thinking?!?!

Berkeley mandates free medical marijuana for the poor

And this is actually catching people by surprise?

That’s what the Berkeley City Council in California has unanimously approved, ordering medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2 percent of their stash to patients making less than $32,000 a year.

The new welfare program in the liberal-leaning city is set to launch in August 2015.

The ordinance, which passed in August and is the first of its kind in the country, comes at a time when several states are debating how to handle a growing movement to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use.

via City mandates free medical marijuana for low-income residents – New York News.

And they are not being original. The Netherlands have been giving government-issued heroin to junkies for quite a while now.  So basically the Dutch taxpayers are paying to give drug addicts their daily dose.

The ultimate Government Handout.

“Get a warrant.”

There is always a couple of dumb cops that think the badge makes them kings.

Kudos to the gentleman for exercising his rights in a polite but firm manner.

And when they say/ask “Do you have anything to hide? Why don’t you cooperate” reply with “No, I have nothing to hide so you do not need to search.” (OK, that is not legal advice but just me being a smart-ass.