

Over the Mantel

From Rick The Bear:

Nice to see “assault weapons” can finally be freed from their social stigma so they can be above the hearth in every home (that wants one). 8>)

I had asked for a vertical gun stand. My lovely wife got me this nice wooden stand off Amazon. Took about 5 minutes to put up. Then her AR-15 went up on the wall.

Yes, I understand “Secure your Firearms!”

An AR-15 with pink furniture.


This hit the Supreme Court website about 1100 today.

The application to vacate the Second Circuit courts stay was denied. Sotomayor presented the case to the court and the court decided to leave things as is for the time being.

Alito joining put forth an opinion on the denial. IIRC it is uncommon for the Supreme Court to give opinions when they deny Cert. or other applications. Generally is is just “nope”. and that’s the end of it.

Alito wrote:

The application to vacate stay presented to JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR and by her referred to the Court is denied.

Statement of JUSTICE ALITO , with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, respecting the denial of the application to vacate stay.

The New York law at issue in this application presents novel and serious questions under both the First and the Second Amendments. The District Court found, in a thorough opinion, that the applicants were likely to succeed on a number of their claims, and it issued a preliminary injunction as to twelve provisions of the challenged law. With one exception, the Second Circuit issued a stay of the injunction in full, and in doing so did not provide any explanation for its ruling. App. to Emergency Application 2. In parallel cases presenting related issues, the Second Circuit has likewise issued unreasoned summary stay orders, but in those cases it has ordered expedited briefing. See, e.g., Order in Hardaway v. Nigrelli, No. 22–2933 (CA2, Dec. 7, 2022), ECF Doc. 53; Order in Christian v. Nigrelli, No. 22–2987 (CA2, Dec. 12, 2022), ECF Doc. 40.

I understand the Court’s denial today to reflect respect for the Second Circuit’s procedures in managing its own docket, rather than expressing any view on the merits of the case. Applicants should not be deterred by today’s order from again seeking relief if the Second Circuit does not, within a reasonable time, provide an explanation for its stay order or expedite consideration of the appeal.

This opinion is very good for us. It says “We understand that we need to let the Second Circuit do its thing, but if the Second Circuit doesn’t provide a full explanation for its stay or if it doesn’t grant expedited consideration, get your asses back here.”

This is a spanking of the Second Circuit, just not as hard as I wanted it to be.

I, for one, welcome the new Illinois Assault Weapon Ban

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed into law the most restrictive assault weapons bill in existence in the United States.

It is a fucking doozy.

You can read the text here.

It outright bans the manufacture, sale, and transger of a long list of guns by name.  It also eliminates a number of guns by features.  There is no way to build an “Illinois compliant” model the way you can in California.

They did the same for 50 caliber rifles and high capacity magazines: 12 rounds in rifles, 15 rounds in pistols.

If you have one, it’s grandfathered in, but can only be transferred, through an FFL, to a direct heir, or sold out of state, or given to police.

And of course, they exempted law enforcement from

Here is some of the relevant text.


This is my favorite little tidbit.


You can’t buy, sell, rent, or transfer these types of guns and magazines, but the Hollywood pedophile elite can so they can make action movies in Chicago while lecturing you on gun violence.

This is going to drive Springfield Armory, DS Arms, Rock River Arms, Les Baer, and every other gun maker out of Illinois.

Now I know some if you might wonder why welcome this law.

My answer:

Heller, McDonald, and Bruen.

We’re seeing a number of recent wins in lower courts after New York and New Jersey passed laws specifically to get around Bruen.

This new law spits in the face of Heller, McDonald, and Bruen with its myriad of restrictions.

The lowet courts are going to have a field day with it.

This law is so restrictive that it might be the one that goes to SCOTUS as a challenge against assault weapons bans, finally forcing the Court to make a decision on their constitutionality.

Given Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, I suspect that the court will probably strike down AWBs.

I would love to see nothing more than Illinois’ desire to crush legal gun owners ability to own semiautomatic rifles be the ticket that destroys assault weapon bans.

The question asked…

We have seen a number of cases go into the court system and we keep getting wins. We recently had the entire “bump stock” ban be declared unconstitutional. Parts of the NJ kill carry bill were found unconstitutional. Parts of the NY CCIA have been ruled unconstitutional multiple times.

Lots of wins.

These wins come because the second amendment rights groups are bringing the fight to the government.

But not all the cases are currently wins.

Recently in King County, WA a judge granted a preliminary injunction against a gun store.

The Washington State version of the gestapo was sending in undercover agents to attempt to purchase standard capacity magazines. Four times they showed up and the guy behind the counter didn’t twig.

This means that the store is on the hook for $7500 for offering a standard capacity magazine for sale and another $7500 for each actual sale. So $15,000 for every magazine they sold.

The question that was asked by the plaintiffs (bad guys) was if the defendants(good guys) broke Washington State law in selling standard capacity magazines. Because that was the question asked, that is the question that the court will answer.

At trial, we can hope that the defendants make a Second Amendment case challenging the law. Because the state brought the suite this means that the defendants have standing.

This could be planned, it could just be somebody giving a F’you to the state and getting caught.
Let’s watch and see.

WA county judge orders gun shop to stop selling high-capacity magazines

Why nobody respects Journalists anymore. Brazilian Jan. 6

Because they are just propaganda spewers for the liberal shitbirds.

Striking similarities to the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection.

Yet somehow I never recall seeing these similarities shown in the media or even during the congressional investigations.




Yeah, identical, right?

However, they do remind me of the antics and repercussions of Antifa who were touted to be defenders of Democracy engaged in “mostly peaceful” burning and looting. But that does not count because they are protected and defended political species, tools of the Liberals.

This is why I truly enjoy whenever I read about News organization firing personnel. My only issue is they don’t fire enough fast enough.

Tuesday Tunes

I use to be an audiophile. My best friend introduced me to “professional” sound equipment. Crown D150 per speaker and something to drive it at class A quality.

Then my mentor introduced me to “studio quality” sound equipment. Made my thousands of dollars in stereo equipment sound like a cheap boom box.

I was over over at this place to listen to his stereo one evening. His turntable had a 200 pound granite base for vibration isolation. Infinity reference speakers.

He played Heart’s Magic Man which was his comparison song. Both on vinyl and on CD. And you could hear the difference. Later we did A-B testing with random co-workers on different quality of digital sound reproduction to see which was better.

Regardless, this lead to a long time interest in music. I love to listen to music. When I’m programming I’ll often have music in my headphones. I want to be able to hear the good music.

At night, before falling asleep I’ll put on 30 minutes of random music picked by Miss Google. She’s learned the sort of music I like.

My lady heard this song for the first time and broke out laughing. It is such a collection of rude objectification of women. Still it has a nice beat to it.

To help get that song out of her head I then pulled up this song for her.

Hope y’ll enjoyed both