

Feinstein to Lament NRA ‘Stranglehold’ on Guns, does not know the laws of her own State.

Feinstein questioned why Elliot Rodger was able to legally obtain and keep his guns.

“We must ask ourselves if an individual whose family called police with concerns about mental health, who is receiving therapy and who has had several run-ins with police should be allowed to own multiple firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. When anyone, no matter their mental health or history, can so easily obtain any gun they want and as many as they want—we must recognize there is a problem.

via Elliot Rodger Prompts Feinstein to Lament NRA ‘Stranglehold’ on Guns.

Actually we must ask ourselves how come that individual (ELLIOT RODGER) was not introduced into the much touted California’s Armed Prohibited Persons System and his firearms removed from his possession when his more than apparent mental maladies were obvious to everybody. God knows California politicians could not stop talking about itmake it sound like it was the best thing since LSD and Free Love and even trying to make it a Federal law. California’s APPS was not intended for the Progressive Elite but for the Little People

Is it possible that Ms. Feinstein is unaware of this law of the State of California which she is her Senator?  Do you think that is a possibility? 


Elliot Rodger: The Shoat that cannot take Maybelline.

Following the Moms Demand/MAIG, Brady and other Gun Control feeds & Social Media this past weekend, I could not help but notice a more than usual frenzy to control the message of this sad event.  Pretty much 3 days later, we are in the detail/unknown data collection part of the issue with Standard Media shying away from the news item and barely a blip in the social media other than the side of Gun Rights.

You have to realize that Elliot Rodger was not just another PR disaster for Gun Control Activists but the equivalent of a stick of dynamite going off under their seats.

  • Son of Hollywood Elite member.
  • Wealthy.
  • Happened in the #1 rated State for “safe Gun Laws” By the Brady Campaign and every other gun control group
  • He took guns into USC Santa Barbara, a posted Gun Free Zone and proceeded to kill with them.
  • Misogynist not only in word but deeds. Took the War on Women seriously.
  • History of Mental Problems with violent tendencies. Chugging medications.
  • Parents knew about it.  Left him move out unsupervised.
  • His hatred is so obvious, it prompts the visit of police.
  • Even knowing his mental status, he was not prohibited to buy guns, not had his guns confiscated under California’s Armed Prohibited Persons System.
  • He bought his guns via a Gun Shop. To be sold in California, it means they passed the Safe Handgun Roster test.
  • He used 10 round magazines, the approved number by Gun Control Activists for many years.
  • He attacked 3 people with a knife and killed all 3.
  • He attacked 8 people with the guns, killed 3.

And these are coming without looking too hard into more detail. Basically every talking point that Gun Controllers make other states get more gun control laws failed at such Cecil B. DeMille Movie production-size level, you would think it is a conspiracy to make them look bad.  But it is simply human nature: Sick bastards will do harm whenever and to whomever is without possible defense. and no matter how many coats of lipstick Shannon and Michael may try to apply, that pig ain’t gonna fly.

So Asshole Elliot Rodger killed himself and went to the great beyond still a virgin. If there is an aftermath, he is right now in the harem of some suicide bomber about to be primed & pumped for eternity.


I keep hearing people say they want to regulate guns the way we regulate cars.  They don’t really mean that, of course.  What they mean is they want to make it acceptable to find more ways to intrude on the right to keep and bear arms.

I propose instead, we regulate cars the way we regulate guns.  Let’s start:


Go read this…the bookmark it and shove it to the first idiot that ever brings the regulate-guns-like-cars analogy.

Moms Demand and Hollywood Elite Killer Elliot Rodger.

Moms Demand Elliot Rodger

Mr. Martinez is grieving and as a good Californian, goes straight for the narrative he has been fed. as gospel. But setting that aside, the comments from the Moms are just as wacky and we even have a couple that are bound to make the Stupid Hall of Fame:

Leslie Aharonian Not one more !!! LaPierre we are coming for u!!!
(not expecting you will make good on that threat any time soon)

Ali van den Broek I keep wondering when someone will sue a government for not protecting its citizens. It is crazy that this keeps going on.
(Only if you can link the killings to environmental issues)

(This one I HAD to screen cap)
Moms Demand Elliot Rodger Karenann Christos(Democrat Racist & secessionist Jefferson Davis is your reference? Really?)

Acela Spiegelberg My heart breaks for him. I wonder of laws can be enacted that if someone places threats, the police can automatically take their guns until they have been psychologically checked and released.
(IIRC, it is the law already in California and police did visit the critter. Of course if you are the son of an important Hollywood figure, it does not apply)

Diane Tillman I agree, when are we going to stand united against this insanity. We have got to stop the NRA from killing our children. Money is more important to them then lives. It’s disgusting.(Wait, (Wasn’t a Liberal Anti Gun kid who killed those people?

Meagan Breaux Where were all of the “good guys with guns” NRA?????
(In California? Are you kidding me? Gun Control paradise!)

Ann Dickinson America’s gun culture is completely unfathomable to those outside the US.
(And they do killings in an industrial scale that would make you poop your pants 6 times a day)

The next two, go together:
Kathleen Brady I hate guns but the guns aren’t pulling there own triggers. If guns were not available something else will be used. Better mental Heath care, better justice system rehabs, less bullying and more acceptance of individuality. That is what is needed
Sandy Riddell Wagner That’s right wing bs Kathleen. I don’t know any other weapon that would have allowed this sort of mass carnage.
(Last I heard: 2 Sigs, one Glock all with 10 round mags..Just like Moms and MAIG wants them)

And the award for absolutely politically dumb comment of the day goes to:
Joe Hickman This is just horrible! When will our politicians learn and stop worrying about being reelected and do real gun reform. Do the right thing for once. Over and over these things happen more and more and the NRA yells more guns. Reform that covers every aspect everything. So so Sad!!

OK, Unless something else happens or makes me come over, I am shutting down for the weekend.
