

CSGV on the Original Interpretation of the Second Amendment.

Fresh off the Facebook page of the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence:
CSGV original interpretation 2And this is the insert:
CSGV original interpretation

Ever since Michael Belleiles, it has been clear that we cannot separate Higher Education historians from the rest of the College professorial community in their intent of re-writing history for political purposes.  Lying as the vernacular goes.

But what made me laugh is that I am on the last pages of Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring and there s a passage where it mentions that Congress, strapped for cash and in need of having to supply the Continental army with weapons, decided that it would be a good idea to confiscate the guns of the Tories (Pro England inhabitants) living within the Rebel areas and in that way they could kill the bird of supply and at the same time make sure they had antagonistic Loyalists in a relatively docile behavior.  An Army officer was dispatched to start the confiscation of the locals (much to his distaste) and returned shortly with the report that the Tories not only refused to turn in their weapons but that they swore that if they came back again, they would be shot through the head. Congress forego the stupid idea.

I swear that any day now, we are gonna read about a professor swearing up and down about his “research” that showed that only Police and the Military had guns when the Constitution was ratified and that there was a 15 day waiting period with a Background Check and Fingerprints before you could have been issued lead for bullet casting.

Wait, what do you mean there are gangs in Miami-Dade?

Breaking the cycle of violence has posed a major challenge for law enforcement. Many times, witnesses fear retaliation for cooperating with police. Sometimes, the only witnesses are suspected killers themselves. Other times, rival gangs dispense their own street justice before cops can make criminal cases.

Spurred by a spike in shootings late last year, Miami-Dade detectives — working with counterparts in surrounding cities and federal agents — have quietly created a task force aimed at cracking down on the worst thugs.

The early results, Miami-Dade police say, have been encouraging. Investigators have reopened a slew of unsolved non-fatal shooting cases, while arresting 15 suspects considered among the most violent offenders on various charges, including weapons counts

via Ganging up on the gangs: Police ramp up efforts to curb North Miami-Dade shootings – Miami-Dade – MiamiHerald.com.

If you have lived for any length of time in South Florida, you will have noticed that the word “Gang” is noticeable absent from any media report. This is besides the tradition of not giving the description of the subjects other than a generic age-range and God forbid you should mention the neighborhood. Drug-related crime? Why certainly you jest!  In fact, if you live in Oregon but are a fan of the TV Show The First 48, you were mote attuned to the Gang related murders than your average inhabitant of Miami-Dade County

Trapped in their politically correct conibears, the Intelligentsia needed to find a patsy to blame for the failure to address the killings and those are of Course the NRA, Gun Owners and Stand Your Ground Laws.  At least it is good to see that finally some among the Powers That Be have decided to do some tackling of the problem and go after culprits instead of blaming an “easy” political target.

Of course, this new crusade will last only as long as certain members of “Civil Rights” decide it is time to start tossing Race Cards like they were free drink coupons to strip joints.

The we will go back to blame the blameless… and let people die. Much better political business that way


“MDA” Was Right All Along!

A big man can always admit when he’s wrong. After much consideration, I’ve determined that the “gun-grabbing” group Moms Demand Action has been right all along. And what’s more fitting than releasing this article on Mothers Day, my special gift to the Moms Demanding Action.

After reviewing countless FBI and DOJ statistics, it’s become painfully obvious that they’re simply unreliable. The moms at MDA know better. After all, what sweet and innocent mother of 5 from Indiana would ever lie? When these FBI statistics show that almost all violent crimes are committed with illegal and/or stolen weapons, who would believe such rubbish?

via “MDA” Was Right All Along! | BuzzPoBuzzPo.

The snerk is heavy with this one 😀