

Gun Control Groups: The only thing that stops a bad guy is a Twitter hash tag.

So Gun Control groups are up in arms because the NRA pointed out the obvious: Tweeter hash tags will not rescue kidnapping victims nor prevent terrorism.

boko haram brady

boko haram csgv

They link to an article by Eric Lach “NRA Thinks #BringBackOurGirls Hashtag Isn’t 2nd Amendment-y Enough.” He does not say other than quoting Wayne LaPierre, but the title is enough.

LaPierre said in an editorial:

“Tyrants and terrorists, like murderers, rapists and robbers, understand only one thing: force. They laugh at, and are emboldened by, weakness. That is why it is important to preserve and promote the right to keep and bear arms. An armed citizenry deters violence.”

How dare he? Doesn’t he know the power of Almighty HashTags ridding on  mighty unicorns over a field of multicolored shamrocks? With the power of Wishful Thinking and 140 characters, the kidnapped girls will be teleported to the loving arms of their parents….or then again more likely probably not.

But of course, the following little tidbit of news is not being shared by the idiots allegedly caring for what this girls went through and for what many others will also go through:

Hotoro, Nigeria (CNN) — Residents of three villages in northeastern Nigeria took security into their own hands this week, repelling attacks by Boko Haram insurgents and killing more than 200 of them, residents and officials said.

Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters stormed the villages of Menari, Tsangayari and Garawa in the ethnic Shuwa-dominated Kalabalge District on Tuesday. Boko Haram — the group responsible for the kidnapping of nearly 300 schoolgirls from the same region — was met with stiff resistance as locals put up a fierce fight, witnesses said.

How about that? Armed resistance dealt with the bad guys! Who in his Twitter Idled mind would have thunk it? And what do the rest of Nigerians want? Another exclusive Almighty HashTag? Nope, they want guns to fight the Boko Haram. Why?

A security source told SaharaReporters that Nigerians resident in many remote areas of the North-East seemed to have decided that the best way to repel incessant attacks by murderous gangs of Boko Haram insurgents was to take their destiny in their hands.

A member of the vigilante group involved in Friday’s ambush told Saturday Tribune that Nigerian soldiers appeared unable or unwilling to wage an effective war against the insurgents.

“They (soldiers) seem to be helpless and to fear the Boko Haram warriors who terrorise us here. But we are not afraid. They are men like us, and we are tired of folding our arms and allowing them to kill us, our wives and our children,” he said. (Written By CKN NIGERIA)

Terrorist on the loose, ineffective government and scared soldiers do not make for a happy lifestyle and people are just sick of that.

At the end of the day, a 7.62×39 will trump a hash tag.


Why do I insist on checking sources and not lying? Because of stuff like this…

As Longdon sat waiting for her flight, a screen in the concourse showed footage of the press conference. A tall, thin man standing nearby stared at Longdon, then back at the screen. Then he walked up to Longdon and spat in her face. No one else blinked.

Longdon was shocked and embarrassed, she told me, but she didn’t falter. “Wow, aren’t you a big man,” she said as he turned and walked away. Instead of calling for security, she wheeled herself to a restroom to clean herself off. She was tired—she lives with constant physical pain—and didn’t want to miss her flight.

via Busted! Mother Jones Caught Lying – Airport Spitting Incident Was a Hoax …UPDATED | Progressives Today.

This smelled funny as hell when it came out. I did notice that it did not get a whole lot of traction in any mayor outlet or even most of the Pro Gun groups so that kinda lend support to the idea that Denmark was indeed smelling rotten.

And it apparently is a very stinky lie. The devil is in the details and those are not panning out. Now what it is needed is somebody requesting the surveillance video for that date and time and see if we can see Ms. Longdon and this alleges attacker.

Five gives you ten she is not gonna be invited back to any more rallies unless it is proven it was all just the doing of Mother Jones.

They do all the lying and it is the ammunition we need to keep beating them. We do not need to resort to those tactics because we have truth on our side and it is a strategy that always comes back to bite you in the ass.

Suspect the Press & Check your memes.

Hat Tip to Bob Owens.

Mad Ogre on Stupid OC

Seriously,  you guys packing the AR-15’s everywhere… You are ruining Open Carry for Everyone. 
Once again, the Open Carry Extremists…. the guys that insist Open Carry means they can walk around with AR-15’s and not cause problems – are causing problems. You guys are turn open carry into a 2nd Amendment Gay Rights Parade. Something no one cares about – but you throw it everyone’s faces and dare people to say something. I don’t care if you are gay… But Chaps and a Thong is not dignified attire to be out in public in. Same with an AR-15 Rifle. This isn’t Israel. This isn’t Baghdad. And you are not a PMC Contractor… What you are is an insensitive jerk throwing your rights in people’s faces at the expense over everyone elses. That’s not the Libertarian Way. You are ruining Open Carry for everyone else you thoughtless twits!”

‘Nuff said.

So I found my BBQ Gun

Till a couple of days ago, I had heard the term BBQ Gun but did not know what it meant. I was promptly schooled by Tam via LawDog.

Now, a BBQ gun is a whole different animal. A BBQ gun is what you wear to barbeques, baby christenings, formal balls, and any other place where a fancy jacket or outfit would be worn.

Get your paws on a revolver. Smith & Wesson or Colt would be best, although I understand that Brazilian products are becoming accepted. Polished stainless at a minimum, and full-blown nickle is a better. And pony up for full engraving. Have the trigger, hammer, screws and ejection rod anodized blue, gold, or colour-case-hardened for the traditionalists.

And I found the perfect BBQ gun, at least for me. Now I need the budget and the darned Powerball ain’t smiling at me.

LeMat Raymond Wielgus
LeMat Revolver Engraved By Raymond Wielgus

You Can Stop Helping Anytime You Want, Thanks. (Again Part 2)

Ladd Everitt has a sweet time with Andy Raymond, the Maryland gun dealer that wanted to sell the Armatix iP1 and got chastised for it.

It was at that point that Andy reached out to me via email and asked us to delete his video from CSGV’s YouTube account (we refused to, but he got YouTube to yank it shortly thereafter).  A back and forth exchange ensued regarding insurrectionism and gun policy.  At some point, Andy stopped and asked me if I’d like to come to his store to “chit chat.”  We’d “just talk” and “keep it civil,” he said.  I told him that would be great, and asked him if we might also go shooting.  He told me no problem and we set a date.
Shooting with the Enemy, Part 2

And then this:

The real reason the NRA opposes the technology, of course, is that they don’t want any precedent established that the gun industry can be regulated for consumer health and safety

Or maybe because the patent of the transceiver (wristwatch) says it can be activated/de-activated from a remote location by a higher “hierarchy.”

Is there something in the water that I have not been told about? Where is this crop of idiots popping from?

You Bigot of the day: Former Lieutenant Governor of North Dakota (D) Lloyd Omdahl.

This is a situation that demands transparency. For those without weapons, it is important for them to know who is packing heat. This could be achieved by requiring everyone carrying a concealed weapon to wear a red cap or a shirt embossed with skull and crossbones, at least until everyone is equipped.

via Let’s help everyone stand some ground.

Hmmm.. I was thinking about other warning labels like a six-pointed Yellow Star armband or a Scarlet Letter. Maybe people with Concealed Carry permits should have their permit numbers tattooed in their forearms?  And there is the centuries old tradition of branding certain people deemed “dangerous” or “Immoral” with a hot iron in their foreheads or cheeks.

You gotta love when their true feelings float for all to see.

You Can Stop Helping Anytime You Want, Thanks. (Again)

Moms Demand just threw this out in the Facebook:
Moms Demand open carry slobs

Here is a bigger version of the picture:
Moms Demand open carry slobs 2

Dear So-called defenders of the Second Amendment: Can we at least try to dress like we weren’t just expelled out of the local homeless shelter or bought our all our clothing for under $10?

“But Miguel, it is my right so foyck you that’s why!” Guess what retard, it is my right too and you are not helping us by looking like the parody of Gun Owner the Opposition loves to spread around.  This happened in Texas and guess what will happen the next time the Open carry bill comes up in the legislature? Guess whose picture and behavior the Opposition will present to the public to garner support for their side?  Yes, those two idiots above will be the representation of our side.

And another thing, Shemaghs? Cool if you are fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, but they look stupid in Downtown Forth Worth (Or any other locale for that matter.) Full Chest rig with all kinds of MOLLE pouches and crap? Ditto.  In fact, nothing with MOLLE or in colors like Tan, Desert, Tropical or any kind of Cammo, not even sponsored by Duck Commander.

If your intention is to spread the a message, you can start by dressing with a tried and true US tradition: A T-Shirt.  But not any T-shirt but one representing an association and everybody wearing the same one. It calls attention, it says we are a group representing something and we want you to see our message. Here is an example:


These are the folks of Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA). Check for photos of their marches and gatherings in Google. That calls not only attention but positive attention, but they are truly dedicated Gun Rights advocates who most of the time had to go lobby on a work day paying their on way and the managed to beat the Cook County Political machine and get Concealed Carry in Illinois.

For the love of the god of your choosing.  If have troubles understanding the concept of the Battle of Perception, stay the hell home, chomp down on some Cheetos, order some Burger King (They now deliver) and watch some New Zealand Underground Anime.

We’ll do the work.

Update: Now this is how you Open Carry a rifle. With class.